Allison Deger of Mondofront has been duly impressed with the plethora of activities in the Bay area, celebrating Israel. Here's one more item you can add to your list, Allison. Tel Aviv Vibe. San francisco Pride parade. And yes, the crowd went wild.
Check out that ruach, Allison.
what? no float from hamas or the muslim brother hood for the pride parade?
I thought it was 'vibe'.
Anyway, vive la vibe.
Changed. Thanks. I should remember never to post while exhausted, cranky and/or undercaffiniated.
Filled with tea, Vietnamese iced coffee, fishballs, pickled jalapeños, noodly substances, and several Henry Dargers by early evening.
No longer exhausted, cranky, undercaffeinater, or undermedicated.
A very long day.
Fishballs? I didn't realize fish had those...
Fish are VERY interested in team sports, didn't you know?
Anyway, posted my own take on the event, here: greased meat.
Fishballs near the bottom.
It was the perfect lunch after waiting long hours to march on the asphalt - fishball & beef soup with wonderful rice noodles, fish cakes, tea and splendidly rich coffee. The Henry Dargers were a nice touch with which to end the day. That may be a new favorite drink.
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