Lately, it seems that any Palestinian structure that has been demolished has been retroactively claimed to be a "Covid-19 treatment center" or a "Coronavirus Testing Center".
Even when its a car dealership.
Last week, an unlicensed structure built in Area C(under exclusive Israeli control) was demolished and immediately after, sources on social media claimed it was a Coronavirus testing center.
No, the computer generated picture of a building with English lettering didn't seem to be a red flag to the "Israel is always wrong" cru.
Here's what the building actually looked like
And again, the lie went half-way across the world before the truth was done with its coffee.
From an article written by Palestinian journalist Khaled Abu Toameh in the Jerusalem Post:
Israel demolished Hebron car dealership, not 'COVID-19 center'
Civil Administration inspectors, who first noticed the structure on July 12, issued an order banning the continuation of the work. The car dealer, however, ignored the warning.
Palestinians working at the site told the inspectors that they were building a car exhibition for a Palestinian businessman from Hebron. The inspectors also spotted a sign with the name of the new car dealership business.
On July 21, Civil Administration bulldozers arrived at the site and demolished the illegally built structure.
Do some Palestinians and their Western enablers attempt to exploit a global pandemic for personal gain?
Yes they do.
“Contrary to the false claims, this was not a center for coronavirus testing,” a Civil Administration spokesman told The Jerusalem Post. “Also, it was not a health clinic. That’s a total lie.”
The unlicensed structure was being built for personal use, the spokesman said, adding that the Israeli authorities had not received any request from the PA or any international organization to build a coronavirus center.
“We condemn the cynical use of a global crisis at the expense of the Palestinians in Hebron,” he added.
The Palestinian Ministry of Health was also unaware of any pending plans to build a coronavirus testing center in Hebron.