Who is Khader Adnan?
Khader Adnan is a spokesperson for Islamic Jihad, a Palestinian militant group dedicated to the destruction of Israel. Islamic jihad is considered a terrorist group by the US, Canada, EU, and Australia. In 2005 Adnan was quoted in the Boston Globe as ‘repudiating any sort of ceasefire with Israel, and urging all Palestinian terror groups to resume fighting with Israel’. In an interview with al Jazeera he declared “we the PA and all the Palestinian people are in one trench and targeting the Zionist enemy”. He has been arrested by Israel and is being held in Administrative detention. He is currently in day 65 of a hunger strike in an effort to manipulate Israeli officials into releasing him.
Why was Khader Adnan taken into Custody?
Mr. Adnan’s latest detention “stems from involvement in actions that threaten regional security.”
What is Administrative Detention?
Administrative detention, “is a tool used when information pertaining to a case is based on sensitive sources that cannot be released.” In Israel, defendants retain the right to appeal in the military court and the High Court of Justice. Adnan’s case has been taken to Israel’s High Court of Justice and will be heard on Tuesday. if the high court determines there is no basis for his continued detention, then he will ultimately go free. There are approximately 300 administrative detainees in Israeli prisons.
Administrative Detention is used in many democracies, including the USA, the UK, Australia, Brazil and Ireland.
Adnan has been visited by his attorney, his family and by a doctor from Physicians for Human Rights-Israel . He is at the Ziv Medical Center in Safed . Adnan was reported lucid and able to communicate, said Anat Litvin, the director of the group’s prisoners and detainees department. Mr. Adnan is receiving an IV drip with salts and minerals to keep him hydrated.
Khader Adnan- ruthless instigator or gentle baker? You decide:
Will you hear any of this from the fans of this gentle "baker" with the "pregnant wife"? Not likely. Expect Adnan's Jihadi fans from Al -Awda at a protest in front of the Israel Consulate in San Francisco tomorrow, from 4 -7.
The guy's evil. Anyone who supports him is part of that evil.
Part of that evil in our very own community includes Lily Haskell, Ziad Abbas, Richard Becker, Jess Ghannam, Jack Fertig and a few others, who gathered in front of the Israeli Consulate this evening, in solidarity with a Islamic jihad leader.
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