From a JVP Press Release:
For immediate release.
Monday, March 12, 2012
William Seaman - (503) 888-7455
Ned Rosch - (503) 381-7011
Jewish Voice for Peace - Portland, Oregon
Portland's Jewish Voice for Peace condemns latest Israeli aggression against
Gaza's population.
(Portland, Oregon) -- The local chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace has called
for an immediate end to Israeli attacks on Gaza, and for the US government
to end its support for the operations which have killed at least eighteen
Palestinians in the last week. "We are heartsick and outraged at this
latest rampage by the Israeli military, raining down terror upon an already
traumatized and suffering people," said William Seaman, a member of the
Jewish Voice for Peace Portland chapter.
Why has Jewish Voice for Peace refused to acknowlege that those killed were literally in the process of targetting Israeli civilians for terror and death? Why are the lives of one million men, women and children living in terror of missile from Gaza secondary to the lives of those that chose to target them?
From Challah hu Akbar

Shadi Sayqali
Date of Birth: October 26, 1984
Education Level: High School
Marital Status: Married with three children
Title: Mujahid in Islamic Jihad’s Al-Quds Brigades - Missile Battalion
Date of Death: March 9, 2012

Ubeid Gharabli
Date of Birth: March 20, 1987
Marital Status: Married with one child
Title: Field Commander in Islamic Jihad’s Al-Quds Brigades.
Date of Death: March 9, 2012

Hazim Qureiqi
Date of Birth: August 28, 1979
Education Level: College; Majored in Commerce at the Al-Quds Open University
Marital Status: Married with four children
Title: Field Commander in Islamic Jihad’s Al-Quds Brigades - Missile Battalion
Date of Death: March 9, 2012
The self-serving hypocrisy of Jewish voice for peace comes across loud and clear from their last emailed missive, where they literally chortle regarding their success at shutting down the free speech of others. Stefanie Fox, who describes herself as the Director of Grassroots Organizing for Jewish Voice for Peace says she is "shouting for joy" at stiffling the voices of LGBT activists in Seattle.
Moderation from JVP? Nope. Not in our wildest dreams
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