Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosors' full address to the U.N. General Assembly in New York, November 29, 2012
Mr. President,
Today I stand before you tall and proud because I represent the world's one and only Jewish state. A state built in the Jewish people's ancient homeland, with its eternal capital Jerusalem as its beating heart.
We are a nation with deep roots in the past and bright hopes for the future. We are a nation that values idealism, but acts with pragmatism. Israel is a nation that never hesitates to defend itself, but will always extend its hand for peace.
Peace is a central value of Israeli society. The bible calls on us:
בקש שלום ורדפהו
“seek peace and pursue it.”
Peace fills our art and poetry. It is taught in our schools. It has been the goal of the Israeli people and every Israeli leader since Israel was re-established 64 years ago.
Israel’s Declaration of Independence states, “We extend our hand to all neighbouring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neighborliness, and appeal to them to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual help...”
This week was the 35th anniversary of President Anwar Sadat's historic visit to Jerusalem. In a speech just before that visit, President Sadat famously stood in the Egyptian parliament in Cairo and stated that he would go "to the ends of the earth" to make peace with Israel.
Israel’s prime minister at the time, Menachem Begin, welcomed President Sadat to Israel, and paved the way for peace. This morning Prime Minister Netanyahu stood at the Menachem Begin Center and said this about the resolution that you are about to vote on:
"Israel is prepared to live in peace with a Palestinian state, but for peace to endure, Israel’s security must be protected. The Palestinians must recognize the Jewish State and they must be prepared to end the conflict with Israel once and for all.
None of these vital interests, these vital interests of peace, none of them appear in the resolution that will be put forward before the General Assembly today and that is why Israel cannot accept it. The only way to achieve peace is through agreements that are reached by the parties and not through U.N. resolutions that completely ignore Israel’s vital security and national interests. And because this resolution is so one-sided, it doesn’t advance peace, it pushes it backwards.
As for the rights of Jewish people in this land, I have a simple message for those people gathered in the General Assembly today, no decision by the U.N. can break the 4,000-year-old bond between the people of Israel and the land of Israel."
Mr. President,
The People of Israel wait for a Palestinian leader that is willing to follow in the path of President Sadat. The world waits for President Abbas to speak the truth that peace can only be achieved through negotiations by recognizing Israel as a Jewish State. It waits for him to tell them that peace must also address Israel's security needs and end the conflict once and for all.
For as long as President Abbas prefers symbolism over reality, as long as he prefers to travel to New York for U.N. resolutions, rather than travel to Jerusalem for genuine dialogue, any hope of peace will be out of reach.
Mr. President,
Israel has always extended its hand for peace and will always extend its hand for peace. When we faced an Arab leader who wanted peace, we made peace. That was the case with Egypt. That was the case with Jordan.
Time and again, we have sought peace with the Palestinians. Time and again, we have been met by rejection of our offers, denial of our rights, and terrorism targeting our citizens.
President Abbas described today’s proceedings as “historic”. But the only thing historic about his speech is how much it ignored history.
The truth is that 65 years ago today, the United Nations voted to partition the British Mandate into two states: a Jewish state, and an Arab state. Two states for two peoples.
Israel accepted this plan. The Palestinians and Arab nations around us rejected it and launched a war of annihilation to throw the "Jews into the sea".
The truth is that from 1948 until 1967, the West Bank was ruled by Jordan, and Gaza was ruled by Egypt. The Arab states did not lift a finger to create a Palestinian state. Instead they sought Israel’s destruction, and were joined by newly formed Palestinian terrorist organizations.
The truth is that at Camp David in 2000, and again at Annapolis in 2008, Israeli leaders made far-reaching offers for peace. Those offers were met by rejection, evasion, and even terrorism.
The truth is that to advance peace, in 2005 Israel dismantled entire communities and uprooted thousands of people from their homes in the Gaza Strip. And rather than use this opportunity to build a peaceful future, the Palestinians turned Gaza into an Iranian terror base, from which thousands of rockets were fired into Israeli cities. As we were reminded just last week, the area has been turned into a launching pad for rockets into Israeli cities, a haven for global terrorists, and an ammunition dump for Iranian weapons.
Time after time, the Palestinian leadership refused to accept responsibility. They refused to make the tough decisions for peace.
Israel remains committed to peace, but we will not establish another Iranian terror base in the heart of our country.
We need a peace that will ensure a secure future for Israel.
Three months ago, Israel's Prime Minister stood in this very hall and extended his hand in peace to President Abbas. He reiterated that his goal was to create a solution of two-states for two-peoples — where a demiliteralized Palestinian state will recognize Israel as a Jewish State.
That's right. Two states for two peoples.
In fact, President Abbas, I did not hear you use the phrase "two states for two peoples" this afternoon. In fact, I have never heard you say the phrase "two states for two peoples". Because the Palestinian leadership has never recognized that Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people.
They have never been willing to accept what this very body recognized 65 years ago. Israel is the Jewish state.
In fact, today you asked the world to recognize a Palestinian state, but you still refuse to recognize the Jewish state.
Not only do you not recognize the Jewish state, you are also trying to erase Jewish history. This year, you even tried to erase the connection between the Jewish people and Jerusalem. You said that Jews were trying to alter the historic character of Jerusalem. You said that we are trying to "Judaize Jerusalem".
President Abbas, the truth is that Jerusalem had a Jewish character long before most cities in the world had any character! Three thousand years ago King David ruled from Jerusalem and Jews have lived in Jerusalem ever since.
President Abbas, instead of revising history, it is time that you started making history by making peace with Israel.
Mr. President,
This resolution will not advance peace.
This resolution will not change the situation on the ground. It will not change the fact that the Palestinian Authority has no control over Gaza. That is 40 percent of the territory he claims to represent!
President Abbas, you can't even visit nearly half the territory of the state you claim to represent.
That territory is controlled by Hamas, an internationally recognized terrorist organization that rains missiles on Israel’s civilians. This is the same Hamas that fired more than 1,300 rockets into the heart of Israel’s major cities this month.
This resolution will not confer statehood on the Palestinian Authority, which clearly fails to meet the criteria for statehood.
This resolution will not enable the Palestinians Authority to join international treaties, organizations, or conferences as a state.
This resolution cannot serve as an acceptable terms of reference for peace negotiations with Israel. Because this resolution says nothing about Israel's security needs. It does not call on the Palestinians to recognize Israel as the Jewish State. It does not demand an end of conflict and a termination of all claims.
Let me tell you what this resolution does do.
This resolution violates a fundamental binding commitment. This is a commitment that many of the states here today were themselves witness to. It was a commitment that all outstanding issues in the peace process would only be resolved in direct negotiations.
This resolution sends a message that the international community is willing to turn a blind eye to peace agreements. For the people of Israel, it raises a simple question: why continue to make painful sacrifices for peace, in exchange for pieces of paper that the other side will not honor?
It will make a negotiated peace settlement less likely, as Palestinians continue to harden their positions and place further obstacles and preconditions to negotiations and peace.
And unfortunately, it will raise expectations that cannot be met, which has always proven to be a recipe for conflict and instability.
There is only one route to Palestinian statehood. And that route does not run through this chamber in New York. That route runs through direct negotiations between Jerusalem and Ramallah that will lead to a secure and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
There are no shortcuts. No quick fixes. No instant solutions. As President Obama, said in 2010, "Peace cannot be imposed from the outside."
The real message of this resolution for the people of Israel is that the international community will turn a blind eye to violations of these agreements by the Palestinians.
Mr. President,
In submitting this resolution, the Palestinian leadership is once again making the wrong choice.
65 years ago the Palestinians could have chosen to live side-by-side with the Jewish State of Israel. 65 years ago they could have chosen to accept the solution of two states for two peoples. They rejected it then, and they are rejecting it again today.
The international community should not encourage this rejection. It should not encourage the Palestinian leadership to drive forward recklessly with both feet pressing down on the gas, no hands on the wheel, and no eyes on the road.
Instead it should encourage the Palestinians to enter into direct negotiations without preconditions in order to achieve an historic peace in which a demilitarized Palestinian state recognizes the Jewish state.
Mr. President,
Winston Churchill said, “The truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it … ignorance may deride it … malice may distort it … but there it is.”
The truth is that Israel wants peace, and the Palestinians are avoiding peace.
Those who are supporting the resolution today are not advancing peace. They are undermining peace.
The U.N. was founded to advance the cause of peace. Today the Palestinians are turning their back on peace. Don't let history record that today the U.N. helped them along on their march of folly.
Thank you, Mr. President.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Guerrilla Ad Campaigns. Fail.
The BDS holes have occasionally used "plop art" to illegally spread their propaganda. The life expectancy of these productions is minimal- most are removed immediately, but, yeah, the photos live on forever, and its all about making a splash on the web anyway. Its all about the illusion, not the reality of doing something productive.
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Anarchist Kate Raphael gazes upon her work. I know exactly what she's thinking. |
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"Dammit!!!! Why didn't I proofread these before I printed them" |
BDS fail, no, just fail, in so many many ways.
guerrilla ad,
Kate Raphael,
Land Day,
plop art
Obama's Silence
Mike L.
{Cross-Posted at Israel Thrives and Geoffff's Joint, Bar and Grill.}

And now that the Obama administration has helped install the Muslim Brotherhood into power in Egypt, and now that Morsi and the Brotherhood are beginning the process of stripping the Egyptian government of its democratic institutions, will Obama speak up?
So far nothing. Silence.
Just as Obama was silent when the Iranian people took to the streets in opposition to their theocratic regime, so Obama is silent now as the Egyptian people take to the streets in opposition to their theocratic regime.
I do not know why Obama does what he does. Some claim that he's a Jihadi, which is to say, some think that he wants to see the spread of political Islam throughout the Middle East and, although that is not my interpretation, it is not particularly difficult to see why many people would draw such a conclusion. The so-called "Arab Spring" was / is the rise of political Islam and if you support the "Arab Spring," whatever your best intentions... however naive they may be... then you are supporting political Islam, which is the most viciously reactionary conservative political movement in the world today.
My own sense is that Obama supported the "Arab Spring" for the same reason that so many well-meaning progressives did so, because he honestly thought that it was the great up-welling of Arab democracy. Those of us with a little more basic common sense were willing to wait and see before jumping to any such conclusions, which is why I have concluded that Obama is not particularly bright. He has intelligence in the way that George W. Bush had intelligence, which is the intelligence of the crafty politician, but he didn't have enough intelligence to see either the Muslim Brotherhood or the "Arab Spring" for what they are.
He can have no such delusions now, however, because Muhammed Morsi just did what people like Barry Rubin told us he was going to do all along. He is stripping back the thin veneer of Egyptian democracy because the goal of the movement was never democratic to begin with. Dictators may very well use the ballot to come to power, but just as Hamas has not had an election since coming to office, do not expect to see another national Egyptian election in 4 years or 6 years or 8.
If I were a betting man, which I am, I would put down good money on the bet that there is no way that the Muslim Brotherhood is going to risk losing power through the ballot box now that it has finally, after almost 90 years struggling in the opposition, come into its own.
And for that we can, at least in part, thank Barack Obama.
Perhaps now we can finally put away the silly notion that Obama is playing three dimensional chess in an effort to outfox political Islam. That was never the case. Obama is not some sort of grand thinker, above the scene, moving the pieces of a vast and complex geopolitical chess board. He is rather, like most presidents, I suppose, a guy of average intelligence in a job that is way over his head. I am certain that he means well, but I also do not care what his intentions are as I look out at the results.
So many of us were so hopeful for this presidency, and remember that I voted for him as well the first time around, that we were (and are) willing to overlook almost anything that he does in order to maintain the delusion that Barack Obama represents the greatness of progressive political craftsmanship. The truth of the matter is that he represents nothing so much as the failed aspirations of one struggling to maintain some measure of control in world that is significantly different from what Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said said it was.
His supporters will never admit this to themselves, however, because that would require looking at the last four years with fresh eyes and open minds.
I wouldn't gamble on it.
{Cross-Posted at Israel Thrives and Geoffff's Joint, Bar and Grill.}
Thousands of Egyptians gather at Cairo’s Tahrir square for anti-Morsi rally
CAIRO — Thousands flocked to Cairo’s central Tahrir square on Tuesday for a protest against Egypt’s president in a significant test of whether the opposition can rally the street behind it in a confrontation aimed at forcing the Islamist leader to rescind decrees that granted him near absolute powers.
Waving Egypt’s red, white and black flags and chanting slogans against President Mohammed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood, the protesters joined several hundreds who have been camping out at the square since Friday demanding the decrees be revoked...When Barack Obama made the foolish decision to support the "Arab Spring" he claimed to do so out of support for democracy and support for the people's wishes throughout the Middle East. I have never understood how supporting theocratic dictatorships in the movement for political Islam could possibly be considered support for democracy when those dictatorships are anything but democratic. Yet this is what we were told and Obama supporters lapped it up like cream.
The president’s declaration last week of new powers for himself has energized and — to a degree unified — the mostly liberal and secular opposition after months of divisions and uncertainty while Islamists from the Muslim Brotherhood and other groups rose to dominate the political landscape.
And now that the Obama administration has helped install the Muslim Brotherhood into power in Egypt, and now that Morsi and the Brotherhood are beginning the process of stripping the Egyptian government of its democratic institutions, will Obama speak up?
So far nothing. Silence.
Just as Obama was silent when the Iranian people took to the streets in opposition to their theocratic regime, so Obama is silent now as the Egyptian people take to the streets in opposition to their theocratic regime.
I do not know why Obama does what he does. Some claim that he's a Jihadi, which is to say, some think that he wants to see the spread of political Islam throughout the Middle East and, although that is not my interpretation, it is not particularly difficult to see why many people would draw such a conclusion. The so-called "Arab Spring" was / is the rise of political Islam and if you support the "Arab Spring," whatever your best intentions... however naive they may be... then you are supporting political Islam, which is the most viciously reactionary conservative political movement in the world today.
My own sense is that Obama supported the "Arab Spring" for the same reason that so many well-meaning progressives did so, because he honestly thought that it was the great up-welling of Arab democracy. Those of us with a little more basic common sense were willing to wait and see before jumping to any such conclusions, which is why I have concluded that Obama is not particularly bright. He has intelligence in the way that George W. Bush had intelligence, which is the intelligence of the crafty politician, but he didn't have enough intelligence to see either the Muslim Brotherhood or the "Arab Spring" for what they are.
He can have no such delusions now, however, because Muhammed Morsi just did what people like Barry Rubin told us he was going to do all along. He is stripping back the thin veneer of Egyptian democracy because the goal of the movement was never democratic to begin with. Dictators may very well use the ballot to come to power, but just as Hamas has not had an election since coming to office, do not expect to see another national Egyptian election in 4 years or 6 years or 8.
If I were a betting man, which I am, I would put down good money on the bet that there is no way that the Muslim Brotherhood is going to risk losing power through the ballot box now that it has finally, after almost 90 years struggling in the opposition, come into its own.
And for that we can, at least in part, thank Barack Obama.
Perhaps now we can finally put away the silly notion that Obama is playing three dimensional chess in an effort to outfox political Islam. That was never the case. Obama is not some sort of grand thinker, above the scene, moving the pieces of a vast and complex geopolitical chess board. He is rather, like most presidents, I suppose, a guy of average intelligence in a job that is way over his head. I am certain that he means well, but I also do not care what his intentions are as I look out at the results.
So many of us were so hopeful for this presidency, and remember that I voted for him as well the first time around, that we were (and are) willing to overlook almost anything that he does in order to maintain the delusion that Barack Obama represents the greatness of progressive political craftsmanship. The truth of the matter is that he represents nothing so much as the failed aspirations of one struggling to maintain some measure of control in world that is significantly different from what Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said said it was.
His supporters will never admit this to themselves, however, because that would require looking at the last four years with fresh eyes and open minds.
I wouldn't gamble on it.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Beware the Zio-Bunnies
The menagerie of animals under Zionist control continues to grow Our friend at Elder of Ziyon has been diligently keeping score.
First, there were the Evil Zionist Super-Rats Then there were the dreaded Zio-Boars. Do your children still have nightmares regarding the Zionist Sheep of Terror and the Zio-cows of destruction ? Of course, our souls cry in anguish at the exploits of the Spy Vultures of Doom.
But nothing, nothing in our wildest imagination could ever have prepared us for the fiendish Zio-bunnies.
Its clear that the local sleeper cell of Zio-bunnies has been activated. No more sleeping in sunbeams for this squad.
Smuggled out at tremendous personal risk, we bring you this photo of the nefarious lagomorphic terror squad. Having removed Anti-Israel removed plop art from MacArthur BART, the devilish bunnies are busy destroying the evidence.
This newly activated cell of Mossad trained of zio-bunnies is becoming increasingly active in the San Francisco Bay area, and has been implicated in countless other shameless acts of vandalism
When will PETA and other animal rights groups take a stand and condemn this cynical Zionist exploitation of rabbits for political gain? When will the world wake up?
Thank you, Eric Lee: Why Socialists Need to Reject Extremism
Many of us in the Bay Area first realized the truth about the Palestinian "solidarity" movement during the early ANSWER rallies. It was clear from the chants, the signage and the overt antisemitism that this wasn't a peace movement, supporting the right of the Palestinian people to self determination along side of Israel. It wasn't about peace with Israel- it was about the elimination of Israel. Richard Becker himself publicly called, not for peace, but for the "victory of the resistance". For some, however, the truth took longer to manifest itself.
Eric Lee describes his "eureka moment" at the labor solidarity website "Workers Liberty" , a socialist working class labor solidarity organization out of England: He writes:
Thank you, Eric Lee. For anyone who supports a vision of a truly just world to stand with those chanting "From the River to the Sea" or "We support the Intifada " is a disgrace.
Eric Lee describes his "eureka moment" at the labor solidarity website "Workers Liberty" , a socialist working class labor solidarity organization out of England: He writes:
At first glance, who could oppose the Palestine Solidarity Campaign? The very name implies one of the most noble human aspirations — solidarity with a people. And in particular a people like the Palestinians, whose suffering is genuine.
No doubt many people who join the PSC, attend its demonstrations, donate money to it or encourage their unions to back it are expressing their support for the idea of solidarity with the Palestinians.
But there’s a difference — a huge one — between showing solidarity with the Palestinians and supporting the PSC.
Despite the PSC’s best efforts to convince everyone that these are one and the same thing, they aren’t.
And this becomes obvious whenever things heat up in Israel and Palestine, and when war is in the air.
Recently, I found myself at the demonstration of the PSC opposite the Israeli embassy in Kensington.
The call for the demonstration focussed on the Israeli air offensive against Gaza and was issued at a time when the only casualties seemed to be Hamas fighters, in particular Ahmed al-Jabari, the leader of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.
Still, by the time demonstrators began to arrive at the embassy, things had gotten worse and a number of civilians — on both sides — had been killed.
The demonstration would have focussed on those killings, right?
It would have called for a cease-fire or something like that, wouldn’t it?
But the very first thing I heard was not a call for an end to the violence — which would have been understandable and would have gotten sympathy from anyone — but instead was the chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”.
From the river to the sea?
Sorry, but there’s no way to be polite about this. That chant, and the PSC’s own logo of a map of Palestine from the river to the sea, and the subsequent chanting of “Israel out of Palestine” really could mean only one thing.
The demonstrators, or at least the people leading the chanting and making up the slogans, were supporting a one-state agenda, a solution to the century-old conflict between Israelis and Palestinians by demanding that one side pack up and leave.
As it’s unlikely the Israelis are going to do this voluntarily, realistically what the demonstrators were calling for was the expulsion of the Jews from Palestine.
Not from the illegal settlements in the West Bank — no one mentioned those.
The Jews are to leave “Palestine” — from the river to the sea. This is an exterminationist agenda. I don’t think that’s too strong a term.
These are not people who dislike Israelis or Jews, or who want to discriminate against them, or put them in their place, or treat them as second class citizens. That would be ordinary anti-Semitism.
This is a different kind of anti-Semitism, the kind that imagines a Palestine without its six million Jews, from the river to the sea.
An exterminationist anti-Semitism whose solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would be another Holocaust.
Of course one expects to see radical Islamists at a demonstration like this — after all, that’s been their agenda for decades.
But it’s not the agenda of the mainstream Palestinian national movement, not anymore.
It’s been nearly a quarter of century now since Arafat and the leadership of the PLO embraced the two-state solution, which paved the way to the Oslo accords.
Palestinian President Abbas isn’t calling for driving the Jews into the sea. The Palestinian trade unions aren’t calling for that. But that’s what the Palestine Solidarity Campaign was doing in Kensington — that’s their agenda.
So what was the Socialist Party doing there — a party which historically opposes the boycott of Israel and which supports a two-state solution?
On their website, they write that “The Palestinians and the Israeli Jews have a right to their own separate states.” They don’t say that one of those states will be in Palestine, and the other — in the sea?
And what was the SWP doing there, for that matter? Do they too support the expulsion of the Jews from Palestine?
It is fitting and proper for people who are shocked by the violence, and angry at the decision of the Israeli government, to protest and to show their solidarity with Palestine.
But to do so by chanting for the destruction of the Jewish state is to do the Palestinians no service.
For socialists to participate in such a demonstration is a disgrace.
Thank you, Eric Lee. For anyone who supports a vision of a truly just world to stand with those chanting "From the River to the Sea" or "We support the Intifada " is a disgrace.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
When Black Friday Comes: Ignoring the Hate
Black Friday is the next day o'rage for the Bay Area Israel haters, and Soda Stream is the main object of their wrath. Ignoring the chance to be with family and friends, the haters chose to spend their time venting their anger against the only democracy in the Middle East, and specifically against a carbonated beverage maker headquartered there.
Their schedule follows:
San Francisco Boycott Soda Stream, Bed Bath & Beyond, Larkspur Landing, 10:00 a.m.
San Francisco Women in black vigil, Union Square, 12:00 p.m.
San Francisco Boycott Soda Stream, Macy’s, Union Sq, 1:00 p.m.
Their schedule follows:
San Francisco Boycott Soda Stream, Bed Bath & Beyond, Larkspur Landing, 10:00 a.m.
San Francisco Women in black vigil, Union Square, 12:00 p.m.
San Francisco Boycott Soda Stream, Macy’s, Union Sq, 1:00 p.m.
San Francisco Civic Centre (meet at City Hall steps), 2:00 p.m.
San Francisco Israeli Consulate, 4:00 p.m.
San Francisco Israeli Consulate, 4:00 p.m.
What do you need to know about Sodastream?
SodaStream has a production facility in "Area C" in the disputed territories, which according to the
Oslo agreements signed by Israel and the Palestinian Authority remains under Israeli authority until a
final agreement is signed by both parties.
Oslo agreements signed by Israel and the Palestinian Authority remains under Israeli authority until a
final agreement is signed by both parties.
SodaStream is one of the largest employers of Palestinians in a region with a 20% unemployment rate. (Notice how the Palestinians are not boycotting Sodastream ) SodaStream pays its Palestinian employees wages that are on a par with Israeli ones and are 4-6 times the local wages. SodaStream also provides all their employees with full benefits .. Palestinians and Israelis work for SodaStream side by side.
Sodastream has been hugely successful, despite the deliberate campaign of misinformation surrounding it.
From Bloomberg Reports: June 2011
SodaStream, based in Airport City, Israel surged 6.1
percent to $37.60 by the close in New York, the highest since
March 12. The shares have advanced 15 percent in 2012 and trade
at 17.9 times estimated earnings.
The stores can't keep the products in stock.
The number of Wal-Mart stores in the U.S. that are out of
stock or have a limited number of the company’s soda makers has
grown every week since June 4, according to the e-mailed Moness
Crespi report dated today. Inventory of SodaStream products also
decreased at Target Corp. and Macy’s Inc. following Father’s
Day, the report showed.
Sodastream is doing well financially,. More and more stores are carrying it- from major retail outlets to boutique gourmet stores. Its' featured predominately in many Christmas catalogs. Its a product that's fun, economical and ecologically sound. Whats not to love?
The concentrated BDS campaign against Sodastream has accomplished nothing, affecting neither consumer sales nor retail confidence in the product. Nothing. Nada. Zero. Zilch. A tactic which has produced nothing in years but a scattering of youtube moments is irrelevant For this reason, local pro-Israel activists have chosen to ignore the cheap theatrics directed against Sodastream, We're going to stay home instead, eat leftovers, and enjoy the ones we love.
For this, we're all thankful.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Violence and antisemitism at San Francisco anti-Israel rally
Sorry for the clip show.
One of our friends made this "worst of San Francisco" clip to document the vicious antisemitism and violence from this weeks anti-Israel protests at the local Israel Consulate. Footage came from a variety of local sources.
Its got it all. From a feeding frenzy of young jihadis screaming "Allah Akbar" while they tear apart a stolen Israeli flag to gratuitous antisemitism and mayhem. This wasn't filmed in Pakistan, or in Somalia. This was filmed in San Francisco.
These rallies show, if case you had any doubt left, that these are not peace activists. Real peace activists would not have been silent while rockets rained down on Israeli civilians. Real peace activists wouldn't steal flags from the hands of elderly people. Real peace activists wouldn't kick a 63 year old man in the groin.
Yitzhak Santis discusses the silence of the NGO's- non governmental organizations- in a new article in the J weekly today. He writes:
We're in the first few hours of a cease-fire now. Lets pray that it holds, and that there is no more loss of life on either side of the border
One of our friends made this "worst of San Francisco" clip to document the vicious antisemitism and violence from this weeks anti-Israel protests at the local Israel Consulate. Footage came from a variety of local sources.
Its got it all. From a feeding frenzy of young jihadis screaming "Allah Akbar" while they tear apart a stolen Israeli flag to gratuitous antisemitism and mayhem. This wasn't filmed in Pakistan, or in Somalia. This was filmed in San Francisco.
These rallies show, if case you had any doubt left, that these are not peace activists. Real peace activists would not have been silent while rockets rained down on Israeli civilians. Real peace activists wouldn't steal flags from the hands of elderly people. Real peace activists wouldn't kick a 63 year old man in the groin.
Yitzhak Santis discusses the silence of the NGO's- non governmental organizations- in a new article in the J weekly today. He writes:
"Silence is golden. So goes the proverb. But silence can be deadly when nongovernmental organizations claiming the mantles of human rights and peace fail to speak out when the lives of millions of Israelis are threatened by indiscriminate rocket fire. Each rocket from Gaza is a war crime, but only after Israel responded forcefully on Nov. 14 did these NGOs suddenly speak.He highlights the hypocrisy of groups like Jewish voice for Peace which continues to provide cover to anti-Semites and to aid and abet those that would have Israel destroyed. Read the whole article here.
In the weeks prior to Operation Pillar of Defense, one such group, the Oakland-based Jewish Voice for Peace, lost its voice when Hamas and other terror groups were bombarding southern Israel. JVP was silent as 1 million Israelis were forced into shelters, as dozens were wounded, and children were traumatized.
Only after the Israel Defense Forces responded was JVP’s laryngitis cured. In record time, they created a section on their website called “Take Action for Gaza” complete with links to anti-Israel protests around the world (at the Nov. 16 San Francisco protest promoted on this list, “peace activists” chanted “Zionist scum, your time has come”) and a “Gaza protest toolkit.” The “toolkit” offers downloadable graphics with slogans like “Another Jew Against Attacks on Civilians. Stop the Bombs. Stop the Siege. Stop the Blank Check to the Israeli Military with U.S. Tax Dollars.”
But JVP offers no slogans protesting Hamas war crimes against Israeli civilians.
In a further display of cynically exploiting moral values, JVP’s official press release explicitly blames the Gaza crisis on Israel. Not until the statement’s fourth sentence, without naming Hamas or any other terror group, does JVP “also urge the end of rocket attacks from Gaza into civilian communities in Israel.” Their statement also holds Israel responsible “for the well-being and safety of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.” But JVP fails to hold Hamas responsible for the safety of Israeli civilians. Nor does JVP’s statement demand that Hamas protect Gazans situated near weapons depots and launch sites deliberately placed by Hamas in populated areas."
We're in the first few hours of a cease-fire now. Lets pray that it holds, and that there is no more loss of life on either side of the border
Obama Has Hamas's Back
{Cross-Posted at Israel Thrives and Geoffff's Joint, Bar and Grill.}
Mike L.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton flew into Jerusalem yesterday in order to prevent Israel from performing a ground invasion into Gaza and thereby potentially taking out the radical Jihadi Hamas regime.
Barack Obama, who has significantly undermined Jewish well-being through promoting Islamist organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood, has claimed that he supports Israel's right to self-defense even as he undermines and dilutes that self-defense through an inconsistent foreign policy. Whether it means taking out Hamas or taking out Iranian nukes, the Obama administration can be counted on to protect radical Islamic interests at the expense of the Jewish state of Israel.
The progressive-left, including the Obama administration, has shown that they consider Jewish life to be rather cheap and will do whatever they can to make sure that Jewish people remain sitting ducks in that part of the world. While Israel is increasingly surrounded by radical Islamist regimes that hold genocidal intentions toward Jews, the Obama administration has done what it could to make certain these misogynistic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, and non-democratic regimes come into power allegedly in the name of "democracy."
Meanwhile Hamas is now sending suicide bombers back into Israel, blowing up a Tel Aviv bus today injuring twenty-eight people and signaling what may be the start of the Third Terror War (intifada). While Hamas was sending hundred of rockets into Israel, making life unlivable for a million Israelis in the southern part of that country, the Obama administration was silent. Now that Israel has begun to fight back the administration is pressuring it to stand down and take its punishment.
As "Pnina," an Israeli commenter put it:
Only Israel can protect itself and relying on the goodwill of this particular American regime is clearly a very, very bad idea.
Mike L.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton flew into Jerusalem yesterday in order to prevent Israel from performing a ground invasion into Gaza and thereby potentially taking out the radical Jihadi Hamas regime.
Barack Obama, who has significantly undermined Jewish well-being through promoting Islamist organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood, has claimed that he supports Israel's right to self-defense even as he undermines and dilutes that self-defense through an inconsistent foreign policy. Whether it means taking out Hamas or taking out Iranian nukes, the Obama administration can be counted on to protect radical Islamic interests at the expense of the Jewish state of Israel.
The progressive-left, including the Obama administration, has shown that they consider Jewish life to be rather cheap and will do whatever they can to make sure that Jewish people remain sitting ducks in that part of the world. While Israel is increasingly surrounded by radical Islamist regimes that hold genocidal intentions toward Jews, the Obama administration has done what it could to make certain these misogynistic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, and non-democratic regimes come into power allegedly in the name of "democracy."
Meanwhile Hamas is now sending suicide bombers back into Israel, blowing up a Tel Aviv bus today injuring twenty-eight people and signaling what may be the start of the Third Terror War (intifada). While Hamas was sending hundred of rockets into Israel, making life unlivable for a million Israelis in the southern part of that country, the Obama administration was silent. Now that Israel has begun to fight back the administration is pressuring it to stand down and take its punishment.
As "Pnina," an Israeli commenter put it:
Any effective self defense will cause many civilian casualties in Gaza because Hamas uses civilians as human sheilds, so we’re not allowed effective self defense at pains of isolation, which means starving our economy and denying us military equipment – either die slowly or die quickly, our “allies” tell us.I don't know exactly what Israel should do, but what I do know is that Barack Obama most certainly does not have Israel's back. On the contrary, Obama has clearly shown that he has the back of the Muslim Brotherhood and the back of the Little Brotherhood in Gaza, Hamas.
Only Israel can protect itself and relying on the goodwill of this particular American regime is clearly a very, very bad idea.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Want to Help? Volunteer for Israel
From a press release from our friends at Volunteers for Israel
Volunteers for Israel Remain on IDF Bases, Serving Despite Conflict.
More Volunteers Needed.Press Release
By Steve Plotkin
Since 1982, more than 30,000 American civilians have joined Volunteers for Israel and signed on as short-term volunteers doing noncombatant civilian work with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on bases throughout Israel. Volunteer work includes packing medical supplies, refurbishing electronic equipment, repairing machinery, and performing logistic assignments wherever they are needed. Sar-El is the Israeli organization that coordinates with VFI and oversees assignments.
During the Pillar of Defense operations, and demonstrating their commitment, no volunteers have departed early, and many have extended their stay. Others have been relocated from bases in the South to other locations. Some bases have moved to double shifts. Several American student groups with displaced teaching duties in Israel also have volunteered to join VFI's efforts.
Additional volunteers are needed for programs starting Nov. 25, Dec. 16, Dec. 23, Jan 6 and Jan. 27, for one or more weeks. There is increased flexibility regarding starting dates so that volunteers can join existing programs on Sundays. Should a ground war begin in Gaza, more volunteers will be needed from December through March 2013.
For additional information about Volunteers for Israel, please refer to, email info at, or call 866-514-1948. The web site, under "Contact Us," shows U.S. regional representatives.
No matter the task, the Volunteers for Israel's focus is always to lend our hands and assure Israel that she does not stand alone. Worldwide, more than 4,500 people a year travel to Israel to volunteer their services on an army base, maintaining their pioneering spirit.
VFI is a non-profit 501(c)3, non-political, non-sectarian organization.
Volunteers for Israel Remain on IDF Bases, Serving Despite Conflict.
More Volunteers Needed.Press Release
By Steve Plotkin
Since 1982, more than 30,000 American civilians have joined Volunteers for Israel and signed on as short-term volunteers doing noncombatant civilian work with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on bases throughout Israel. Volunteer work includes packing medical supplies, refurbishing electronic equipment, repairing machinery, and performing logistic assignments wherever they are needed. Sar-El is the Israeli organization that coordinates with VFI and oversees assignments.
During the Pillar of Defense operations, and demonstrating their commitment, no volunteers have departed early, and many have extended their stay. Others have been relocated from bases in the South to other locations. Some bases have moved to double shifts. Several American student groups with displaced teaching duties in Israel also have volunteered to join VFI's efforts.
Additional volunteers are needed for programs starting Nov. 25, Dec. 16, Dec. 23, Jan 6 and Jan. 27, for one or more weeks. There is increased flexibility regarding starting dates so that volunteers can join existing programs on Sundays. Should a ground war begin in Gaza, more volunteers will be needed from December through March 2013.
For additional information about Volunteers for Israel, please refer to, email info at, or call 866-514-1948. The web site, under "Contact Us," shows U.S. regional representatives.
No matter the task, the Volunteers for Israel's focus is always to lend our hands and assure Israel that she does not stand alone. Worldwide, more than 4,500 people a year travel to Israel to volunteer their services on an army base, maintaining their pioneering spirit.
VFI is a non-profit 501(c)3, non-political, non-sectarian organization.
This is what a Qassam can do
The next time an apologist for terror says the rockets from Gaza are "crude" or "homemade", remember this photo. This is what a qassam can do A rocket from Gaza hit this car in Beersheba earlier today destroying it completely. A bystander was injured.
An open Letter to Eyad Kishawi
An open letter to Eyad Kishawi of Al Awda
Oh, Eyad. Eyad. Eyad.
Its obvious why you are so misguided. You’ve never learned how to do even fundamental research. (Or perhaps you do know and are simply maliciously lying. That would make you evil.)
Just a few days ago, you sent out photos of dead children. Heartbreaking. Tragic
You wrote “These children were murdered by Israel”.
Except for one thing, Eyad. They weren’t.
“Thanks to Tazpit News Agency’s investigative work, it was found that the photo had been originally published on a news site based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates called Moheet one month earlier on October 19. On the Moheet website, the photo was titled “Syria killed 122 Friday…Assad Used Cluster Bombs.”
These children were murdered in Syria, Eyad.
How many people received this email? Hundreds? Thousands? Don't they deserve to know the truth? Do I expect a retraction? No. I do not believe you are a man of personal integrity. I do not believe you care about the truth.
What I found even more disturbing, Eyad was this statement you made:
“These children were murdered by Israel and by extension the Zionists who support it, right here all around us. When these Zionists go to counter protests and ignorantly carry that flag, standing across from us as we demand our right to life, they call for this horror. “
Eyad. This is 21st century blood libel. You are inciting violence, not simply against the Zionists who oppose you on the street- the ones who speak truth to your lies, but to the entire Jewish community.
You are manipulating people with lies, and inciting violence. These are not the acts of a man of peace. These are not the acts of a man with integrity
I just received this email from Eyad Kishawi. (Yes, i intend to check the provenance of the second photo as well) Its a retraction. I'm pleasantly surprised.
Oh, Eyad. Eyad. Eyad.
Its obvious why you are so misguided. You’ve never learned how to do even fundamental research. (Or perhaps you do know and are simply maliciously lying. That would make you evil.)
Just a few days ago, you sent out photos of dead children. Heartbreaking. Tragic
You wrote “These children were murdered by Israel”.
Except for one thing, Eyad. They weren’t.
“Thanks to Tazpit News Agency’s investigative work, it was found that the photo had been originally published on a news site based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates called Moheet one month earlier on October 19. On the Moheet website, the photo was titled “Syria killed 122 Friday…Assad Used Cluster Bombs.”
These children were murdered in Syria, Eyad.
How many people received this email? Hundreds? Thousands? Don't they deserve to know the truth? Do I expect a retraction? No. I do not believe you are a man of personal integrity. I do not believe you care about the truth.
What I found even more disturbing, Eyad was this statement you made:
“These children were murdered by Israel and by extension the Zionists who support it, right here all around us. When these Zionists go to counter protests and ignorantly carry that flag, standing across from us as we demand our right to life, they call for this horror. “
Eyad. This is 21st century blood libel. You are inciting violence, not simply against the Zionists who oppose you on the street- the ones who speak truth to your lies, but to the entire Jewish community.
You are manipulating people with lies, and inciting violence. These are not the acts of a man of peace. These are not the acts of a man with integrity
I just received this email from Eyad Kishawi. (Yes, i intend to check the provenance of the second photo as well) Its a retraction. I'm pleasantly surprised.
Dear Friends
I sent yesterday two photos:
one had two dead children and a woman and the other had four. As tragic
as it is, the former were murdered in the Syrian civil war, resulting
from a brutal regime clinging to power, a regime that had maintained a
policy of avoidance with Israel while deploying fighter jets against its
population. The latter, the one of the four children, they were
murdered by Israeli forces. Humanity is universal and brutality is
universal, regardless of the perpetrator.
owe it to the Syrian people to recognize their pain as we stand with our
people under seige. A correction is due in the sea of violence.
Eyad Kishawi
Eyad Kishawi
Monday, November 19, 2012
California Stands With Israel
California Stands with Israel.
In Los Angeles, 1,500 showed up in support of the only democracy in the Middle east. In San Diego, over a thousand came. And The East Bay may also reach similar numbers at tomorrow's Amidah: We stand with Israel program.
This, by the way , is what unity looks like:
Sponsored by AIPAC, Anti-Defamation League, Berkeley Hadassah, Beth Jacob Congregation, Congregation Beth Chaim, Congregation Beth El, Congregation Beth Emek, Congregation Beth Israel, Congregation B’nai Shalom, Congregation B’nai Tikvah, Congregation Netivot Shalom, Contra Costa Jewish Day School, Diablo Valley Hadassah, East Bay JCC, J Street, JCRC/East Bay, Oakland Hebrew Day School, Tehiyah Day School, Temple Isaiah, Temple Sinai
In Los Angeles, 1,500 showed up in support of the only democracy in the Middle east. In San Diego, over a thousand came. And The East Bay may also reach similar numbers at tomorrow's Amidah: We stand with Israel program.
This, by the way , is what unity looks like:
Sponsored by AIPAC, Anti-Defamation League, Berkeley Hadassah, Beth Jacob Congregation, Congregation Beth Chaim, Congregation Beth El, Congregation Beth Emek, Congregation Beth Israel, Congregation B’nai Shalom, Congregation B’nai Tikvah, Congregation Netivot Shalom, Contra Costa Jewish Day School, Diablo Valley Hadassah, East Bay JCC, J Street, JCRC/East Bay, Oakland Hebrew Day School, Tehiyah Day School, Temple Isaiah, Temple Sinai
the crisis in Israel moves into its sixth day, millions of Israelis are
living in danger. Hamas and terrorist cells operating in Gaza continue to
aim rockets at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The cities in Israel’s south are
under continuous attack. This is a time for our community to come together,
to support one another, and to stand in solidarity with our brothers and
sisters in Israel.
Please join the East Bay Jewish community for:
November 20, 2012 / 8 Kislev 5773
7:30 – 9:00 PM
November 20, 2012 / 8 Kislev 5773
7:30 – 9:00 PM
Temple Isaiah
945 Risa Road in Lafayette
945 Risa Road in Lafayette
program will include prayers for peace and healing, updates on the
situation in Israel and the East Bay Jewish community’s response, a live
feed from the shelters in Israel, a call to action, information on how to
provide humanitarian relief to Israelis affected by the crisis, and an
opportunity to write letters to elected officials.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Repost: The Maps of Disappearing Palestine
Anyone who has been involved with pro-Israel activism know about a series of four maps that allegedly show the gradual annexation of Palestine by those eeeeeeeevil Zionists.
Yaacov Lozowick at his Ruminations blog analyzes the maps and demonstrates why they are, without question, simply false.
The Maps of Disappearing Palestine
First, the map from 1946. Even standing alone without the series, it's misleading in that it contains two distinct types of information. The outline is of the territory controlled by the British, commonly known as Palestine. Being a map of a political entity, however, the whole thing should be the same color, green in this case, since the entire territory was ruled by the British, the white parts and the green. If one wished to show privately owned land under the sovereignty of the British according to ethnic identity, the green would have been replaced by a hodgepodge of colors. Some of the land was owned by Jews, some by Arabs (today we would call them Palestinians), some by Arab absentee landlords of other nationalities (Lebanese, Syrians, Egyptians and so on), some by European churches – Catholic Protestant, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox and others, and finally, the largest section by far would have been land registered by no-one and thus belonging to the government, i.e the British. As far as I can see, your version has omitted the Jewish ownership of property in Jerusalem (where there was a majority of Jews), and in various pockets such as the Etzion Block, Neve Yaacov, settlements on the Dead Sea, Hebron, Safed, Naharia and its hinterland, Kfar Darom in Gaza, and so on. But the main problem with this map isn't its omissions of Jewish property, but rather the implication that any land not owned by Jews was "Palestine". Not true. If it's land ownership you're trying to depict then most of the territory was owned by the British government; if it's political sovereignty then the entire area was British.
Incredible Precision bombing of Gaza missile Site
I am simply awestruck by the care and restraint the Israelis have taken to avoid civilian casualties in this struggle. In this clip, a rocket is being launched from the backyard of a mosque- the Israeli Air force destroys the launch site and the mosque is left undamaged.
The Israeli Air Force has issued a new video showing the pinpoint accuracy of aerial bombings and Hamas" use of holy sites for terror.
The surgical missile strike bombed the underground launcher site in the backyard of a mosque without causing damage to the building, used for worship by Muslims.
Precision aerial bombings in the Pillar of Defense counterterrorist operation have proven themselves, sparing civilian deaths and a media backlash.
Israel suffered serious damage in the Hamas propaganda war in Operation Cast Lead four years ago. Foreign media and Israel"s mainstream media accepted Hamas claims of civilian deaths, many of which later were proven to be untrue.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
How dare the Jews Fight Back: the San Francisco Story
The Bay area has long been considered a hub of anti-Israel activity., though there's plenty of indication that the situation is turning around. The supporters of Israel are mobilizing and organizing. The Jewish community is excited about a local mission to Israel, and the stores are filled with products from Israel, in spite of the 11 year old BDS movement
A local rabbi sent out this notice to his congregants, reminding us again, that we are all family, and that all of Israel is responsible for each other. (I've made slight changes to protect the privacy of those involved)
Although largely peaceful, the demonstrations were marred by some violence. On the first night, anti-Israel thugs, many with their faces cowardly covered in dime store masks or with made in China Kaffiyahs, tried to crash through police barricades, chanting "Zionist Scum your time has come". Yesterday, a woman was arrested for assaulting a peaceful pro-Israel demonstrator, in what may have very well been a hate crime.
Why is it likely this brutal assault was motivated by hate? Perhaps it was Lena's own word "Fuck you, Jew"
In a demonstration sponsored and promoted by "Jewish" Voice for peace , this display of pure anti-Semitism was simply ignored.
What can you do to help our friends and our family in Israel?
Donate to Federations Israel Terror Relief Fund (or to your favorite solidarity group) to provide immediate services
to those impacted by the rocket attacks.
Write letters to the editor, and op eds to your local paper. Demand that Israel's side of the story be heard.
And continue please to pray for the safety of our people, and our homeland in Israel.
A local rabbi sent out this notice to his congregants, reminding us again, that we are all family, and that all of Israel is responsible for each other. (I've made slight changes to protect the privacy of those involved)
Our connection to Israel is deep and profound. It is a connection that has many layers. At times like this however one connection resonates most in our hearts: Israel is home, Israel is our family.Every Shabbat we pray for the well-being of our brothers and sisters in Israel as well as for the safety of Israel's Defense Forces. This week and this Shabbat our prayers are particularly rooted in the hope that the Holy One will bless our family in Israel with security and with peace.In addition, this week and this Shabbat, we also wish to convey a message of love and support to the Israeli members of our family and to all members who have parents, siblings and children living in Israel, as many of us do. It is especially difficult to be away from home during this time. Our family is here for you. We hope and pray that being in community will bring some comfort and a deeper sense of home.Indeed, our family is asking for our prayers and our support. Let the powerful words of our prayer book ring loud and clear:אחינו כל בית ישראל הנתונים בצרה ובשביה העומדים בין בים ובין ביבשה, המקום ירחם עליהם ויוציאם מצרה לרוחה ומשעבוד לגאולה השתא בעגלא ובזמן קריבAs for our brothers of the whole house of Israel who are in distress or captivity, on sea or land, may the All-Present have compassion on them and lead them from distress to relief, from darkness to light, and from oppression to freedom, now, swiftly and soon – and let us say: Amen
On the streets, it's the same story. Two days of protest at the San Francisco Israeli Consulate on Montgomery Street were met with two days of counter protests in solidarity with Israel. And while the anti-Israel side expressed their intransigent rejection of peaceful co-existence with chants of "Intifada", and from the "River to the Sea", the pro-Israel side sangs songs of peace
Although largely peaceful, the demonstrations were marred by some violence. On the first night, anti-Israel thugs, many with their faces cowardly covered in dime store masks or with made in China Kaffiyahs, tried to crash through police barricades, chanting "Zionist Scum your time has come". Yesterday, a woman was arrested for assaulting a peaceful pro-Israel demonstrator, in what may have very well been a hate crime.
Why is it likely this brutal assault was motivated by hate? Perhaps it was Lena's own word "Fuck you, Jew"
In a demonstration sponsored and promoted by "Jewish" Voice for peace , this display of pure anti-Semitism was simply ignored.
What can you do to help our friends and our family in Israel?
informed and be an advocate for Israel
Arm yourself with accurate
information and spread it through your personal and social media
You can find helpful facts about Operation Pillar of Defense
and up-to-date information on the crisis in Israel on our local Israeli Consulates website
Social media is your friend. Need help using the new media? Drop me an email and I'll walk you through it.
Write letters to the editor, and op eds to your local paper. Demand that Israel's side of the story be heard.
And continue please to pray for the safety of our people, and our homeland in Israel.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
"Zionist Scum Your Time has Come"
Again: from our friends at StandWithUs/San Francisco Voice for Israel
tonight several dozen Israel supporters stood outside the Israeli
Consulate Building on Montgomery Street while a group of
Hamas-supporting Israel haters chanted "Zionist scum, your time has
That's what the "progressive" Bay Area has to offer-- hate
speech in support of an Islamist regime that itself hates women, gays,
Christians, but above all Jews.
They're going to be out
there again Friday, in front of the Consulate building at 456 Montgomery
in San Francisco. Let's show them that our community stands with
Israel against Hamas and against its supporters here. We're going to
stand proudly in support of Israel's right to defend its people-- ALL of
them, Jewish, Christian and Moslem-- against the hate that fuels not
only the Hamas rockets but also the disgusting rhetoric of the other
Nov. 16 Friday, 4-5 PM
456 Montgomery Street, San Francisco
We will have flags and signs, feel free to bring your own as well.
Please do not bring signs or graphics offensive to
any racial or ethnic group including but not limited
to Arabs, Islam, or Palestinians. Signs in violation
of our policies will not be allowed.
This is the chance for our community to stand together in support of
Israel and its right to defend its citizens from rocket attacks.
Because this is a highly newsworthy event, we anticipate that there
will be TV and other media there. Let's show the haters that the
pro-Israel community in the Bay Area stands proudly with Israel.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Stand With Israel Solidarity Rally Thursday and Friday
From our friends at StandWithUs/San Francisco Voice for Israel
Stand with Israel
This Thursday 5- 6 PM
This Friday, 4- 5 PM,
456 Montgomery Street San Francisco (the Israeli
Consulate building)
Over 1,000,000 Israelis are in bomb shelters right now. More than 150
rockets (and counting) have been fired into Southern Israel from Gaza
so far this week. School is canceled, and life has come to a
standstill. The brave men and women of the IDF are acting to protect
their fellow citizens against Hamas rockets.
Israelis aren't the only ones suffering as a result of Hamas' decision
to continue launching rockets against Israel. Even though the IDF
takes more precautions to safeguard civilians than any other army in
the world, Palestinian civilians living under Hamas rule will
invariably suffer as well-- and their suffering will be cynically
manipulated by the other side that sees Palestinian casualties as just
another weapon in the war of public opinion against Israel.
And right now, around the world, anti-Israel groups, whether Islamist
or secular, are organizing to take to the streets to try to put public
pressure on Israel to stop defending itself. To these haters, Hamas
rockets fired at schools in Sderot and Beersheva are "legitimate
resistance"; but Israeli pinpoint operations to eliminate those
responsible for the terror are "massacres".
San Francisco will be one of the front lines for these hate groups.
They will be holding their "Palestine will be free from the river to
the sea" demonstration, almost certainly with Hamas flags, in front of
the building that houses the Israeli Consulate on Friday afternoon.
StandWithUs/SF Voice for Israel will be there to counter their lies.
On Friday, we will bring Israeli and American flags and signs in support of Israel. If you are coming on Thursday, please bring your own. If you want to make your own, we highly recommend these, which can be printed at any copy shop with a large format printer:
Please do not bring signs or graphics offensive to
any racial or ethnic group including but not limited
to Arabs, Islam, or Palestinians. Signs in violation
of our policies will not be allowed.
This is the chance for our community to stand together in support of
Israel and its right to defend its citizens from rocket attacks.
Because this is a highly newsworthy event, we anticipate that there
will be TV and other media there. Let's show the haters that the
pro-Israel community in the Bay Area stands proudly with Israel.
Check the Facebook event page for any new developments
Not in San Francisco?
Not a problem. There are anti-Israel rallies scheduled nationwide. These so called "peace groups"
were silent when 130 rockets rained down on Israeli children- they are only speaking up because Israel dares to defend herself. Please help organize a counter rally in your community. Need help? Contact me, and I'll get you started.
Albuquerque, NM
Friday, Nov. 16, 5pm
UNM bookstore (Central and Cornell)
Contact: 505-268-2488 or
Baltimore, MD
Saturday, Nov. 17, 12noon
McKeldin Square
Contact: 443-759-9968 or
Boca Raton, FL
Thursday, Nov. 15, 9am-2pm
FAU Breezeway: 777 Glades Rd.
Boston, MA
Thursday, Nov. 15, 4:30pm
Copley Square
Chicago, IL
Thursday, Nov. 15, 4pm
Obama Headquarters, 130 E. Randolph St.
Contact: 773-463-0311
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Saturday, Nov. 17, 2pm
Broward Federal Courthouse
299 East Broward Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA
Thursday, Nov. 15, 4pm
Israeli Consulate, 11766 Wilshire Blvd.
Contact: 213-251-1025 or
New Haven, CT
Saturday, Nov. 17, 12 noon
141 Church St. (opposite the Green)
Contact: 203-903-4480 or
New York, NY
Thursday, Nov. 15, 5pm
In front of the Israeli Consulate (42nd St. and 2nd Ave.)
Philadelphia, PA
Friday, Nov. 16, 12 noon
Israeli Consulate: 1880 JFK Blvd.
San Francisco, CA
Thursday, Nov. 15, 5:15pm
Consulate General of Israel
456 Montgomery St Ste 1500, San Francisco
Friday, Nov. 16, 4pm
Israeli Consulate,
456 Montgomery St., SF
Contact: 415-821-6545 or
Syracuse, NY
Friday, Nov. 16, 12 noon
Federal building
Corner of Fayette St. and Clinton St.
Contact: 315-491-6987 or
Washington, D.C.
Friday, Nov. 16, 6pm
Rally at the State Department (2201 C Street Northwest),
Followed by March to the White House
Contact: 202-265-1948 or
Stand with Israel
This Thursday 5- 6 PM
This Friday, 4- 5 PM,
456 Montgomery Street San Francisco (the Israeli
Consulate building)
Over 1,000,000 Israelis are in bomb shelters right now. More than 150
rockets (and counting) have been fired into Southern Israel from Gaza
so far this week. School is canceled, and life has come to a
standstill. The brave men and women of the IDF are acting to protect
their fellow citizens against Hamas rockets.
Israelis aren't the only ones suffering as a result of Hamas' decision
to continue launching rockets against Israel. Even though the IDF
takes more precautions to safeguard civilians than any other army in
the world, Palestinian civilians living under Hamas rule will
invariably suffer as well-- and their suffering will be cynically
manipulated by the other side that sees Palestinian casualties as just
another weapon in the war of public opinion against Israel.
And right now, around the world, anti-Israel groups, whether Islamist
or secular, are organizing to take to the streets to try to put public
pressure on Israel to stop defending itself. To these haters, Hamas
rockets fired at schools in Sderot and Beersheva are "legitimate
resistance"; but Israeli pinpoint operations to eliminate those
responsible for the terror are "massacres".
San Francisco will be one of the front lines for these hate groups.
They will be holding their "Palestine will be free from the river to
the sea" demonstration, almost certainly with Hamas flags, in front of
the building that houses the Israeli Consulate on Friday afternoon.
StandWithUs/SF Voice for Israel will be there to counter their lies.
On Friday, we will bring Israeli and American flags and signs in support of Israel. If you are coming on Thursday, please bring your own. If you want to make your own, we highly recommend these, which can be printed at any copy shop with a large format printer:
Please do not bring signs or graphics offensive to
any racial or ethnic group including but not limited
to Arabs, Islam, or Palestinians. Signs in violation
of our policies will not be allowed.
This is the chance for our community to stand together in support of
Israel and its right to defend its citizens from rocket attacks.
Because this is a highly newsworthy event, we anticipate that there
will be TV and other media there. Let's show the haters that the
pro-Israel community in the Bay Area stands proudly with Israel.
Check the Facebook event page for any new developments
Not in San Francisco?
Not a problem. There are anti-Israel rallies scheduled nationwide. These so called "peace groups"
were silent when 130 rockets rained down on Israeli children- they are only speaking up because Israel dares to defend herself. Please help organize a counter rally in your community. Need help? Contact me, and I'll get you started.
Albuquerque, NM
Friday, Nov. 16, 5pm
UNM bookstore (Central and Cornell)
Contact: 505-268-2488 or
Baltimore, MD
Saturday, Nov. 17, 12noon
McKeldin Square
Contact: 443-759-9968 or
Boca Raton, FL
Thursday, Nov. 15, 9am-2pm
FAU Breezeway: 777 Glades Rd.
Boston, MA
Thursday, Nov. 15, 4:30pm
Copley Square
Chicago, IL
Thursday, Nov. 15, 4pm
Obama Headquarters, 130 E. Randolph St.
Contact: 773-463-0311
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Saturday, Nov. 17, 2pm
Broward Federal Courthouse
299 East Broward Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA
Thursday, Nov. 15, 4pm
Israeli Consulate, 11766 Wilshire Blvd.
Contact: 213-251-1025 or
New Haven, CT
Saturday, Nov. 17, 12 noon
141 Church St. (opposite the Green)
Contact: 203-903-4480 or
New York, NY
Thursday, Nov. 15, 5pm
In front of the Israeli Consulate (42nd St. and 2nd Ave.)
Philadelphia, PA
Friday, Nov. 16, 12 noon
Israeli Consulate: 1880 JFK Blvd.
San Francisco, CA
Thursday, Nov. 15, 5:15pm
Consulate General of Israel
456 Montgomery St Ste 1500, San Francisco
Friday, Nov. 16, 4pm
Israeli Consulate,
456 Montgomery St., SF
Contact: 415-821-6545 or
Syracuse, NY
Friday, Nov. 16, 12 noon
Federal building
Corner of Fayette St. and Clinton St.
Contact: 315-491-6987 or
Washington, D.C.
Friday, Nov. 16, 6pm
Rally at the State Department (2201 C Street Northwest),
Followed by March to the White House
Contact: 202-265-1948 or
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Anti-Israel activist Michael Rabb urges protest of Colorado synagogue
Anti-Israeli activist Michael Rabb is urging people to protest a synagogue in Boulder, Colorado this weekend. According to his blog, "Michael in Palestine".Michael's been active with Code Pink, Interfaith Peace- builders and
with the American friends Service Committee, (AFSC). Michael is a dyed in the wool BDS'er as well- and maintains the CU Divest website, where he promotes the harassing of Jews at worship.
He's that kind of peace activist
Michael tweeted JVP Rabbi Brant Rosen regarding his idea. And as of now, there has been silence in return. Could Rabbi Rosen possibly believe the targeting of Jews worshiping on Shabbat is an appropriate venue for protest?
Its all about Israel, Rabb claims. Anti-Semitism has nothing to do with it.
years ago, David Rubinson sent a mass email to national anarchist
groups, urging them to disrupt worship in synagogues, presumably,
because that is where
the Jews are. "The Jews of America must be confronted with their clear responsibility", he extolled. Its
not clear if anyone actually participated in these disruptions
From: David Rubinson
No more demos. No more signs, chants, pithy t shirts. No more marches to nowhere.
And DEFINITELY no more emails to Congress, or heart-felt messages to Change.Gov and Obama, begging the conspirators to stop the conspiracy.
We each one of us is responsible - and we each one of us must take action. We cannot rely on Others to do it for us.
Here is an excellent article, with a detailed list of actions we can take, from James Petras.I have strongly suggested to many different so-called action groups, that we immediately institute a program of visits to every synagogue in the USA, on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings, and rise in each congregation and - in dignified firm and unemotional voices- repeat "STOP THE KILLING"-- We need to go in groups of 3-4, to insure that we have 1 person as a defensive shield, and one as a video camera witness, recording everything. Jews especially should be doing these actions. We will face harsh treatment, and possibly physical attack, but our message must be resolute and continue week after week.I see no possible legal impediment to this. The public, and certainly Jews- cannot be barred from entry to the services, and it will be extremely hard for the Synagogues to enforce exclusion. If they do, we can speak on the front steps, on the street, in the parking lot.The Jews of America must be confronted with their clear responsibility- far more than complicity-in the mass murders, occupation, and forced starvation of the people of Palestine.If any of you wants to work on this, just let me know.Thanks,DR
Seventy-three years after Kristallnacht , Jews and synagogues are still targeted. And again, there is silence.
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions on the verge of collapse
From NGO Monitor:
On November 1, 2012, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) distributed its monthly newsletter, which included a description of the NGO's "financial collapse." According to ICAHD founder Jeff Halper, this was "due to over-dependency on a few major donors...given the limited pool of funders willing to step out and support such an outspoken group."As a result of the financial difficulties, ICAHD faces eviction from its offices, and co-director Itay Epshtain (formerly of Amnesty-Israel) has announced that he will leave the organization. Halper indicated that ICAHD would focus on grassroots fundraising, as opposed to "applying to large and bureaucratic donors."ICAHD's main donors have included the European Union; the governments of Denmark, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Sweden via NDC ; Spain; Trocaire (Ireland); UN Development Programme; World Vision; and Mennonite Central Committee. While ICAHD's statement did not specify which funding had been cut, a highly controversial €169,661 grant from the EU expired in June 2012.ICAHD’s extensive difficulties demonstrate the degree to which political advocacy NGOs are dependent institutionally on what some funders refer to as “project support.” Although these government donors often claim that their money does not fund NGO salaries, travel, public relations, and offices, this is clearly incorrect.

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