Kiss my BDS. Standard and Poors, a United States-based financial services company is a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies . This venerable company publishes financial research and analysis on stocks and bonds and countries reflecting their opinion on the general creditworthiness of an obligor with respect to a particular debt security and financial obligation. Over the years credit ratings have achieved wide investor acceptance for helping to determine the security of investments. Standard and Poors just raised Israel's credit rating to an A+ marking the first time Israel’s S&P credit rating has been at A+. It had been at A since November 2007.
From the J Post:
Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz called the increased credit rating “a badge of honor” and said it was a reward for the economic policies adopted during the global financial crisis.
“This achievement is particularly remarkable given the debt and employment crises that have hit the credit ratings of many other countries,” he said.
In the ten years since its inception, the BDS movement has failed to make any gains towards undermining Israel's economy. As a result, the panicked BDS cru are currently resorting to even more underhanded means to destroy Israel's economy.

h/t F.
This charming display is apparently one shot out of hundreds of tweets sent out by Free Palestine Movement Activist Deppen Webber to financial services providers, banks, and financial advisory firms in an effort to get them to "short sell" Bed Bath and Beyond stock. (Bed Bath & Beyond is the current object of the BDS'ers wrath, because they dare sell an israeli product, Sodastream. ) Deppen's "teaching moment" been posted on several anti-Israel sites , presumably in an effort to get others to follow suit. On at least one of the sites, a spirited discussion ensues on the legality of trying to manipulate stock prices.
To Deppen Webber, to Code Pink, to JVP, and to all the BDS'ers out there. How does it feel to be irrelevant? A+!!!!! Kiss My BDS.
1 comment:
Another BDS Fail
Sep 21, 2011 (SmarTrend(R) Market Surveillance via COMTEX) -- Below are the top five companies in the Consumer Goods sector as measured by relative performance. Highest relative performance is a comparison between a share and its peers made to determine over performance.
This analysis was compiled based on yesterday's trading activity as SmarTrend searches for stocks that have the potential to outperform their peers.
SodaStream International (NASDAQ:SODA - Snapshot Report) ranks first with a gain of 5.6%; General Mills (NYSE:GIS - Analyst Report) ranks second with a gain of 2.89%; and PepsiCo (NYSE:PEP - Analyst Report) ranks third with a gain of 1.92%.
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