Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Oakland Says No to Hate: Another Vigil at Reem's

Reem Assil's Bakery café in Oakland has been subject to regular vigils by social justice advocates upset at her glorification of terror.  In true fascist manner, she has stopped at nothing to silence the vigils.  Participants have been physically attacked.  Police have been called.   When all else failed, Reem attempted to subvert the court system to suppress  oppositional voices. Still they persisted. Sunday January 28 was the latest vigil.

Reem Assil has been trying to position her establishment as the "go to" spot for all things anti-Israel. On the 28th, she hosted a book signing by Sunaina Maira and why not ?   Spread a little hate, make a little money.  It’s a win/win for her.  At Reem’s, you can plot both to destroy democratic Israel and crush capitalism. Then you can buy a 16 dollar Reem’s flatbread and drive your Prius home,  basking in the golden glow of your own self-righteousness. It’s a perfectly acceptable life style choice for the Bay area’s soy latte crowd.

Sunday was unusual.  Over 3 dozen community members showed up to express their unhappiness with Reem’s choice of decor.   A  small counterprotest of Reem's supporters were stunned silent.  Reem’s exaltation of convicted terrorist Rasmea Odeh has proven itself the unifying position of the left and the right.   Online publications as diverse as the leftist Forward and far right Breitbart have written about it. Rasmea Odeh’s role in the PFLP terror group  was so significant that during the 1972 Munich Olympics Black September terrorists included her name on the list of prisoners they wanted released in exchange for the lives of Israel’s Olympic athletes. 

Its hard to rationalize bombing a grocery store, but Reem Assil manages to.  Dead Jews?   Its resistance.  Dead Jewish men killed by a Palestinian woman?  That’s peak intersectionality. It doesn't get any better than that.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Birthday Party for Ahed Tamimi sponsored by local Israel Haters

Ahed Tamimi is turning 17.   Local Israel haters are marking the event with a protest and a birthday  celebration for the young woman who has called for "stabbings and martyrdom operations" against the Israeli people.

Northern California Friends of Sabeel, Jewish Voice for Peace, SFSU GUPS, Palestinian Youth Movement, and the Arab Resource Organizing Center (AROC)- all organizations dedicated to the destruction of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people are co-sponsoring the event.  

Wednesday, January 31, the pre-celebration protest will take place at the Oakland Federal Building at 4:30

Reem's Cafe in Oakland, also known for its open support of terror  will be hosting the after protest celebration.

Everyone is invited, and yes, there will be cake. We can only imagine what it will look like.

Terror Ckae

Terror Cake

Terror Cake
Will there be exciting party favors offered to attendees in honor of Ahed Tamimi? 

Party favors for Ahed Tamimi's birthday celebration

US News, Wharton school vote Israel among "Best countries"

Israel again has made the "Best Countries" list for 2018.

The methodology behind this ranking is explained atthe U.S. World and News Report website:

The study and model used to score and rank countries were developed by Y&R's BAV Group and The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, specifically professor David J. Reibstein, in consultation with U.S. News & World Report.
A set of 65 country attributes – terms that can be used to describe a country and that are also relevant to the success of a modern nation – were identified. Attributes by nation were presented in a survey of more than 21,000 people from across the globe. Participants assessed how closely they associated an attribute with a nation.
Each country was scored on each of the 65 country attributes based on a collection of individual survey responses. The more a country was perceived to exemplify a certain characteristic in relation to the average, the higher that country's attribute score and vice versa. These scores were normalized to account for outliers and transformed into a scale that could be compared across the board.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Are anti-Israel groups attempting to hijacking Saturday's Women's march?

Anti-Israel groups may be attempting to hijack the Woman's March on Saturday.

In New York Cty,  Jewish Voice for Peace, Adalah-NY: Campaign for the Boycott of Israel, Jews Say No! and Women in Black-Union Square  are hosting a "FreeAhed" contingent, in support of the young Palestinian woman who called for stabbings and suicide operations against the Jewish, er Zionist people.

Interestingly enough, local activists every bit as committed to the destruction of Israel as Ahed choose not to repeat her message promoting terror and violence. 

 "Whether it is a stabbing attack or suicide bombing or throwing rocks, everyone needs to do something and unite in order for our message to reach those who want to liberate Palestine”

Instead they opted for a message that might be more easily digested by the masses.

We've seen this with Occupy, with Black Lives Matter, and with other movements for progressive change.  No matter what the issue, the parasitical Israel haters will always insist their cause be front and center.  

Legal Insurrection also covers this phenomenon in their post Anti-Israel activists attempt to hijack Women’s March – again

New Orleans confimed as a BDS hoax

The BDS holes were doing their victory lap within minutes of the decision.

The New Orleans Palestinian Solidarity Committee  blasted out "We won" on their facebook page. 

 Anna Baltzer of the US Campaign for Palestinian rights also spread the story, writting:

As you may have read in The Intercept, the New Orleans City Council made history last week by unanimously passing a resolution calling for a process to avoid contracting with or investing in companies that profit from abuses of human rights, civil rights, labor rights, and other violations.

The resolution was spearheaded by USCPR member group New Orleans Palestine Solidarity Committee (NOPSC). It is an important step toward implementing boycott, divestment, sanctions (BDS) in New Orleans to hold Israel accountable for its violations of Palestinian rights, and to stand with other communities struggling for their rights.

The resolution was introduced by the New Orleans Mayor-elect and Councilmember, Latoya Cantrell, following an inspiring, year-long campaign by NOPSC. This is among the strongest municipal wins to date, encompassing both boycotts and divestment, and is the first of its kind in the South. 

It was an interesting and overblown reaction from a resolution that didn't even mention Israel or the Palestinian territories.

Can you say "BDS hoax"?  I think you can.

The New Orleans City Council realized quickly that they had been duped.


Members of the New Orleans City Council say they want a do-over after learning they inadvertently stumbled into an international controversy last week.
The council voted 5-0 last Thursday to plan a review of the city’s contracts and investments to ensure that none of them support companies or entities that have violated human, civil or labor rights around the world.
But after belatedly realizing the resolution was part of an international movement to boycott Israel, City Council President Jason Williams and other council members say they will move to reconsider it at their next council meeting.
Speaking to the Advocate, Williams stated

“Let me be very clear to citizens of New Orleans and citizens of the world — this City Council is not anti-Israel. That sentiment is inconsistent with the council's actions and certainly mine personally.... " He said it was a mistake for the council to introduce and vote on the unadvertised measure at the end of a nearly six-hour meeting, as doing so did not give people enough time to voice their opinions.
Note to the BDS movement: If you need to lie about your motives and your intentions to push your agenda, your claim to stand for social justice and civil rights rings hollow.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

New Orleans City Council refuses to single out Israel. BDS fail

When is a BDS fail spun as a BDS success?  All too often. 

The New Orleans City Council has just rejected a one sided and biased divestment resolution condemning Israel in favor of a wide reaching statement for human rights.  That doesn't stop the BDS holes from claiming victory.

The actual text of the resolution makes no mention of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict at all, and makes it quite clear that New Orleans rejects discrimination by national origin

The original petition by the New Orleans Palestinian Solidarity Committee, to be delivered to the New Orleans City Council  looked quite different.  The truth optional petition was signed by only 305 people and  proclaimed the usual laundry list of scurrilous claims against Israel: 

"The City of New Orleans should use the full extent of the law to seek competitive suppliers of goods and services who do not have investments, licenses or operations in Israel.

New Orleans is a social justice city that should no longer support segregation or racism. With your support, we can make New Orleans an Apartheid-Free City.
We must remove all products and divest from all companies directly supporting the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine. 

Israel illegally confiscates privately owned Palestinian property; imprisons Palestinian citizens for years without charge; and uses checkpoints to restrict the movement of Palestinians, even during childbirths and medical emergencies.

In Gaza, the situation is even worse because citizens are denied access to food and medicine due to the Israeli-imposed blockade. The infrastructure also has not been rebuilt since the 51-day assault on Gaza in 2014, Operation Protective Edge, which killed nearly 1,500 civilians.

Since its recognition as a state in 1949, Israel has violated over 30 United Nations Security Council resolution, which are legally binding.

In 2015, the United States gave Israel $10.2 million a day in military aid alone. That means that last year the US spent nearly $4 billion on Israel’s military. This funding, provided by American taxpayers, allows the military to maintain it’s illegal occupation of Palestine, carry out military assaults on Gaza, and use military grade weaponry to “police” Palestinian territory.

The city council has the opportunity to make known their grave concern regarding Israel’s official system of segregation and repression of non-white Jewish Israeli citizens, Israeli citizens of Palestinian descent, and Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza. New Orleans should no longer be party to contracts, licenses, or investments with the apartheid state of Israel. Consumer goods contributing to the illegal Israeli occupation must also be banned."

BDS is a discredited tactic from a discredited movement, desperate for success  and perfectly willing to lie.    The New Orleans City Council wasn't fooled  by them.  You shouldn't be either.


The Jewish Community of New Orleans clearly disagrees with my interpretation, and has issued this statement

Statement on NOLA City Council's Resolution R-18-5

The Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans (Jewish Federation) expresses its deep disappointment in the New Orleans City Council’s adoption today of resolution R-18-5. Since its creation 105 years ago, the Jewish Federation has always stood for supporting human rights and combating racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and other injustices. However, in a patently undemocratic and unfair procedural move, today’s resolution was passed without any public knowledge, six hours into the Council’s session and after the suspension of rules to add this untimely resolution to the agenda, and without the opportunity for dissenting voices to be heard for a broader discussion. These stealth tactics divide communities and do not provide for an equitable forum whereby all voices can be heard.

Just hours earlier, in the Council chambers, the Jewish Federation presented to the City Council about the contributions of the Jewish Federation and the impact of our Jewish communal organizations throughout the greater New Orleans area. While the Jewish Federation fully supports the values of human rights expressed in the resolution, we are deeply concerned about its unintended consequences relating to Israel and in bolstering the divisive BDS movement. The BDS movement, which has inherently anti-Semitic components, is designed to challenge Israel's economic viability and very right to exist.

We look forward to working with the current Council, the newly-elected Council Members, the Mayor-elect, and the public to address these concerns, to further educate our civic leaders, to ensure all voices are heard, and to avoid a potential chilling effect on both discourse and the growth and economic development of the greater New Orleans area.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Are we bored of Ahed Tamimi yet?

On Saturday,  our neighbors in the Southland called for a rally in front of the Israeli consulate in solidarity with that young promoter of suicide attacks and stabbing, Ahed Tamimi.

The rally was sponsored and promoted  by LA4Palestine, Al-Awda Palestine Right to Return Coalition, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, Palestinian American Women's Association, Me Too March International, AF3IRM LA, AIM So-Cal, Idle No More So-Cal, ANSWER Coalition, Black Lives Matter - Pasadena, March and Rally LA, California for Progress, Palestinian Youth Movement. CODEPINK: Women for Peace, SWANA-LA, Martin Luther King Coalition of Greater Los Angeles, Labor for Palestine, International Action Center, BDS LA for Justice in Palestine, International League of Peoples' Struggle So-Cal, Dignity and Power Now and the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

You'd think with all those groups endorsing and promoting this event on a beautiful weekend afternoon, they could have gathered more than a few dozen people.

You'd think.....

In San Francisco,  once heralded as a "hub" of the delegitimization of Israel,  there has not been a single gathering in support of the ill-tempered Tamimi teen.  Not one.  

Is everyone bored of Ahed Tamimi yet?  Or have people realized that a young woman who exhorts her followers to terror and murder is not an appropriate role model.?  Ahed's own words “Whether it is stabbings or martyrdom operations or throwing stones, everyone must do his part" have proven unequivocally that she is no peace activist.


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Who will be impacted by Israel's BDS ban?

Arsen Ostrovsky, international lawyer & political analyst has done  a mightly fine job explaining the ramifications of Israel's new policy on his twitter feed.

Abuse of Power. Gaza ambulance driver puts patients at risk

Why Israel uses checkpoints.

In 2016, over 30,000 people from the Gaza received medical treatment in Israel.  Over 7,000 tons of medical supplies were transferred to hospitals and clinics in the Gaza Strip.  Emergency ambulances were on-call 24 hours, 7 days a week at the Erez Crossing.  Israel takes its humanitarian obligations  to the people of Gaza very seriously.  Even when rockets targeting  Israeli civilians are launched from Gaza, the humanitarian aid continues to flow to Gaza.

Leave it to Hamas to take advantage of Israel's largese.

According to COGAT ( Israel's Coordination of Government activiities in the territories):

Marwan Abu Rida, an ambulance driver for the Red Crescent, has been using his position to exploit patients seeking medical treatment in Israel for terrorist organizations.

Abu Rida had illegally transferred equipment and funds from the Gaza Strip to various terror groups in Judea and Samaria multiple times over the past year. This was done while risking the lives of patients he was transferring from the Gaza Strip.

Beside the fact that his actions are criminal, they go directly against the Red Crescent’s commitment to neutrality and cynically exploits patients who seek to enter Israel for life-saving treatments.

Israel has demanded that Marwan abu Rida be removed  from his position  in the Red Crescent immediately.

BDS groups to be barred from visiting Israel

From the J Post

Israel's Ministry of Strategic Affairs on Sunday released a list of international pro-BDS organizations to be banned from the country for their calls to boycott the Jewish state.

“We have switched from defense to offense. The boycott organizations need to know that the State of Israel will act to stop them and prevent their representatives from entering the country to harm its citizens,” Minister of Public Security and Strategic Affairs Gilad Erdan said in a statement.

According to a statement issued by the ministry, the list features the primary BDS groups, "who consistently and continuously act against the State of Israel by pressuring groups, institutions and states to boycott Israel. The groups’ activities are carried out via a campaign of falsehood and incitement, whose goal is to undermine Israel’s legitimacy around the world,” the ministry said in a statement."...

The list follows:


AFPS (The Association France Palestine Solidarity)
BDS France
BDS Italy
ECCP (The European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine)
FOA (Friends of Al-Aqsa)
IPSC (Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign)
Norge Palestinakomitee (The Palestine Committee of Norway)
PGS - Palestinagrupperna i Sverige (Palestine Solidarity Association in Sweden)
War on Want
BDS Kampagne

United States:

AFSC (American Friends Service Committee)
AMP (American Muslims for Palestine)
Code Pink
JVP (Jewish Voice for Peace)
NSJP (National Students for Justice in Palestine)
USCPR (US Campaign for Palestinian Rights)

South America:

BDS Chile


BDS South Africa


BNC (BDS National Committee)

Ever delusional, BDS holes interpreted Israel's decision to secure her borders as a sign of impending victory.


Wishing them many more such  "victories".

Saturday, January 6, 2018

In which Israel-hater Paul Larudee whines about lack of support

After such failed high profile ventures as the Gaza flotilla and the Global March to Jerusalem, hapless Israel-hater Paul Larudee can't get any respect. The El Cerrito activist recently sent out an impassioned email blast, bemoaning the  "lack of volunteers and funding" for the once vigorous International Solidarity Movement  (ISM)

Apparently, the response to Paul's plea for help was underwhelming.  Not one check?   Poor, poor Paul.

Denied entry into Israel in 2006, Larudee was once described in the Jerusalem Post as one of the International Solidarity Movement's "top leaders"

Security officials said that Larudee was one of the ISM's top leaders and was behind anti-Israel activity during IDF operations in the territories during the height of the Intifada between 2002 and 2004. Officials said that he was once found in the home of a suicide bomber and that he participated in a violent anti-Israel demonstration. "This person is a danger to the state," one official said. "He is one of the ISM leaders, was in the past involved in anti-Israel activity and therefore will not be allowed to stay in the country."

Paul Larudee in happier times.  Photo from the Contra Costa Times
Why the fall from grace?  Was it Larudee's propensity to take credit for other's actions?  
From: lubnna (at) gmail.com 
          To: larudee (at) pacbell.net 
Paul, I regretfully send you this second letter and will publish it publicly as you have left us no choice. You have appeared in the media over the last week, often stating that you organized the Welcome to Palestine campaign. All statements you have made in regards to this campaign were false. As organizers, we were surprised by your statements as you were never part of this campaign. Sadly, your declarations about our campaign being about the right of return have confused the media and brought on damage to our basic plan. We appreciate your will to work for Palestine but trying to take over any activity has profoundly affected the trust we have in you and we would be very surprised if any respectful organization in Palestine will be willing to work with you. We urge you to stop giving statements to the media in the name of the Welcome to Palestine campaign. 
Lubna Masarwa  
On behalf the "Welcome to Palestine" campaign 

Was it his ties to Iran's mullahs, and his open support for terror groups?  Was it his endorsement and promotion of notorious Jew-haters like Gilad Atzmon and Alison Weir?  Was it his connection to the frighteningly conspiratorial International Union of a Unified Ummah?

Whatever the reason, its time for the aging activist to take on a new hobby.  Have you considered macrame, Paul?

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Its easier than ever to visit Israel

Tourists from across the globe of flocking to Israel (Can you say BDS fail?  I think you can). In 2017, a record 3.6 million visitors came to Israel for the sun, the surf, the food and the history, a 25 percent increase over 2016. Hotels have been unable to keep up with the record number of visitors

If you live in the Bay area, a trip to Israel just got easier. El Al has announced direct flights from SFO, beginning in September.  El Al will be joining United Airlines which began the non-stop service in 2016.

The SFO to Tel Aviv route will be flown three times a week on their new Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft.