Saturday, June 16, 2018

Ammunition Manufacturer goes Ballistic over Palestinian Lies

Black Butterfly Ammunition just realized that a photo from their ad is being used by Palestinian propagandists. 

They seem more amused than horrified.

From their Facebook page

So my ammo company has officially caused an international incident....sort of. I honestly cannot believe my sweet innocent Buzz Saw loads would do such a thing. Lol 😂 don’t believe everything you read on the internet. We have not sold any ammo for export. Oh my.....

Black Butterfly's Facebook followers are also amused

And there you have it- straight from the manufacturer  

"Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. We have not sold any ammo for export."


Amusement is being replaced by incredulousness over the widespread Palestinian lies and how quickly they have spread.

Welcome to our world, Black Butterfly. Welcome to our world.

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