Thursday, August 29, 2024

Hate Literature Distributed in Berkeley

On Friday afternoon, an 89 year old Holocaust survivor was horrified to find a baggie in front of her home filled with repulsive antisemitic propaganda. She was not alone. Many residents in the Berkeley hills found similar zip lock baggies filled with hateful antisemitic fliers and brown pellets in their driveways and on their sidewalks in recent days. Some have speculated that the pellets contained rat poison. This is being investigated

Similar bags were distributed across the East Bay, in Walnut Creek, Concord and Pleasant Hill.

Police are invigilating this hate incident. Please check your home security systems and cameras to see if footage of the incident was captured. Anyone who has information on the distribution of these baggies should report it to their local Police department.. Berkeley residents should contact Officer Bustamante at or 510-981-5900 and leave a message. The messaging and delivery of the packets indicate that the extremist hate group, The Goyim Defense responsible.