From the New York Times
A Palestinian human rights group in Gaza took the unusual step this week of condemning the building and storage of anti-Israel rockets in densely populated areas, a practice that has led to injuries and deaths of civilians.
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights said that it had investigated recent rocket explosions and found that locally produced projectiles had fallen on homes in Gaza or exploded in factories where they were made or stored. Shrapnel severely wounded several people, including a 22-year-old woman and her 7-month-old baby.
It called on the Hamas government, which controls Gaza, to investigate “and take measures to protect Palestinians and their property.” It added that “members of the Palestinian resistance continue to store explosives or to treat such explosives in locations close to populated areas.”
“This poses a major threat to the lives of the Palestinian civilians,” it said.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
New York. Its got the Ways and Means. Handling BDS, New York Style.
The reports are flowing in from sea to shining sea, and March 30, 2011 was indeed a bg deal. Store across the country reported selling out of Israeli products. JNF phones rang off the hook (Kudos to those of you who requested your tree certificates be sent to Jewish Voice for Peace!)
A buycott Israel flashmob was sighted in the Bay area- Video and photos will be posted as available. But perhaps the winner in innovation this year came out of New York City. An interactive art installation was set up by Artists 4 Israel in Washington Square Park on Monday afternoon. What does this have to do with BDS? It provides context for Israel's defensive action during cast Lead, and thats enough to make the haters squirm uncomfortably.
The Sderot-style shelter, covered with grafitti by top local artists was meant to give New York a taste of the terror involved, living in the shadow of daily attacks from Gaza. Sirens would wail and people had just 15 seconds to sprint to safety before explosions could be heard. Inside the mock shelter, a flat screen TV showed what life was like in beseiged Sderot.
Watch the video of the installation at the Artists 4 Israel's blog. And how about we make a effort to turn this into a travelling exhibit?
UPDATE: More BDS Failures on March 30
BDS Fails in Florida
Also: Because of Winn Dixie
And also from New York City... Rumor has it that luscious young women handed out Victoria's secret underwear, made in Israel, to community members.
They call it ""Panties for peace".
A buycott Israel flashmob was sighted in the Bay area- Video and photos will be posted as available. But perhaps the winner in innovation this year came out of New York City. An interactive art installation was set up by Artists 4 Israel in Washington Square Park on Monday afternoon. What does this have to do with BDS? It provides context for Israel's defensive action during cast Lead, and thats enough to make the haters squirm uncomfortably.
The Sderot-style shelter, covered with grafitti by top local artists was meant to give New York a taste of the terror involved, living in the shadow of daily attacks from Gaza. Sirens would wail and people had just 15 seconds to sprint to safety before explosions could be heard. Inside the mock shelter, a flat screen TV showed what life was like in beseiged Sderot.
Watch the video of the installation at the Artists 4 Israel's blog. And how about we make a effort to turn this into a travelling exhibit?
UPDATE: More BDS Failures on March 30
BDS Fails in Florida
Also: Because of Winn Dixie
And also from New York City... Rumor has it that luscious young women handed out Victoria's secret underwear, made in Israel, to community members.
They call it ""Panties for peace".
Jewish Voice for Peace. None of the above
Pirkei Avot 5:13
There are four types among people:
He who says, "What is mine is mine and what is yours is yours"--this is the common type.
He who says, "What is mine is yours and what is yours is mine"--he is an ignorant man.
He who says, "What is mine is yours and what is yours is your own"--he is a saintly man.
And he who says, "What is yours is mine, and what is mine is mine"--he is a wicked man.
And again, we find Jewish Voice for Peace amongst the Wicked. JVP ('"Victim" is our middle name" ) has been of late whining about their justifiable exclusion from the "big tent" of the Jewish community. To which most of us think "well, duh!. Why wouldn't we exclude them?" Indeed, JVP is an organization that requires a loyalty oath for participation. Interestingly enough- being Jewish is not a requirement- its open to "Jews and allies". Paul Larudee, head of the International Solidarity Movement of Northern California is a member of JVP. He announced it proudly in an article written for American Muslim. Being Jewish is not required for membership- however accepting the Palestinian Right of return- code for the demographic destruction of the state of Israel is required. JVP excludes from its members anyone who fails to meet its test of whats socially acceptable for an anti-Israel, er, a "pro-peace" activist.
Yet JVP claims victimhood when the Jewish community excludes them. Whats yours is mine, they feel. But to JVP, whats theirs is exclusively theirs. They exclude. They set up barriers, while they expect to be welcomed. Wicked.
Jon, from Divest this discusses more JVP hypocrisy here, concluding
"..far from being “voices for peace,” groups like JVP are part of the arsenal militant organizations count on when making their military decisions. “How much can we rebuild our weapons stockpiles?” “How far can we push?” “How many rockets can we fire while Israel weighs the consequences of retaliating?” “If we trigger another war, how long before marches in the street (which will materialize seconds after Israel decides to shoot back) will force a cease fire?”
In short, for all their talk of peace, justice and love, JVP and like minded individuals and organizations who stand silent during the preparation for war, and spring into action only when two sides vs. one start firing needs to be seen for what they are: participants in a military conflict, no less responsible for mayhem than the driver of a getaway car who claims innocence since he did not pull the trigger himself.
If members of such organizations have managed to delude themselves into thinking they are voices for peace, virtue and justice, that is really immaterial, given the role they are currently playing as the propaganda arm of military planners. The fact that they have bamboozled themselves about their own true nature in preparation for bamboozling others into accepting their self characterization matters not a bit as renewed rocket fire signals the opening round of something that we all know will not end well.
Not end well for Israelis and Palestinians, that is. But for members of JVP, they will get to take to the streets in an orgy of self-righteous indignation with ranks swollen by those who “want to do something” without understanding that by marching alongside the BDS cru they are helping to ensure the next war is even bloodier than the last."
JVP. Proud to be ashamed to be Jewish.
There are four types among people:
He who says, "What is mine is mine and what is yours is yours"--this is the common type.
He who says, "What is mine is yours and what is yours is mine"--he is an ignorant man.
He who says, "What is mine is yours and what is yours is your own"--he is a saintly man.
And he who says, "What is yours is mine, and what is mine is mine"--he is a wicked man.
And again, we find Jewish Voice for Peace amongst the Wicked. JVP ('"Victim" is our middle name" ) has been of late whining about their justifiable exclusion from the "big tent" of the Jewish community. To which most of us think "well, duh!. Why wouldn't we exclude them?" Indeed, JVP is an organization that requires a loyalty oath for participation. Interestingly enough- being Jewish is not a requirement- its open to "Jews and allies". Paul Larudee, head of the International Solidarity Movement of Northern California is a member of JVP. He announced it proudly in an article written for American Muslim. Being Jewish is not required for membership- however accepting the Palestinian Right of return- code for the demographic destruction of the state of Israel is required. JVP excludes from its members anyone who fails to meet its test of whats socially acceptable for an anti-Israel, er, a "pro-peace" activist.
Yet JVP claims victimhood when the Jewish community excludes them. Whats yours is mine, they feel. But to JVP, whats theirs is exclusively theirs. They exclude. They set up barriers, while they expect to be welcomed. Wicked.
Jon, from Divest this discusses more JVP hypocrisy here, concluding
"..far from being “voices for peace,” groups like JVP are part of the arsenal militant organizations count on when making their military decisions. “How much can we rebuild our weapons stockpiles?” “How far can we push?” “How many rockets can we fire while Israel weighs the consequences of retaliating?” “If we trigger another war, how long before marches in the street (which will materialize seconds after Israel decides to shoot back) will force a cease fire?”
In short, for all their talk of peace, justice and love, JVP and like minded individuals and organizations who stand silent during the preparation for war, and spring into action only when two sides vs. one start firing needs to be seen for what they are: participants in a military conflict, no less responsible for mayhem than the driver of a getaway car who claims innocence since he did not pull the trigger himself.
If members of such organizations have managed to delude themselves into thinking they are voices for peace, virtue and justice, that is really immaterial, given the role they are currently playing as the propaganda arm of military planners. The fact that they have bamboozled themselves about their own true nature in preparation for bamboozling others into accepting their self characterization matters not a bit as renewed rocket fire signals the opening round of something that we all know will not end well.
Not end well for Israelis and Palestinians, that is. But for members of JVP, they will get to take to the streets in an orgy of self-righteous indignation with ranks swollen by those who “want to do something” without understanding that by marching alongside the BDS cru they are helping to ensure the next war is even bloodier than the last."
JVP. Proud to be ashamed to be Jewish.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
March 30. Its a BIG day
Jewish National Fund Declares Wednesday, March 30 "Stop the Hatred Day" .
JNF, as well as the land and people of Israel, are under attack by those who seek to undermine support for Israel and all that it does that is good in the world. As they speak out for economic, academic, and cultural boycotts of Israeli individuals and institutions, and use vitriolic hate speech in an attempt to delegitimize and demonize our work, we must do otherwise. Take action to stop this hatred. Spend a minute to show your support for the people and the land of Israel:
Take action to stop this hatred. Spend a minute to show your support for the people and the land of Israel:
•Sign this petition to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
•Change your Facebook profile photo for today to a photo of the Israeli flag
•Plant a tree in Israel
•Wear blue and white
•Volunteer-a-Tweet for @JNFUSA on Twitter
•Hang an Israeli flag outside your home or on your car
•Contact your Congressperson and urge them to support Israel
•Read JNF's statement to the press, "They Destroy, We Build"
In addition, tomorrow, March 30, has been declared a BIG (Buy Israeli Goods) Day to counter a global anti-Israel boycott called for on this day. As friends of Israel we urgently ask you to support these Israeli companies that also support JNF in many ways. We also encourage you to go to your local stores, request Israeli products and buy them out. Let store managers know they should keep Israeli products well stocked on the shelves!
JNF, as well as the land and people of Israel, are under attack by those who seek to undermine support for Israel and all that it does that is good in the world. As they speak out for economic, academic, and cultural boycotts of Israeli individuals and institutions, and use vitriolic hate speech in an attempt to delegitimize and demonize our work, we must do otherwise. Take action to stop this hatred. Spend a minute to show your support for the people and the land of Israel:
Take action to stop this hatred. Spend a minute to show your support for the people and the land of Israel:
•Sign this petition to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
•Change your Facebook profile photo for today to a photo of the Israeli flag
•Plant a tree in Israel
•Wear blue and white
•Volunteer-a-Tweet for @JNFUSA on Twitter
•Hang an Israeli flag outside your home or on your car
•Contact your Congressperson and urge them to support Israel
•Read JNF's statement to the press, "They Destroy, We Build"
In addition, tomorrow, March 30, has been declared a BIG (Buy Israeli Goods) Day to counter a global anti-Israel boycott called for on this day. As friends of Israel we urgently ask you to support these Israeli companies that also support JNF in many ways. We also encourage you to go to your local stores, request Israeli products and buy them out. Let store managers know they should keep Israeli products well stocked on the shelves!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Have you heard? March 30 is Buy Israeli Goods day. Yes. Its a BIG deal

Instead, reject the hatred.
Celebrate Israel's diversity, democracy and innovation on March 30, 2011. Its buy Israeli goods day, and its a BIG deal. Please visit Buy Israeli Goods for a listing of companies and businesses that sell Israeli goods in your community. On March 30, change your facebook status to "Shopping for Israel!". And be sure to send us photos and videos of you and your friends buying and using fine products from Israel.
Fighting Back Against Campus Anti-Semitism
Kenneth L. Marcus is Executive Vice President of the Institute for Jewish & Community Research and author of Jewish Identity & Civil Rights in America. He has just written an excellent article Fighting Back Against Campus Anti-Semitism
One day last March Jessica Felber, then 20, a Jewish undergraduate at the University of California at Berkeley, was standing on her campus, holding a placard bearing the words: “Israel Wants Peace.” At that moment, Husam Zakaria, a Berkeley student leader of Students for Justice in Palestine, reportedly rammed Felber from behind so hard with a loaded shopping cart that she had to be taken to the university’s urgent medical care facility. This violent episode has become sadly emblematic of a wave of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic incidents that have rippled across the country, nowhere more so than in the “Golden State,” which has become an epicenter for the New Anti-Semitism in America. What makes this case different is that Felber fought back, charging this month in a federal lawsuit that UC Berkeley has ignored mounting evidence of anti-Jewish animus and should be held liable for the injuries she suffered. Her suit also contends that “physical intimidation and violence were frequently employed as a tactic by SJP and other campus groups in an effort to silence students on campus who support Israel”.
Sixty miles or so south of Berkeley along the Pacific coast, University of California Santa Cruz lecturer Tammi Rossman-Benjamin makes a similar case against her own employer. For several years, Rossman-Benjamin has spoken out against anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism at the University of California, but she insists that the problem is not limited to a few rogue students: “Professors, academic departments and residential colleges at UCSC promote and encourage anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish views and behavior,” she insists, “much of which is based on either misleading information or outright falsehood.” Rossman-Benjamin describes an atmosphere at Santa Cruz in which taxpayer-supported, university-sponsored discourse that “demonizes Israel, compares contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis, calls for the dismantling of the Jewish State, and holds Israel to an impossible double standard – crosses the line into anti-Semitism…” Like Felber, Rossman-Benjamin is fighting back. The Santa Cruz whistle-blower filed a civil rights action with the U.S. Department of Education’s powerful Office for Civil Rights, arguing that UCSC has created a hostile environment for Jewish students. Last week, OCR sent a powerful signal to academia when it informed Rossman-Benjamin that it is formally opening an investigation of her claims.
The Jessica Felber and Tammi Rossman-Benjamin stories are just the tip of the iceberg. Over the last decade – since 9/11 and the start of the Second Intifada – there has been a persistent drumbeat of allegations by students and professors at many university campuses across the country. It is true that most Jewish students will not face these problems, particularly if they avoid visibly associating themselves with the Jewish state or with Jewish institutions. Moreover, the reported incidents are disproportionately concentrated in coastal states and on highly politicized campuses, especially in California. Neverthless, problems are continually arising even on campuses like Indiana University which do not seem to fit the profile. In its widely read 2006 report on “Campus Anti-Semitism,” the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights observed that anti-Semitism had once again become a “serious problem” at many post-secondary institutions nation-wide. In numerous cases, Jewish and Israeli students, particularly if they are outspoken supporters of Israel, have been physically accosted or confronted with a mix of classic anti-Jewish stereotypes and “progressive” anti-Israel defamations. While it is difficult to quantify the extent of the problem – in part because of the dismal state of reporting on this issue – there is much support for the conclusion that Gary Tobin and Aryeh Weinberg reached in their book, The Uncivil University; i.e.,anti-Semitism has now become systemic throughout American higher education, even on the quieter campuses. Since 2006, the problem has only gotten worse, as old-fashioned bias has entered into the university-centered international campaign to delegitimize the Jewish State through boycotts, divestment and sanctions.
Read more here
One day last March Jessica Felber, then 20, a Jewish undergraduate at the University of California at Berkeley, was standing on her campus, holding a placard bearing the words: “Israel Wants Peace.” At that moment, Husam Zakaria, a Berkeley student leader of Students for Justice in Palestine, reportedly rammed Felber from behind so hard with a loaded shopping cart that she had to be taken to the university’s urgent medical care facility. This violent episode has become sadly emblematic of a wave of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic incidents that have rippled across the country, nowhere more so than in the “Golden State,” which has become an epicenter for the New Anti-Semitism in America. What makes this case different is that Felber fought back, charging this month in a federal lawsuit that UC Berkeley has ignored mounting evidence of anti-Jewish animus and should be held liable for the injuries she suffered. Her suit also contends that “physical intimidation and violence were frequently employed as a tactic by SJP and other campus groups in an effort to silence students on campus who support Israel”.
Sixty miles or so south of Berkeley along the Pacific coast, University of California Santa Cruz lecturer Tammi Rossman-Benjamin makes a similar case against her own employer. For several years, Rossman-Benjamin has spoken out against anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism at the University of California, but she insists that the problem is not limited to a few rogue students: “Professors, academic departments and residential colleges at UCSC promote and encourage anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish views and behavior,” she insists, “much of which is based on either misleading information or outright falsehood.” Rossman-Benjamin describes an atmosphere at Santa Cruz in which taxpayer-supported, university-sponsored discourse that “demonizes Israel, compares contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis, calls for the dismantling of the Jewish State, and holds Israel to an impossible double standard – crosses the line into anti-Semitism…” Like Felber, Rossman-Benjamin is fighting back. The Santa Cruz whistle-blower filed a civil rights action with the U.S. Department of Education’s powerful Office for Civil Rights, arguing that UCSC has created a hostile environment for Jewish students. Last week, OCR sent a powerful signal to academia when it informed Rossman-Benjamin that it is formally opening an investigation of her claims.
The Jessica Felber and Tammi Rossman-Benjamin stories are just the tip of the iceberg. Over the last decade – since 9/11 and the start of the Second Intifada – there has been a persistent drumbeat of allegations by students and professors at many university campuses across the country. It is true that most Jewish students will not face these problems, particularly if they avoid visibly associating themselves with the Jewish state or with Jewish institutions. Moreover, the reported incidents are disproportionately concentrated in coastal states and on highly politicized campuses, especially in California. Neverthless, problems are continually arising even on campuses like Indiana University which do not seem to fit the profile. In its widely read 2006 report on “Campus Anti-Semitism,” the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights observed that anti-Semitism had once again become a “serious problem” at many post-secondary institutions nation-wide. In numerous cases, Jewish and Israeli students, particularly if they are outspoken supporters of Israel, have been physically accosted or confronted with a mix of classic anti-Jewish stereotypes and “progressive” anti-Israel defamations. While it is difficult to quantify the extent of the problem – in part because of the dismal state of reporting on this issue – there is much support for the conclusion that Gary Tobin and Aryeh Weinberg reached in their book, The Uncivil University; i.e.,anti-Semitism has now become systemic throughout American higher education, even on the quieter campuses. Since 2006, the problem has only gotten worse, as old-fashioned bias has entered into the university-centered international campaign to delegitimize the Jewish State through boycotts, divestment and sanctions.
Read more here
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Hamas Torturing Women Journalists
From the brave J post reporter Khaled Abu Toameh
A number of Palestinian women journalists complained on Sunday that they had been beaten and tortured by Hamas security forces in the Gaza Strip.
They said the assaults occurred in recent days when they and their colleagues tried to cover pro-unity rallies in different parts of the Gaza Strip.
At least eight journalists were beaten by the Hamas police officers during the rallies.
Some had their cameras and laptops confiscated, while others were taken into custody and made to sign a document pledging to refrain from covering such events in the future.
Later, Hamas security personnel raided the offices of a number of media organizations and confiscated equipment and documents. Among the offices targeted were Reuters, CNN and a Japanese TV network.
Whats next, Hamas? Virginity checks?
A number of Palestinian women journalists complained on Sunday that they had been beaten and tortured by Hamas security forces in the Gaza Strip.
They said the assaults occurred in recent days when they and their colleagues tried to cover pro-unity rallies in different parts of the Gaza Strip.
At least eight journalists were beaten by the Hamas police officers during the rallies.
Some had their cameras and laptops confiscated, while others were taken into custody and made to sign a document pledging to refrain from covering such events in the future.
Later, Hamas security personnel raided the offices of a number of media organizations and confiscated equipment and documents. Among the offices targeted were Reuters, CNN and a Japanese TV network.
Whats next, Hamas? Virginity checks?
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Buy Israeli Goods Day, March 30, 2011

Trader Joes has added a new Israeli product to their stores, just in time for Buy Israeli Goods Day, March 30, 2011. In addition to their line of Dorot spices, Israeli couscous and luscious, tangy pastures of Eden feta, Trader Joes is now carrying Holyland matzah, and delivering a big fat "F**k you" to the BDS'ers.
Pick up a box on March 30 and thank the manager for continuing to carry quality Israeli products.
Thanks F, for this new Israeli products sighting, deep in the heart of the belly of the beast. A Berkeley supermarket, hearing rumors of "Buy Israeli products " day on March 30, helpfully stocked up. Check out the variety!

Palestinians reject BDS in favor of Co-existence
From The IDF Blog
Palestinian Children Diagnosed With Cancer Visit Mt. Hermon With Alpine Unit Reservists
Last week, Palestinian children diagnosed with cancer visited Israel’s only ski resort located in Mt. Hermon, northern Israel. The children, accompanied by their families, enjoyed the snow and slopes along with IDF reservists from the Alpine Unit.
The day was part of a decade-long project in which soldiers bring up groups of mentally or physically disabled children, as well as children with terminal illnesses, to Mt. Hermon for a day of fun and relaxation. The number of visits varies according to the snowfall each year, but on average amounts to 40-45 annual visits. The project is funded by the Erez Organization, a non-profit organization which consists of reserve soldiers of the Alpine Unit.
The trip was also made possible by the Civil Administration, the Israeli body responsible for administering and coordinating civilian and humanitarian needs in the West Bank. Dalia Bassa, Health and Welfare Coordinator in the CA, coordinated last week’s trip for twenty children from the Augusta Victoria Hospital’s Oncology Ward who, along with their families and six of the hospital’s medical staff, joined the soldiers in the snow.
“It’s a day of fun which helps these children deal with their illness,” she said, adding that groups of Palestinian kids go to Mt. Hermon every year and that “the families call annually to remind me of the coming snowfall”.
Palestinian Children Diagnosed With Cancer Visit Mt. Hermon With Alpine Unit Reservists
Last week, Palestinian children diagnosed with cancer visited Israel’s only ski resort located in Mt. Hermon, northern Israel. The children, accompanied by their families, enjoyed the snow and slopes along with IDF reservists from the Alpine Unit.
The day was part of a decade-long project in which soldiers bring up groups of mentally or physically disabled children, as well as children with terminal illnesses, to Mt. Hermon for a day of fun and relaxation. The number of visits varies according to the snowfall each year, but on average amounts to 40-45 annual visits. The project is funded by the Erez Organization, a non-profit organization which consists of reserve soldiers of the Alpine Unit.
The trip was also made possible by the Civil Administration, the Israeli body responsible for administering and coordinating civilian and humanitarian needs in the West Bank. Dalia Bassa, Health and Welfare Coordinator in the CA, coordinated last week’s trip for twenty children from the Augusta Victoria Hospital’s Oncology Ward who, along with their families and six of the hospital’s medical staff, joined the soldiers in the snow.
“It’s a day of fun which helps these children deal with their illness,” she said, adding that groups of Palestinian kids go to Mt. Hermon every year and that “the families call annually to remind me of the coming snowfall”.
Friday, March 25, 2011
California divestment campaign. Going from Failure to Failure
Californians, it never ends.
Phase I of the Israel Divestment Campaign has ended. In failure. Complete failure. Simply , people could not be persuaded, bribed or cajoled or even mislead into signing the statewide California divestment initiative. Rumor has it that the haters were unable to gather even 10 % of the needed signatures for the referendum to appear on the ballot. But they aren't admitting it,not publicly anyway.
But, wait. Building on their previous failure, the Israel Divestment campaign has lowered the bar. the Israel Divestment Campaign (IDC) is launching Phase II of their campaign to annoy California citizens on March 30th
Their announcement: "We will be taking a new turn in our campaign as we organize to exert more direct pressure on the two largest public pension funds in the U.S. - the California State Teachers’ Retirement System and the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (California PERS and STRS)to divest from companies that facilitate Israel's blah blah blah...." I'm paraphrasing....
Yep. Its another petition. But this one won't have those pesky checks and balances of the statewide divestment initiative.
I've got an idea, IDC. When you ask people to sign your petition, ask people if they want their investments to earn them maximum return? Do they really want to divest from a country that, according to Bloomberg news "bounced back from the global recession faster than many developed economies, with growth accelerating to 7.7 percent in the last quarter of 2010, the fastest pace in four years.?"
If its a choice of maximum return on your pension, or advancing a deeply flawed ideology, its seems like a no-brainer, California. And thats precisely why the BDS'ers are on the wrong side, yet again.
Phase I of the Israel Divestment Campaign has ended. In failure. Complete failure. Simply , people could not be persuaded, bribed or cajoled or even mislead into signing the statewide California divestment initiative. Rumor has it that the haters were unable to gather even 10 % of the needed signatures for the referendum to appear on the ballot. But they aren't admitting it,not publicly anyway.
But, wait. Building on their previous failure, the Israel Divestment campaign has lowered the bar. the Israel Divestment Campaign (IDC) is launching Phase II of their campaign to annoy California citizens on March 30th
Their announcement: "We will be taking a new turn in our campaign as we organize to exert more direct pressure on the two largest public pension funds in the U.S. - the California State Teachers’ Retirement System and the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (California PERS and STRS)to divest from companies that facilitate Israel's blah blah blah...." I'm paraphrasing....
Yep. Its another petition. But this one won't have those pesky checks and balances of the statewide divestment initiative.
I've got an idea, IDC. When you ask people to sign your petition, ask people if they want their investments to earn them maximum return? Do they really want to divest from a country that, according to Bloomberg news "bounced back from the global recession faster than many developed economies, with growth accelerating to 7.7 percent in the last quarter of 2010, the fastest pace in four years.?"
If its a choice of maximum return on your pension, or advancing a deeply flawed ideology, its seems like a no-brainer, California. And thats precisely why the BDS'ers are on the wrong side, yet again.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Attack of the Killer "homemade resistance rockets"
This week alone, there have been over 70 attacks on Israeli soil, using what American Muslims for Palestine has called "homemade resistance rockets". Some of the "resistance rockets", are Grad missiles from Iran, home to 73 million. (Is that what they mean by "homemade"?) On March 22, a Grad missile fired from the Gaza Strip landed near Ashdod - a port city in southern Israel with a population of over 200,000.On March 23, a Grad missile fired from Gaza landed in the city of Beer Sheba, causing damage to infrastructure and a residential building. One man was injured by shrapnel and transferred to the Soroka Hospital. Three other people were treated for shock. On 21 March, in response to a barrage of mortar shells, Kassam and Grad missiles (er, um "homemade resistance rockets") fired from Gaza, IAF aircraft targeted two terror tunnels, two weapons manufacturing and storage facilities and other terror sites in Gaza.
Why is there an escalation in attacks from Gaza? Are the narcissistic Palestinians simply looking for a way return to the center of the world stage after its domination by the Japanese? (How dare they distract the world from the suffering of the Palestinians!). Are they trying to galvanize public attention before the next ship of fools sails to Gaza at the end of May? Or is this the start of a new intifada against Israel?
And it case you've forgotten, "Homemade resistance rockets" kill. They main. And they terrorize.
From the Israel Project
June 5, 2008 - Amnon Rosenberg, 51, killed by a mortar bomb which struck Moshav Yesha
May 12, 2008 - Shuli Katz, 70, killed by a Qassam rocket which struck Moshav Yesha
May 9, 2008 - Jimmy Kedoshim from Kibbutz Kfar Aza, aged 48, killed by a mortar shell fired by Hamas from the Gaza Strip
Feb 27, 2008 – Roni Yihye, 47, a student, killed on Sapir College campus while sitting in his car
May 27, 2007 - Oshri Oz, 36, from Hod Hasharon. Killed in Sderot when a rocket hit his vehicle as he was driving.
May 21, 2007 - Shirel Friedman, 32, from Sderot, killed when standing near a car that was struck by a rocket
Nov. 21, 2006 - Yaakov Yaakobov, 43, from Sderot. Severely injured while at work in a Sderot poultry processing plant and died from his wounds one day later.
Nov. 11, 2006 - Faina Slutzker, 57, killed when a rocket hits the street where she is walking.
March 28, 2006 - Salam Ziadin and Khalid, 16, a Bedouin father and son, killed when a Qassam rocket they find in the Nahal Oz area explodes.
July 15, 2005 - Dana Gelkowitz, 22, killed by a Qassam that strikes a home in Moshav Nativ Ha'asara.
Jan. 15, 2005 - Ayala Haya Abukasis, 17, killed when a rocket hits Sderot.
Sept. 29, 2004 - Dorit Inso, 2, killed when two rockets hit her residence building.
Sept. 29, 2004 - Yuval Abeva, 4, killed when two rockets hit his residence building.
June 28, 2004 - Afik Ohion Zehavi, 4, killed when a rocket lands in his nursery school in Sderot.
June 28, 2004 - Mordechai Yosephus, 49, killed when a rocket lands in a kindergarten in Sderot.
Total Deaths from Mortar Fire in the Former Israeli Settlements in Gaza: 8
Dec. 14, 2005 - Jitladda Tap-arsa, 20, a female Thai national, was killed while working in a greenhouse in the Gush Katif settlement of Ganei Tal.
June 7, 2005 - Bi Shude, 46, a Chinese national, was killed while working in a greenhouse in the Gush Katif settlement of Ganei Tal.
June 7, 2005 - Muhammad Mahmoud Jaroum, a Palestinian worker, was killed while working in a greenhouse in the Gush Katif settlement of Ganei Tal.
June 7, 2005 - Muslah Umran, a Palestinian worker, was killed while working in a greenhouse in the Gush Katif settlement of Ganei Tal.
Jan. 2, 2005 - Nissim Arbiv, 26, of Nissanit, was severely injured by a mortar shell in the Erez industrial zone. He died from his injuries ten days later.
Oct. 28, 2004 - Sgt. Michael Chizik, 21, of Tiberias, was killed when a mortar shell landed in the Morag outpost in Gush Katif.
Sept. 24, 2004: Tiferet Tratner, 24, of Neve Dekalim, was killed in her home by a mortar attack on the Gush Katif settlement bloc.
Nov. 24, 2001 - St.-Sgt. Barak Madmon, from Holon, 26, was killed by a mortar strike while on reserve duty in Kfar Darom.
Why is there an escalation in attacks from Gaza? Are the narcissistic Palestinians simply looking for a way return to the center of the world stage after its domination by the Japanese? (How dare they distract the world from the suffering of the Palestinians!). Are they trying to galvanize public attention before the next ship of fools sails to Gaza at the end of May? Or is this the start of a new intifada against Israel?
And it case you've forgotten, "Homemade resistance rockets" kill. They main. And they terrorize.
From the Israel Project
June 5, 2008 - Amnon Rosenberg, 51, killed by a mortar bomb which struck Moshav Yesha
May 12, 2008 - Shuli Katz, 70, killed by a Qassam rocket which struck Moshav Yesha
May 9, 2008 - Jimmy Kedoshim from Kibbutz Kfar Aza, aged 48, killed by a mortar shell fired by Hamas from the Gaza Strip
Feb 27, 2008 – Roni Yihye, 47, a student, killed on Sapir College campus while sitting in his car
May 27, 2007 - Oshri Oz, 36, from Hod Hasharon. Killed in Sderot when a rocket hit his vehicle as he was driving.
May 21, 2007 - Shirel Friedman, 32, from Sderot, killed when standing near a car that was struck by a rocket
Nov. 21, 2006 - Yaakov Yaakobov, 43, from Sderot. Severely injured while at work in a Sderot poultry processing plant and died from his wounds one day later.
Nov. 11, 2006 - Faina Slutzker, 57, killed when a rocket hits the street where she is walking.
March 28, 2006 - Salam Ziadin and Khalid, 16, a Bedouin father and son, killed when a Qassam rocket they find in the Nahal Oz area explodes.
July 15, 2005 - Dana Gelkowitz, 22, killed by a Qassam that strikes a home in Moshav Nativ Ha'asara.
Jan. 15, 2005 - Ayala Haya Abukasis, 17, killed when a rocket hits Sderot.
Sept. 29, 2004 - Dorit Inso, 2, killed when two rockets hit her residence building.
Sept. 29, 2004 - Yuval Abeva, 4, killed when two rockets hit his residence building.
June 28, 2004 - Afik Ohion Zehavi, 4, killed when a rocket lands in his nursery school in Sderot.
June 28, 2004 - Mordechai Yosephus, 49, killed when a rocket lands in a kindergarten in Sderot.
Total Deaths from Mortar Fire in the Former Israeli Settlements in Gaza: 8
Dec. 14, 2005 - Jitladda Tap-arsa, 20, a female Thai national, was killed while working in a greenhouse in the Gush Katif settlement of Ganei Tal.
June 7, 2005 - Bi Shude, 46, a Chinese national, was killed while working in a greenhouse in the Gush Katif settlement of Ganei Tal.
June 7, 2005 - Muhammad Mahmoud Jaroum, a Palestinian worker, was killed while working in a greenhouse in the Gush Katif settlement of Ganei Tal.
June 7, 2005 - Muslah Umran, a Palestinian worker, was killed while working in a greenhouse in the Gush Katif settlement of Ganei Tal.
Jan. 2, 2005 - Nissim Arbiv, 26, of Nissanit, was severely injured by a mortar shell in the Erez industrial zone. He died from his injuries ten days later.
Oct. 28, 2004 - Sgt. Michael Chizik, 21, of Tiberias, was killed when a mortar shell landed in the Morag outpost in Gush Katif.
Sept. 24, 2004: Tiferet Tratner, 24, of Neve Dekalim, was killed in her home by a mortar attack on the Gush Katif settlement bloc.
Nov. 24, 2001 - St.-Sgt. Barak Madmon, from Holon, 26, was killed by a mortar strike while on reserve duty in Kfar Darom.
Bus stop bombing in Jerusalem: Has the third Intifada begun?
A bomb exploded at a crowded bus stop Wednesday in central Jerusalem, next to the Egged bus 74. At least 25 people were wounded. The blast could be heard throughout Jerusalem and blew out the windows of two crowded buses.
The Palestinians have been threatening a "third intifada". Is this the begining?
More news as its available. I'm waiting for the Palestinians to blame "disgruntled Thai workers" for this one....
Israel matzav is live blogging
From the J Post
One woman is dead, and fifty people were injured in the attack. Three were injured seriously from the explosion itself, four moderately from shrapnel packed into the explosive device and the remainder were in moderate to light condition.
The Palestinians have been threatening a "third intifada". Is this the begining?
More news as its available. I'm waiting for the Palestinians to blame "disgruntled Thai workers" for this one....
Israel matzav is live blogging
From the J Post
One woman is dead, and fifty people were injured in the attack. Three were injured seriously from the explosion itself, four moderately from shrapnel packed into the explosive device and the remainder were in moderate to light condition.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Kiss my BDS!
AP Interview: Simmons Blasts Israel Boycotters
"They're fools,"declared Kiss' Israeli-born singer-musician Gene Simmons describing the BDS'ers targeting his homeland.
Simmons described his visit to Israel as a "homecoming". "I'm Israeli. I'm a stranger in America. I'm an outsider," he said, speaking in a hotel lobby across a valley from the walls of Jerusalem's historic Old City. "I was born here and I'm proud of it."
Simmons, who was born Chaim Witz and is fluent in Hebrew, , will arrive with his family to shoot episodes for the "Gene Simmons' Family Jewels" reality show.
In other BDS epic fail news, legendary punk band Echo and the Bunnymen, due to play in Israel next month, deleted and banned the BDS'ers swamping their facebook page. Its about time!
So, hows that boycott going?
"They're fools,"declared Kiss' Israeli-born singer-musician Gene Simmons describing the BDS'ers targeting his homeland.
Simmons described his visit to Israel as a "homecoming". "I'm Israeli. I'm a stranger in America. I'm an outsider," he said, speaking in a hotel lobby across a valley from the walls of Jerusalem's historic Old City. "I was born here and I'm proud of it."
Simmons, who was born Chaim Witz and is fluent in Hebrew, , will arrive with his family to shoot episodes for the "Gene Simmons' Family Jewels" reality show.
In other BDS epic fail news, legendary punk band Echo and the Bunnymen, due to play in Israel next month, deleted and banned the BDS'ers swamping their facebook page. Its about time!
So, hows that boycott going?
Monday, March 21, 2011
Israeli Military Intelligence monitoring foreign left-wing organizations
From an article by Barak Ravid in Haaretz
Military Intelligence is collecting information about left-wing organizations abroad that the army sees as aiming to delegitimize Israel, according to senior Israeli officials and Israel Defense Forces officers.
The sources said MI's research division created a department several months ago that is dedicated to monitoring left-wing groups and will work closely with government ministries. In recent weeks, the head of the new unit has been taking part in discussions in the Prime Minister's Office about how to prepare for the possible arrival of a Gaza-bound flotilla in May.
Sometime, its more than simply "delegitimizing" Israel. The Red/Green Alliance locally has no issues about aiding and abetting terrorist organizations such as Hamas

Paul Larudee of the Northern California International Solidarity Movement and friends being feted by Hamas dignitaries in Gaza
Military Intelligence is collecting information about left-wing organizations abroad that the army sees as aiming to delegitimize Israel, according to senior Israeli officials and Israel Defense Forces officers.
The sources said MI's research division created a department several months ago that is dedicated to monitoring left-wing groups and will work closely with government ministries. In recent weeks, the head of the new unit has been taking part in discussions in the Prime Minister's Office about how to prepare for the possible arrival of a Gaza-bound flotilla in May.
Sometime, its more than simply "delegitimizing" Israel. The Red/Green Alliance locally has no issues about aiding and abetting terrorist organizations such as Hamas

Paul Larudee of the Northern California International Solidarity Movement and friends being feted by Hamas dignitaries in Gaza
Israel sets up Field Hospital in Japan
According to today's J Post:
The field hospital Israel is establishing in Japan is the first to be set up by any nation offering outside assistance, Israel’s Ambassador to Japan Nissim Ben Shitrit said Monday, and the Japanese are extremely appreciative.
Ben Shitrit said the hospital was being established at Minamisanriko, a fishing city 290 miles north of Tokyo, that was utterly overwhelmed by the quake and tsunami and where some 10,000 people are dead or missing. A five-strong Israeli team “is setting up the surgery right now,” the ambassador said. “They are evaluating the needs today, so that a larger team can be dispatched.”
This is in addition to tons of material assistance provided by Israel – including mattresses, blankets, coats, gloves and chemical toilets. A half million people remain homeless in Japan.
The field hospital Israel is establishing in Japan is the first to be set up by any nation offering outside assistance, Israel’s Ambassador to Japan Nissim Ben Shitrit said Monday, and the Japanese are extremely appreciative.
Ben Shitrit said the hospital was being established at Minamisanriko, a fishing city 290 miles north of Tokyo, that was utterly overwhelmed by the quake and tsunami and where some 10,000 people are dead or missing. A five-strong Israeli team “is setting up the surgery right now,” the ambassador said. “They are evaluating the needs today, so that a larger team can be dispatched.”
This is in addition to tons of material assistance provided by Israel – including mattresses, blankets, coats, gloves and chemical toilets. A half million people remain homeless in Japan.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
ITAMAR: A poem by Matt White
Matt White, a student in Tikvah; The Zionist Voice at UC Berkeley wrote this poem . It debuted March 16 at a candlelight vigil in memory of the murdered Fogel family of Itamar,Israel. We are honored and humbled to reprint it here.
thank you to Suheir Hammad for your words to inspire me
Sweet and acidic like a perfect grapefruit
a blood orange
Gentlemen, let us bless
“May it be your will, Hashem, our G-d,
that there be no distress, grief,
or lament
on this day
of our contentment”
Red rooftop white wall blind sunlight bright
soft skies in haze on Shomron
hilltops and pine groves dot this
village cautious advanced upon by shrubs and bushes
fennel, sage, thistle, za’atar
shimmy in a circle around Itamar
cactus soldiers in a wild common battalion
fragrant handful clutch soil realization belonging
Homeland herbs
Desert wind you carry the spices of Solomon
Desert sand you twirl and strangle
Desert veil you shroud a beloved
Desert eyes made now of glass
Shabbat queen
Shabbat mother Shabbat bride
Her garments torn on jujube thorn
Her gullet roars no sound to mourn
Dare break the silence day seven shorn
Children are dead no hero was born
Massacre you shalom ’aleikhem
Butcher you yedid nefesh
Shabbat woman
Cannot wail cannot tear her hair
Her sleep was robbed her bed invaded her joy drained of fluid her
Prayers jewels treasures nightmares
Sleep is robbed of Shabbat woman she cannot
Sleep again cannot give herself in
To rest cannot
Sleep no more
Crystal shrapnel on challah cover
How can she seek to give comfort
because Jew father
in bed with Zionist entity baby girl
Her purple tiny custom-made hoodie embraces his
blue jacket with white striped sleeves
trying to sleep
Because in her three months she
could but cry out that she
demanded to grow
can never say a first word because
slashed throats don’t speak
they only bleed
only bleed
Shabbat woman how can she seek to give comfort
mother is cut open on the bathroom floor
because she hid her hair in her tikhel for the world to not see
her grace
just as in Ramallah
a doppelganger hides her hair in her
hijab for the world to not see
her beauty
because sour iron ruby pool surrounds and soaks this crumpled kippah
because preteen boy child is slapped down on his back
with holes in his flesh
a criminal for being indigenous
did you know that a heart can boil
did you know that doves have dirty infected wings
that three year old has a knife enter his heart twice to stop it
that three year old neck must be racist
because it was designed white
that three year old neck was hacked apart
vocal cords already
know how to dare speak
"am yisrael khai”
because it ain’t no disgusting accident
ain’t no human shield
ain’t no clear and present danger
ain’t no violent threat
ain’t no combatant in a war which has sides
ain’t no terrorist with bombs as a breastplate
Shabbat woman what power have you
against Gush Katif evacuation catastrophe
against orange groves being chopped down and used as space for
Hamas rocket launchers
against a retreat with hands held steady above our heads
that translated into metal rain for a decade in the life of southern Israel
that introduced civilians to the words Katyusha, Kassam, Grad
what power have you to weep
when refugees from ethnic cleansing
find themselves converted to corpses in the wilderness of Itamar
Shabbat woman please try to caress the face of
the survivor Yishai
because he’s two years old
and he has blood caked and spattered on his legs
and he screams for his parents to wake up
because he screams and cannot be quieted
try to caress his face
because his mother will never again be able to do just that
tell Tamar and Roi that there is no justification for terrorism
that their lives are a miracle
that were they found they would have been murdered too
a family of Jews
Dalaal al-Mughrabi
hijacks a bus in the second week of March 1978 Israel
murders thirty seven
murders from them thirteen children
murders credibility to the Palestinian cause
and in the second week of March 2011 Israel
while Itamar weeps until salt claws at its eyelids
al-Bireh devotes
its largest town square
to Dalaal al-Mughrabi
to her name
to her memory
to her hate
and the children of the family Fogel
are stabbed in the heart again and again
Salam Fayyad
Mahmoud Abbas
you whisper in my ear that you want peace
you tell me on your government-controlled TV idiot box bullshit that you want peace
My peace has no knives
My peace has no shrouding of the map of Israel
My peace has no networks broadcasting glorifying a previous batch of Itamar murderers
My peace has no political party of my own design claiming responsibility for murder
My peace has no Fatah lies
My peace gauges no party as moderate just because the alternative is worse
My peace has no incitement to murder
My peace has no terrorists
To the people the world has sent into damnation such to be “settlers”
who CNN and Al-Jazeera would rather call “settlers” than human beings
who Western media can’t see as innocent victims in their homeland but rather the fact that they had it coming to them
that this was an “alleged” terror attack
People who stand in defiance to a world that no longer cares about slaughtered Jews
I dare you to live
And I shriek out to the lone few of you who
pour tar and kerosene and feces on peace negotiations
and you’re craven enough to do it
in the name of Judaism and Israel and Zionism
I shriek out to you
My Judaism has no reprisal attacks
My Israel has no threatening the lives of innocent Palestinian townsfolk
My Zionism has no smashing car windshields
No invasion of property to throw stones in a third racist intifada
No demonstrations with signs saying “death to Arabs”
My Zionism burns with pride and kisses the cheek of the
Civilian in the neighboring town of Awarta
who speaks in Arabic
and declares the injustice of killing babies
Give me your hand as I look into your eyes I don’t care what color they are because to me they are beautiful they are gorgeous because they and I thirst to be loved my Muslim Christian agnostic atheist Arab raceless brothers and sisters
Palestinian people I want to dance to the beat of your darbuka
I beg you to listen when I say
My peace has no pastries and candy passed out on the streets of Rafah
To celebrate an infant having the breath sliced out of her
Hamas of Gaza your candy tastes like Iranian warheads
Your candy tastes like shells and mortars
Your candy tastes like a crown of thorns
Your candy tastes like charred bones and howling blood
Your candy tastes like the murder of my people
And your residents tell me joy is a “natural response” to the murder of Israelis
I’m sick I’m so sick I want to vomit I surf on waves of nausea I
spill my words like Tishbi wine into internationally deaf ears I
can’t process my thoughts when the United Nations is controlled by maniacs I
feel so abandoned when evil tyranny anti-Semitism can thrive
I light my candle for Rabbi Udi
for Ruti
because they now have no tikhel no blue jacket with white striped sleeves
because they now are clothed in black and white tallitot
I light my candle for Yoav
for Elad
for baby Hadas
because there are three tiny coffins in Givat Shaul
that the world doesn’t give a fuck to see
I light my candle because nobody is going to do it for me
I don’t want no houses built in their honor
I don’t want martyrdom to be answered with human growth I don’t want martyrdom to be used for political purposes even if it makes us seem weak maybe we don’t always have to have muscles maybe the desiccated byproduct of a jihadist genocidal mentality can’t be in dialogue with concrete maybe I want their souls done tangible justice I’ve given up on humans for the time being I want to see olive trees and rotem flower bloom in their name I want to see pomegranates fresh fragrant in their memory I want to see lemon blossoms sticky with nectar in their love I want to see the children in Nablus and Jenin given books explaining with truth how we’re cousins in genes and phantasms all of us and how resplendent this friendship alone on our ship our ship bamidbar in the wilderness of our land isolated vessel how children have futures in medicine art healing for all the times they were told to strap magazines pregnant with bullets across their small frail chests and denied life to others and in so doing were abused denied dreams themselves because knife tangible knife silver blade cutting throats equals knife invisible indoctrination hungry devouring brains intellect hope future washed away in milk in chalk in plasma screen violets scream in suicide
I hold gingerly between fingers limp a natural growth
With a drop of blood
A white cyclamen
With a drop of blood
I’m scrubbing I’m scrubbing oh G-d they’re trying to make out of me
Lady Macbeth
I scrub and scrub until my hands fall off and I go insane
The dolls children left on the floor and did not tidy up
Are frozen with their beatific smiles
They cannot play without a partner
Shabbat queen
Shabbat mother Shabbat bride
Shabbat woman
your eyes
because next Shabbat
I want peace
thank you to Suheir Hammad for your words to inspire me
Sweet and acidic like a perfect grapefruit
a blood orange
Gentlemen, let us bless
“May it be your will, Hashem, our G-d,
that there be no distress, grief,
or lament
on this day
of our contentment”
Red rooftop white wall blind sunlight bright
soft skies in haze on Shomron
hilltops and pine groves dot this
village cautious advanced upon by shrubs and bushes
fennel, sage, thistle, za’atar
shimmy in a circle around Itamar
cactus soldiers in a wild common battalion
fragrant handful clutch soil realization belonging
Homeland herbs
Desert wind you carry the spices of Solomon
Desert sand you twirl and strangle
Desert veil you shroud a beloved
Desert eyes made now of glass
Shabbat queen
Shabbat mother Shabbat bride
Her garments torn on jujube thorn
Her gullet roars no sound to mourn
Dare break the silence day seven shorn
Children are dead no hero was born
Massacre you shalom ’aleikhem
Butcher you yedid nefesh
Shabbat woman
Cannot wail cannot tear her hair
Her sleep was robbed her bed invaded her joy drained of fluid her
Prayers jewels treasures nightmares
Sleep is robbed of Shabbat woman she cannot
Sleep again cannot give herself in
To rest cannot
Sleep no more
Crystal shrapnel on challah cover
How can she seek to give comfort
because Jew father
in bed with Zionist entity baby girl
Her purple tiny custom-made hoodie embraces his
blue jacket with white striped sleeves
trying to sleep
Because in her three months she
could but cry out that she
demanded to grow
can never say a first word because
slashed throats don’t speak
they only bleed
only bleed
Shabbat woman how can she seek to give comfort
mother is cut open on the bathroom floor
because she hid her hair in her tikhel for the world to not see
her grace
just as in Ramallah
a doppelganger hides her hair in her
hijab for the world to not see
her beauty
because sour iron ruby pool surrounds and soaks this crumpled kippah
because preteen boy child is slapped down on his back
with holes in his flesh
a criminal for being indigenous
did you know that a heart can boil
did you know that doves have dirty infected wings
that three year old has a knife enter his heart twice to stop it
that three year old neck must be racist
because it was designed white
that three year old neck was hacked apart
vocal cords already
know how to dare speak
"am yisrael khai”
because it ain’t no disgusting accident
ain’t no human shield
ain’t no clear and present danger
ain’t no violent threat
ain’t no combatant in a war which has sides
ain’t no terrorist with bombs as a breastplate
Shabbat woman what power have you
against Gush Katif evacuation catastrophe
against orange groves being chopped down and used as space for
Hamas rocket launchers
against a retreat with hands held steady above our heads
that translated into metal rain for a decade in the life of southern Israel
that introduced civilians to the words Katyusha, Kassam, Grad
what power have you to weep
when refugees from ethnic cleansing
find themselves converted to corpses in the wilderness of Itamar
Shabbat woman please try to caress the face of
the survivor Yishai
because he’s two years old
and he has blood caked and spattered on his legs
and he screams for his parents to wake up
because he screams and cannot be quieted
try to caress his face
because his mother will never again be able to do just that
tell Tamar and Roi that there is no justification for terrorism
that their lives are a miracle
that were they found they would have been murdered too
a family of Jews
Dalaal al-Mughrabi
hijacks a bus in the second week of March 1978 Israel
murders thirty seven
murders from them thirteen children
murders credibility to the Palestinian cause
and in the second week of March 2011 Israel
while Itamar weeps until salt claws at its eyelids
al-Bireh devotes
its largest town square
to Dalaal al-Mughrabi
to her name
to her memory
to her hate
and the children of the family Fogel
are stabbed in the heart again and again
Salam Fayyad
Mahmoud Abbas
you whisper in my ear that you want peace
you tell me on your government-controlled TV idiot box bullshit that you want peace
My peace has no knives
My peace has no shrouding of the map of Israel
My peace has no networks broadcasting glorifying a previous batch of Itamar murderers
My peace has no political party of my own design claiming responsibility for murder
My peace has no Fatah lies
My peace gauges no party as moderate just because the alternative is worse
My peace has no incitement to murder
My peace has no terrorists
To the people the world has sent into damnation such to be “settlers”
who CNN and Al-Jazeera would rather call “settlers” than human beings
who Western media can’t see as innocent victims in their homeland but rather the fact that they had it coming to them
that this was an “alleged” terror attack
People who stand in defiance to a world that no longer cares about slaughtered Jews
I dare you to live
And I shriek out to the lone few of you who
pour tar and kerosene and feces on peace negotiations
and you’re craven enough to do it
in the name of Judaism and Israel and Zionism
I shriek out to you
My Judaism has no reprisal attacks
My Israel has no threatening the lives of innocent Palestinian townsfolk
My Zionism has no smashing car windshields
No invasion of property to throw stones in a third racist intifada
No demonstrations with signs saying “death to Arabs”
My Zionism burns with pride and kisses the cheek of the
Civilian in the neighboring town of Awarta
who speaks in Arabic
and declares the injustice of killing babies
Give me your hand as I look into your eyes I don’t care what color they are because to me they are beautiful they are gorgeous because they and I thirst to be loved my Muslim Christian agnostic atheist Arab raceless brothers and sisters
Palestinian people I want to dance to the beat of your darbuka
I beg you to listen when I say
My peace has no pastries and candy passed out on the streets of Rafah
To celebrate an infant having the breath sliced out of her
Hamas of Gaza your candy tastes like Iranian warheads
Your candy tastes like shells and mortars
Your candy tastes like a crown of thorns
Your candy tastes like charred bones and howling blood
Your candy tastes like the murder of my people
And your residents tell me joy is a “natural response” to the murder of Israelis
I’m sick I’m so sick I want to vomit I surf on waves of nausea I
spill my words like Tishbi wine into internationally deaf ears I
can’t process my thoughts when the United Nations is controlled by maniacs I
feel so abandoned when evil tyranny anti-Semitism can thrive
I light my candle for Rabbi Udi
for Ruti
because they now have no tikhel no blue jacket with white striped sleeves
because they now are clothed in black and white tallitot
I light my candle for Yoav
for Elad
for baby Hadas
because there are three tiny coffins in Givat Shaul
that the world doesn’t give a fuck to see
I light my candle because nobody is going to do it for me
I don’t want no houses built in their honor
I don’t want martyrdom to be answered with human growth I don’t want martyrdom to be used for political purposes even if it makes us seem weak maybe we don’t always have to have muscles maybe the desiccated byproduct of a jihadist genocidal mentality can’t be in dialogue with concrete maybe I want their souls done tangible justice I’ve given up on humans for the time being I want to see olive trees and rotem flower bloom in their name I want to see pomegranates fresh fragrant in their memory I want to see lemon blossoms sticky with nectar in their love I want to see the children in Nablus and Jenin given books explaining with truth how we’re cousins in genes and phantasms all of us and how resplendent this friendship alone on our ship our ship bamidbar in the wilderness of our land isolated vessel how children have futures in medicine art healing for all the times they were told to strap magazines pregnant with bullets across their small frail chests and denied life to others and in so doing were abused denied dreams themselves because knife tangible knife silver blade cutting throats equals knife invisible indoctrination hungry devouring brains intellect hope future washed away in milk in chalk in plasma screen violets scream in suicide
I hold gingerly between fingers limp a natural growth
With a drop of blood
A white cyclamen
With a drop of blood
I’m scrubbing I’m scrubbing oh G-d they’re trying to make out of me
Lady Macbeth
I scrub and scrub until my hands fall off and I go insane
The dolls children left on the floor and did not tidy up
Are frozen with their beatific smiles
They cannot play without a partner
Shabbat queen
Shabbat mother Shabbat bride
Shabbat woman
your eyes
because next Shabbat
I want peace
Hamas fires dozens of rockets at Israel
From the J Post
Civilian areas in southern Israel were heavily shelled by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza on Saturday morning, when more than 50 mortars were fired at the regional councils of Sha'ar Hanegev, Eshkol and Sdot Hanegev.
Two Israelis sustained light injuries by shrapnel and were transferred to Soroka Hospital in Beersheba. The IDF responded to the barrage of mortars with tank shells and helicopter attacks. Six Palestinians were reportedly injured in the strikes.
Following the attacks, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman instructed diplomats in New York to lodge a complaint with the United Nations over the mortar barrage.
Civilian areas in southern Israel were heavily shelled by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza on Saturday morning, when more than 50 mortars were fired at the regional councils of Sha'ar Hanegev, Eshkol and Sdot Hanegev.
Two Israelis sustained light injuries by shrapnel and were transferred to Soroka Hospital in Beersheba. The IDF responded to the barrage of mortars with tank shells and helicopter attacks. Six Palestinians were reportedly injured in the strikes.
Following the attacks, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman instructed diplomats in New York to lodge a complaint with the United Nations over the mortar barrage.
Its a BIG Deal. Buy Israel Goods March 30 ( and everyday)

March 30 2011 has been designated as a day to isolate and punish Israel through a proposed "day of action" that will promote the BOYCOTT of Israeli goods.
We are calling instead for March 30 to be turned into a day of special support for Israel. Please forward this announcement to your friends and community members and ask them to join the movement to counter the "boycott Israel day" on March 30. Put it in your blogs, and on your facebook pages. You can help make this movement a success.
Stores are filled with Israeli products for Passover. It is now easier than
ever to show support for Israel by buying Israeli products.
March 30 is also being promoted as the kick-off day to a year of hate directed towards the venerable Jewish National Fund. If you can't find anything you like in the stores,or online, please consider planting trees in Israel. Nearly 5 million trees were destroyed in December of last year, in worst fire in Israel's history. Lets help plant new life in our Northern forests on March 30.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Time to Boycott Google

Ok, haters. Its long past time to add "Google" to the Boycott list. How long do the arrogant heads of the worlds best Internet search engine dare to ignore the whine of "Palestinian civil society"?
From The Jerusalem Post
Google Inc., the US multinational public corporation invested in Internet search, cloud computing and advertising technologies, will pay Israeli researchers to conduct some 20 research projects relating to opportunities in the Internet economy, with a particular focus on the fundamentals of online auctions.
The deal’s signing by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Yissum Research Development Company Ltd., Tel Aviv University’s Ramot Ltd. technologytransfer company and the Technion Research and Development Foundation (TRDF Ltd.) was announced Wednesday.
Internet search giant Google opened a research-and-development center in Haifa, in 2006 -- its first R&D center in the Middle East. Another was opened in Tel Aviv, the following year.
"As a country renowned for its thriving economy and passion for new technologies, Israel is home to many outstanding computer scientists and engineers and Google is looking to establish long partnerships with institutes and universities," the 2006 Google press release announced. Apparent, this is still true.
So, haters. Just last week John Greyson made this unforgettable announcement at Laurentian University regarding BDS, " I think the momentum is unstoppable." Yet in the 10 years that BDS has become a triumphant unstoppable force in the world of social justice activism, you haven't been able to create even a blip on Google's radar. And you haven't been able to create a blip in Israel's economic growth, either.
Keep it up. And kiss my BDS
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Technology from Israel can make Tokyo safe from fallout in 3 weeks: but add it to the boycott list, instead
From Behind the News in Israel
Jerusalem, Israel - March 16, 2011 - Strategic Solutions today announced new technologies to contain radioactive substances released by nuclear power plant disasters.
The Fukushima Diiachi plant explosion may cause a complete melt down, similar to that which occurred in the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986.
Following the Chernobyl incident large sections of the Ukraine, where the plant was located, had to be evacuated. And even now, more than 25 years later, some areas still have radiation levels too high for human habitation. Meanwhile the site is in need of a new protective shield.
A similar tragedy occurring in a large area surrounding the damaged Japanese nuclear facilities could cause governmental authorities there to seriously reconsider nuclear energy for making electricity. But Japan simply cannot afford to give up nuclear power: The plants are there for a reason- Japan's energy security demands reliable baseload power that cannot be interrupted by shipping problems.
The effect of a nuclear power plant meltdown is a radioactive, dust-laden wind, which becomes a perhaps impossible cleanup project because toxic dust and wind, rain, and plume drift carries the radiation everywhere.
The answer is containment domes, available from Israel.
Such a Dome would protect surrounding cities in case of Chernobyl type nuclear disaster involving poisoning the local atmosphere by radioactive dust.
Unless of course, you believe in boycotts, divestment and sanctions against the Jewish State. In that case, try the old-fashioned approach.

Duck and Cover
Jerusalem, Israel - March 16, 2011 - Strategic Solutions today announced new technologies to contain radioactive substances released by nuclear power plant disasters.
The Fukushima Diiachi plant explosion may cause a complete melt down, similar to that which occurred in the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986.
Following the Chernobyl incident large sections of the Ukraine, where the plant was located, had to be evacuated. And even now, more than 25 years later, some areas still have radiation levels too high for human habitation. Meanwhile the site is in need of a new protective shield.
A similar tragedy occurring in a large area surrounding the damaged Japanese nuclear facilities could cause governmental authorities there to seriously reconsider nuclear energy for making electricity. But Japan simply cannot afford to give up nuclear power: The plants are there for a reason- Japan's energy security demands reliable baseload power that cannot be interrupted by shipping problems.
The effect of a nuclear power plant meltdown is a radioactive, dust-laden wind, which becomes a perhaps impossible cleanup project because toxic dust and wind, rain, and plume drift carries the radiation everywhere.
The answer is containment domes, available from Israel.
Such a Dome would protect surrounding cities in case of Chernobyl type nuclear disaster involving poisoning the local atmosphere by radioactive dust.
Unless of course, you believe in boycotts, divestment and sanctions against the Jewish State. In that case, try the old-fashioned approach.

Duck and Cover
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Two Nice Stories in a Weary Weary World
Full story at YNET
After massacre, settlers help bring new life into world: IDF forces and local paramedics helped save the life of a Palestinian woman and her newly born infant Wednesday, at the settlement where Fogel relatives are sitting Shiva for the five Israelis brutally murdered last week.
Just as IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz arrived in Neve Tzuf to offer his condolences, a Palestinian cab raced towards the community's entrance. In it, soldiers and paramedics discovered a Palestinian woman in her 20s in advanced stages of labor and facing a life-threatening situation: The umbilical cord was wrapped around the young baby girl's neck, endangering both her and her mother.
The quick action of settler paramedics and IDF troops deployed in the area saved the mother's and baby's life, prompting great excitement and emotions at the site where residents are still mourning the brutal death of five local family members.
Gadi Amitun, who heads the Magen David Adom team at Neve Tzuf, said this was not the first time settlers assist Palestinians in distress.
"They know we have a skilled medical team here, and in any case of accident or injury they arrive and we help them," he said.
The paramedic noted that on the day of the Fogel massacre, settlers saw fireworks and celebrations in nearby Palestinian communities, but added that the local medical team is committed to assisting anyone in need.
Full Story at A Soldier's Mother
For now, the Fogel family is sitting Shiva, the hardest, most intense part of the mourning. People come to visit and usually, food is put out somewhere. Some people spend hours sitting and talking - and many try to encourage the family to eat something. You talk of the loved ones, you see pictures. People come and tell you stories you had never heard before about how special they were. Your heart breaks a thousand times, and then a thousand times more.
Quietly, over the last few days, a man has been coming to the house bringing food and stocking the kitchen. His name is Rami Levy and he owns a chain of supermarkets. I've heard amazing stories about him in the past but this one beats all I have ever heard.
Every day, Rami Levi comes by the shiva house to the Fogel family and fills the cupboards and refrigerator himself with food for the family and guests. Today, one of the relatives thanked him for this incredible kindness and his response brought me to tears,"You will get used to my face," he told this family in mourning, "I have committed myself that every week I will deliver food and stock your home until the youngest orphan turns 18 years old."
The youngest orphan of this tragedy is a young 2 year old boy who woke in the night and ran to his parents. Thankfully, by then, the terrorists had left, leaving a scene of unimaginable horror behind. The little boy ran to his parents and began to shake them, trying to wake them. His sister and a neighbor found him there, crying.
What Rami Levy has done is commit to 16 years of kindness. If this was a week in which the Palestinians should be ashamed, and it was, than this is a week in which we Jews have the right to be so proud.
After massacre, settlers help bring new life into world: IDF forces and local paramedics helped save the life of a Palestinian woman and her newly born infant Wednesday, at the settlement where Fogel relatives are sitting Shiva for the five Israelis brutally murdered last week.
Just as IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz arrived in Neve Tzuf to offer his condolences, a Palestinian cab raced towards the community's entrance. In it, soldiers and paramedics discovered a Palestinian woman in her 20s in advanced stages of labor and facing a life-threatening situation: The umbilical cord was wrapped around the young baby girl's neck, endangering both her and her mother.
The quick action of settler paramedics and IDF troops deployed in the area saved the mother's and baby's life, prompting great excitement and emotions at the site where residents are still mourning the brutal death of five local family members.
Gadi Amitun, who heads the Magen David Adom team at Neve Tzuf, said this was not the first time settlers assist Palestinians in distress.
"They know we have a skilled medical team here, and in any case of accident or injury they arrive and we help them," he said.
The paramedic noted that on the day of the Fogel massacre, settlers saw fireworks and celebrations in nearby Palestinian communities, but added that the local medical team is committed to assisting anyone in need.
Full Story at A Soldier's Mother
For now, the Fogel family is sitting Shiva, the hardest, most intense part of the mourning. People come to visit and usually, food is put out somewhere. Some people spend hours sitting and talking - and many try to encourage the family to eat something. You talk of the loved ones, you see pictures. People come and tell you stories you had never heard before about how special they were. Your heart breaks a thousand times, and then a thousand times more.
Quietly, over the last few days, a man has been coming to the house bringing food and stocking the kitchen. His name is Rami Levy and he owns a chain of supermarkets. I've heard amazing stories about him in the past but this one beats all I have ever heard.
Every day, Rami Levi comes by the shiva house to the Fogel family and fills the cupboards and refrigerator himself with food for the family and guests. Today, one of the relatives thanked him for this incredible kindness and his response brought me to tears,"You will get used to my face," he told this family in mourning, "I have committed myself that every week I will deliver food and stock your home until the youngest orphan turns 18 years old."
The youngest orphan of this tragedy is a young 2 year old boy who woke in the night and ran to his parents. Thankfully, by then, the terrorists had left, leaving a scene of unimaginable horror behind. The little boy ran to his parents and began to shake them, trying to wake them. His sister and a neighbor found him there, crying.
What Rami Levy has done is commit to 16 years of kindness. If this was a week in which the Palestinians should be ashamed, and it was, than this is a week in which we Jews have the right to be so proud.
Vigil for victims of the Itamar terrorist attack
Time Wednesday, March 16 • 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Location Fountain at Bancroft and College
Created By Tikvah: Students for Israel, Brian Maissy
More Info
We will be holding a vigil on Wednesday night in memory of the five members of the Fogel family who were massacred in their beds last Shabbat in their home in Itamar.
The brutal murder of the mother, father, and three young children shocked the nation, sparked celebration in Gaza, and prompted Prime Minister Netanyahu to declaim the Palestinian Authority's incitement to violence and glorification of martyrdom which is perpetuating the conflict.
We will meet at the fountain at Bancroft and College at 8:00pm promptly, and walk together to our location on campus. Candles will be provided. There will be an opportunity for everyone to voice their thoughts, so you are welcome to prepare something to say if you are so inclined.
Co-sponsored with the Chabad Jewish Student Group
Crossposted at:
this post:
this post:
Location Fountain at Bancroft and College
Created By Tikvah: Students for Israel, Brian Maissy
More Info
We will be holding a vigil on Wednesday night in memory of the five members of the Fogel family who were massacred in their beds last Shabbat in their home in Itamar.
The brutal murder of the mother, father, and three young children shocked the nation, sparked celebration in Gaza, and prompted Prime Minister Netanyahu to declaim the Palestinian Authority's incitement to violence and glorification of martyrdom which is perpetuating the conflict.
We will meet at the fountain at Bancroft and College at 8:00pm promptly, and walk together to our location on campus. Candles will be provided. There will be an opportunity for everyone to voice their thoughts, so you are welcome to prepare something to say if you are so inclined.
Co-sponsored with the Chabad Jewish Student Group
Crossposted at:
this post:
this post:
Tonight at UC Berkeley:
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Middle East Childrens Alliance Silent on the Death of Middle East Children
Three beautiful children were savagely and brutally knifed to death, while they lay sleeping. The youngest, a newborn, had her throat slit. An older brother was stabbed in the heart. You would think the world would speak out in unison against this horror, yet that hasn't been happening. The Red/Green alliance dismisses the murders, calling the young Fogel family " settlers", as if that, as if anything could justify the deaths. Exploring the blogsphere, you read all sorts of rationale for their death. (Thai workers? Mossad? Settler on settler violence? Anything but the most likely scenario.)
I just visited the website of MECA for Peace, the Middle East Children's alliance. I was anxious to see what they would say about the deaths of these three children in the Middle East. Would the violence be condemned? Would it be justified and dismissed, as we've seen elsewhere? The answer: there was absolutely nothing written. Silence. An organization that claims to "address the terrible harm done to children in the Middle East" has been silent on the deaths of Hadas Fogel, 3 months old, Yoav , 11 years old, and Elad, 4. Why is it Barbara Lubin, that the Fogel children were ignored? Is it because they were Jews?
Nearly 20,000 mourners attended the funeral for the Fogel children, and their parents Udi and Ruth. In his eulogy, Minister Moshe Ya'alon attacked the Palestinian Authority over its anti-Israel incitement. "The murderers, if they'll be jailed, will be recognized as heroes and they will be honored by (Palestinian) schools. Such acts are routine with our neighbors". Rabbi Yona Metzger added "Today there in no Right, there is no Left; there isn't a Jewish heart that isn't bleeding tears of anguish." Perhaps the only answer to MECA's silence is that Barbara Lubin lacks a Jewish heart.
I just visited the website of MECA for Peace, the Middle East Children's alliance. I was anxious to see what they would say about the deaths of these three children in the Middle East. Would the violence be condemned? Would it be justified and dismissed, as we've seen elsewhere? The answer: there was absolutely nothing written. Silence. An organization that claims to "address the terrible harm done to children in the Middle East" has been silent on the deaths of Hadas Fogel, 3 months old, Yoav , 11 years old, and Elad, 4. Why is it Barbara Lubin, that the Fogel children were ignored? Is it because they were Jews?
Nearly 20,000 mourners attended the funeral for the Fogel children, and their parents Udi and Ruth. In his eulogy, Minister Moshe Ya'alon attacked the Palestinian Authority over its anti-Israel incitement. "The murderers, if they'll be jailed, will be recognized as heroes and they will be honored by (Palestinian) schools. Such acts are routine with our neighbors". Rabbi Yona Metzger added "Today there in no Right, there is no Left; there isn't a Jewish heart that isn't bleeding tears of anguish." Perhaps the only answer to MECA's silence is that Barbara Lubin lacks a Jewish heart.
Arms Ships Intercepted by Israeli Navy
The Victoria, intercepted today loaded with Iranian weapons bound for Gaza (Not food, not construction supplies, not school supplies. Weapons.) was not the first ship smuggling arms that has been intercepted by Israel.
From the Israel Project
Arms Ships Intercepted by Israeli Navy
15 March 2011: The Liberian-flagged Victoria is intercepted 200 miles west of Israel’s coast, sailing from Turkey with a listed destination as Alexandria, Egypt. The vessel is found to be carrying an assortment of weaponry most likely destined for Gaza-based terror groups.[1]
22 January 2011: An Iranian Alvand-class warship and an accompanying Kharg-class supply vessel pass through the Suez Canal on their way to naval exercises with Syria.[2]
24 March 2010: The U.S. Air Force conducts air-strikes against an arms-smuggling convoy carrying weapons destined for Gaza near the Egyptian city of Port Sudan. The weapons were to be funneled through Sudan and the Sinai and delivered through tunnels to Gaza recipients.[3]
4 November 2009: The German-owned, Cypriot-operated Francop is intercepted by the Israeli Navy off the coast of Cyprus. Found to be carrying over 300 tons of weapons, it had set out 10-days prior from Bandar Abbas in Iran.[4]
October 2009: The Hansa India, sailing from Iran under a Germany flag, was set to disembark in Egypt. German authorities warned that the vessel did not unload and instead sailed to Malta where it was seized. It was carrying bullets and industrial material for weapons production intended for Syria.[5]
4 January 2002: 50 tons of weapons destined for the Palestinian Authority aboard the Karine-A. The ship was purchased by the Palestinian Authority, loaded with weapons by Iran and Hezbollah, manned by Palestinian Authority personnel, with the aim of transferring the weapons it carried to the Palestinian Naval Police near the Gaza beaches.[6]
6 May 2001: Over $10 million worth of weaponry is discovered aboard the Santorini, with an investigation showing it was destined for Ahmad Jibril’s Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command. Departing from Libya, carefully sealed and waterproofed barrels of weapons and ammunition were to be unloaded off the Gaza coast at pre-arranged locations.[7]
[1] IDF Spokesperson. Israel Navy Uncovers Weaponry on-board Cargo Vessel. Jerusalem: IDF Spokesperson, March 15, 2011.
[2] Shmulovich, Michal. "Iranian Ships Pass through Suez; First Time Since 1979." The Israel Project. February 22, 2011. (accessed March 15, 2011).
[3] Sudan tribune Staff. "US staged deadly air strike against arm smugglers inside Sudan: Official." The Sudan Tribune. March 25, 2009.,30633 (accessed 15 2011, 2011).
[4] Pfeffer, Anshel. "Israel seizes ship in Mediterranean carrying more than 3,000 rockets." Haaretz. May 11, 2009. (accessed March 15, 2011).
[5] Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Israel’s interception of arms ships – background.” March 15, 2011. The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. %20obstacle%20to%20peace/terrorism%20and%20islamic%20fundamentalism-/Israel_interception_arms_ships-Background.
[6] Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "Seizing of the Palestinian weapons ship Karine A." The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. January 4, 2002. (accessed March 15, 2011).
[7] Primak, Noam. "Weapons Found on 'Karine-A' and 'Santorini'." War Online. July 20, 2002. (accessed March 15, 2011).
From the Israel Project
Arms Ships Intercepted by Israeli Navy
15 March 2011: The Liberian-flagged Victoria is intercepted 200 miles west of Israel’s coast, sailing from Turkey with a listed destination as Alexandria, Egypt. The vessel is found to be carrying an assortment of weaponry most likely destined for Gaza-based terror groups.[1]
22 January 2011: An Iranian Alvand-class warship and an accompanying Kharg-class supply vessel pass through the Suez Canal on their way to naval exercises with Syria.[2]
24 March 2010: The U.S. Air Force conducts air-strikes against an arms-smuggling convoy carrying weapons destined for Gaza near the Egyptian city of Port Sudan. The weapons were to be funneled through Sudan and the Sinai and delivered through tunnels to Gaza recipients.[3]
4 November 2009: The German-owned, Cypriot-operated Francop is intercepted by the Israeli Navy off the coast of Cyprus. Found to be carrying over 300 tons of weapons, it had set out 10-days prior from Bandar Abbas in Iran.[4]
October 2009: The Hansa India, sailing from Iran under a Germany flag, was set to disembark in Egypt. German authorities warned that the vessel did not unload and instead sailed to Malta where it was seized. It was carrying bullets and industrial material for weapons production intended for Syria.[5]
4 January 2002: 50 tons of weapons destined for the Palestinian Authority aboard the Karine-A. The ship was purchased by the Palestinian Authority, loaded with weapons by Iran and Hezbollah, manned by Palestinian Authority personnel, with the aim of transferring the weapons it carried to the Palestinian Naval Police near the Gaza beaches.[6]
6 May 2001: Over $10 million worth of weaponry is discovered aboard the Santorini, with an investigation showing it was destined for Ahmad Jibril’s Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command. Departing from Libya, carefully sealed and waterproofed barrels of weapons and ammunition were to be unloaded off the Gaza coast at pre-arranged locations.[7]
[1] IDF Spokesperson. Israel Navy Uncovers Weaponry on-board Cargo Vessel. Jerusalem: IDF Spokesperson, March 15, 2011.
[2] Shmulovich, Michal. "Iranian Ships Pass through Suez; First Time Since 1979." The Israel Project. February 22, 2011. (accessed March 15, 2011).
[3] Sudan tribune Staff. "US staged deadly air strike against arm smugglers inside Sudan: Official." The Sudan Tribune. March 25, 2009.,30633 (accessed 15 2011, 2011).
[4] Pfeffer, Anshel. "Israel seizes ship in Mediterranean carrying more than 3,000 rockets." Haaretz. May 11, 2009. (accessed March 15, 2011).
[5] Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Israel’s interception of arms ships – background.” March 15, 2011. The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. %20obstacle%20to%20peace/terrorism%20and%20islamic%20fundamentalism-/Israel_interception_arms_ships-Background.
[6] Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "Seizing of the Palestinian weapons ship Karine A." The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. January 4, 2002. (accessed March 15, 2011).
[7] Primak, Noam. "Weapons Found on 'Karine-A' and 'Santorini'." War Online. July 20, 2002. (accessed March 15, 2011).
Ship with weapons bound for Gaza intercepted in the Mediterranean
From CNN
Israeli commandos intercepted a ship in the Mediterranean Sea Tuesday and found weapons bound for Gaza militants, according to the Israeli government.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the weapons came from Iran. He insisted the cargo vessel was overtaken in accordance with international conventions, and said he gave the order to board the ship on the "solid basis" that the arms on the ship that were "meant to target Israel."
The cargo vessel "Victoria" -- flying under a Liberian flag -- was stopped about 200 miles west of Israel's coast. The vessel was on its way from the port of Mircin in Turkey to the port of Alexandria in Egypt.
According to the Jerusalem Post
The Victoria cargo ship was suspected of carrying anti-ship missiles that would have impaired the Israel Navy's freedom of operations in the Mediterranean Sea, according to Defense Minister Ehud Barak
Netanyahu said that more information about the ship and what it was carrying would be released tomorrow.
"The seizure was made at sea according to international laws. We updated all the relevant countries and the international community," he added.
The next "freedom" flotilla will be leaving for Gaza in late May. The interception of the "Victoria" makes it abundantly clear why these "peace activists" are trying so hard to open the shipping lanes to Gaza. Its never been about bringing in humanitarean aid.
Israeli commandos intercepted a ship in the Mediterranean Sea Tuesday and found weapons bound for Gaza militants, according to the Israeli government.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the weapons came from Iran. He insisted the cargo vessel was overtaken in accordance with international conventions, and said he gave the order to board the ship on the "solid basis" that the arms on the ship that were "meant to target Israel."
The cargo vessel "Victoria" -- flying under a Liberian flag -- was stopped about 200 miles west of Israel's coast. The vessel was on its way from the port of Mircin in Turkey to the port of Alexandria in Egypt.
According to the Jerusalem Post
The Victoria cargo ship was suspected of carrying anti-ship missiles that would have impaired the Israel Navy's freedom of operations in the Mediterranean Sea, according to Defense Minister Ehud Barak
Netanyahu said that more information about the ship and what it was carrying would be released tomorrow.
"The seizure was made at sea according to international laws. We updated all the relevant countries and the international community," he added.
The next "freedom" flotilla will be leaving for Gaza in late May. The interception of the "Victoria" makes it abundantly clear why these "peace activists" are trying so hard to open the shipping lanes to Gaza. Its never been about bringing in humanitarean aid.
Monday, March 14, 2011
A family of 5 is murdered and the ISM whines about a curfew
The denial of the Fogel family's humanity extends on both sides of the Red/Green Alliance. This recent press release from the International Solidarity Movement whines about the inconvenience of the curfew, and says nothing renouncing the violence, or acknowledging the horrors of the Fogels death. No one actually still believes the ISM is a peace organization, do they?
Their press release follows:
Three Scandinavian ISM activists trapped by curfew in Awarta village following settlers’ murder
14 March 2011 | International Solidarity Movement
Today the village of Awarta, near Nablus, is facing the second day of a severe curfew imposed by the Israeli military, following Friday morning’s murder of a settler family in the settlement Itamar . Three ISM activists–Cinda, 23, Chad, 25, from Sweden, and Cissy, 53, from Norway–are currently trapped in the village. Anyone caught stepping outside of their house is arrested. Soldiers have said that they’ll maintain the curfew until they’ve apprehended the settler family’s murderer. The army hasn’t presented any evidence that the murderer was from Awarta, and villagers have said to the ISM that they strongly doubt the murderer was even Palestinian as the settlement is so heavily guarded it would be impossible to break in. Soldiers are beating people and continuing their house raids: destroying houses from the inside, cutting off electricity, and polluting the drinking water by throwing mud in the water-tanks. 30 homes were occupied by soldiers last night. Computers and phones have been destroyed and money and property were stolen by the soldiers. In the last two days soldiers have been throwing sound grenades inside and outside the houses, and shooting in the air. The ISM activists may be arrested soon, but they intend to stay as long as possible because they feel their presence improves the behavior of the soldiers, and villagers have asked them to stay. As of 12:30pm the ISM activists are locked in a room with the children of the family that they’ve been staying with while soldiers search the house. They've heard an unconfirmed report that 100 village men were taken into detention at the school for interrogation a few hours ago.
For more information:
Cinda, ISM activist inside the village: +972 59 741 4023
ISM Media Office, Ramallah: +972 59 760 6276
Here's the facts on the ground Cinda. It was a young family. They each had a name. And a story. And they loved each other.
Udi 36
Ruth 35
Yoav 11,
Elad 4, and
3-month-old Hadas.
Maybe when you and your friends can acknowledge them as something other than "settlers" , we can travel the road to peace together
Their press release follows:
Three Scandinavian ISM activists trapped by curfew in Awarta village following settlers’ murder
14 March 2011 | International Solidarity Movement
Today the village of Awarta, near Nablus, is facing the second day of a severe curfew imposed by the Israeli military, following Friday morning’s murder of a settler family in the settlement Itamar . Three ISM activists–Cinda, 23, Chad, 25, from Sweden, and Cissy, 53, from Norway–are currently trapped in the village. Anyone caught stepping outside of their house is arrested. Soldiers have said that they’ll maintain the curfew until they’ve apprehended the settler family’s murderer. The army hasn’t presented any evidence that the murderer was from Awarta, and villagers have said to the ISM that they strongly doubt the murderer was even Palestinian as the settlement is so heavily guarded it would be impossible to break in. Soldiers are beating people and continuing their house raids: destroying houses from the inside, cutting off electricity, and polluting the drinking water by throwing mud in the water-tanks. 30 homes were occupied by soldiers last night. Computers and phones have been destroyed and money and property were stolen by the soldiers. In the last two days soldiers have been throwing sound grenades inside and outside the houses, and shooting in the air. The ISM activists may be arrested soon, but they intend to stay as long as possible because they feel their presence improves the behavior of the soldiers, and villagers have asked them to stay. As of 12:30pm the ISM activists are locked in a room with the children of the family that they’ve been staying with while soldiers search the house. They've heard an unconfirmed report that 100 village men were taken into detention at the school for interrogation a few hours ago.
For more information:
Cinda, ISM activist inside the village: +972 59 741 4023
ISM Media Office, Ramallah: +972 59 760 6276
Here's the facts on the ground Cinda. It was a young family. They each had a name. And a story. And they loved each other.
Udi 36
Ruth 35
Yoav 11,
Elad 4, and
3-month-old Hadas.
Maybe when you and your friends can acknowledge them as something other than "settlers" , we can travel the road to peace together
Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education opens Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964 investigation at University of California
From our friends at the Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism
In a letter dated March 7, 2011, responding to a complaint filed by Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, the Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education (OCR) has agreed to open a Title VI investigation at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC). The letter stated, “We have determined that the issue is appropriate for Investigation under the laws enforced by OCR.” The letter also stated that OCR has identified the following issue for investigation:
The recipient (UCSC) “failed to take steps in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to respond to notice of a then existing hostile environment for Jewish Students based on their actual or perceived ancestry or ethnic characteristics.”
Ms. Rossman-Benjamin, a lecturer in Hebrew at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), lodged a 29-page extensively documented Title VI Complaint with the OCR in June, 2009. The complaint alleges, among other things, that anti-Israel discourse and behavior in classrooms and that departmentally and university-sponsored events had created an “emotionally and intellectually hostile environment for Jewish students and had adversely affected their educational experience” at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC). The complaint further alleges that:
Professors, academic departments, and residential colleges that had promoted and encouraged anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish views and behavior.
That rhetoric heard in UCSC classrooms and at numerous events sponsored and funded by academic and administrative units on campus went beyond legitimate criticism of Israel and crossed the line into anti-Semitism according to the standards employed by the U.S. Department of State.
That there were students who felt emotionally and intellectually harassed and intimidated, to the point that they were reluctant or afraid to express a view that was not anti-Israel.
That some students stayed away from courses because they knew that the courses would be biased against Israel and intolerant of another legitimate point of view.
A student described feeling “personally assaulted” by her professor when she tried to defend Israel from her professor’s attacks. Another Jewish student described her residential College’s sponsorship of a virulently anti-Israel event “more than hurtful, it’s absolutely unsettling.”
Rossman-Benjamin’s complaint also chronicled the failure of numerous efforts that she and others had made from 2001 to encourage UCSC faculty and administrators to acknowledge and address the problem.
A Title VI complaint was filed by the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) in 2004 on behalf of Jewish students at UC Irvine. Although the complaint was dismissed after a 3-year investigation, in 2008 the OCR initiated a new investigation of other allegations the ZOA made on behalf of Jewish students at UC Irvine. That investigation is still open.
Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism
In a letter dated March 7, 2011, responding to a complaint filed by Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, the Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education (OCR) has agreed to open a Title VI investigation at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC). The letter stated, “We have determined that the issue is appropriate for Investigation under the laws enforced by OCR.” The letter also stated that OCR has identified the following issue for investigation:
The recipient (UCSC) “failed to take steps in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to respond to notice of a then existing hostile environment for Jewish Students based on their actual or perceived ancestry or ethnic characteristics.”
Ms. Rossman-Benjamin, a lecturer in Hebrew at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), lodged a 29-page extensively documented Title VI Complaint with the OCR in June, 2009. The complaint alleges, among other things, that anti-Israel discourse and behavior in classrooms and that departmentally and university-sponsored events had created an “emotionally and intellectually hostile environment for Jewish students and had adversely affected their educational experience” at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC). The complaint further alleges that:
Professors, academic departments, and residential colleges that had promoted and encouraged anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish views and behavior.
That rhetoric heard in UCSC classrooms and at numerous events sponsored and funded by academic and administrative units on campus went beyond legitimate criticism of Israel and crossed the line into anti-Semitism according to the standards employed by the U.S. Department of State.
That there were students who felt emotionally and intellectually harassed and intimidated, to the point that they were reluctant or afraid to express a view that was not anti-Israel.
That some students stayed away from courses because they knew that the courses would be biased against Israel and intolerant of another legitimate point of view.
A student described feeling “personally assaulted” by her professor when she tried to defend Israel from her professor’s attacks. Another Jewish student described her residential College’s sponsorship of a virulently anti-Israel event “more than hurtful, it’s absolutely unsettling.”
Rossman-Benjamin’s complaint also chronicled the failure of numerous efforts that she and others had made from 2001 to encourage UCSC faculty and administrators to acknowledge and address the problem.
A Title VI complaint was filed by the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) in 2004 on behalf of Jewish students at UC Irvine. Although the complaint was dismissed after a 3-year investigation, in 2008 the OCR initiated a new investigation of other allegations the ZOA made on behalf of Jewish students at UC Irvine. That investigation is still open.
Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Mazin Qumsiyeh's dog and pony show coming to town
Any of you have the misfortune to find yourself on Mazin Qumsiyeh's email list? It often has a surrealistic quality, alternating between wild conspiracy theories, blatant anti-semitism, and garden variety hate. This weeks offering didn't disappoint. Mazin begins by expressing sympathy with the suffering in Japan. To Mazin, the Japanese are "worthy" victims. After all, they "support" the Palestinians.
Dear friends:
Our thoughts are with our friends in Japan. The Japanese people have stood
with us in Palestine and continue to do so. Our hearts are broken over the
devastation and loss of life that is the worst disaster in Japanese history
since the nuclear and other bombings of Japanese cities in WWII. Our
thoughts are also with the people of the Arab world as they face desperate
ruthless dictators.
Then he quickly segued into a classic anti-Semitic dehumanization of the Fogel family. The family of 5 are "settlers", a term meant to strip any humanity from the devastated young family. The devastation and loss of life in Itamar is dismissed with a rhetorical wave of the hand. "Settlers". Hardly even human.
In Palestine, settlers were killed by unknown person/persons in the illegal
Jewish-only colony (Itamar, one of teh (sic) most extremist of settlements built
on Palestinian lands). In the usual Zionist colonial “response”, the apartheid state decided to build 500 more houses for more racist settlers on Palestinian lands. Israeli interior minister claims more will be done (at least 1000 colonial houses for every colonial settler killed).
To Mazim, the Fogels are NOT "worthy" victims. No Jew could ever be. The murder of a family, including a 3 month old baby, slaughtered while asleep in her crib, is dismissed without a second thought. He continues his rant:
In my talks around the US (see schedule at http: //www.qumsiyeh. org/upcomingevents/), a handful of brainwashed individuals came armed with the glossy brochures from “Stand with Us”, a racist Zionist group that claims Israel is a democracy while trying to deflect attention from war crimes and crimes against humanity. Their costly brochures have so many blatant mistakes and myths .
Mazin, your cheap little emails have so many blatant mistakes and myths. Here's a start: Spell Check is your friend. Learn to use it
They seem to assume people can’t check facts for themselves. In trying to deflect attention from Israel by citing dictatorial Arab regimes, they fail to discuss the democratic situation in some Arab countries and the spreading democracy movement (which we think will come to Apartheid Israel). How can we deal with the propaganda? We intyensify (sic) our efforts at truth telling and BDS (boycotts, divestments, and sanctions) especially on land day March 30th.
Mazin Qumsiyeh's California schedule is posted below. We should all plan on giving him the welcome he deserves.
Stockton, CA:
March 31, Thursday, 7pm, Central United Methodist Church, 3700 Pacific Ave, Stockton, CA 95204. Contact: Gloria,
April 1, Friday, 11:00am, Lecture at the University of the Pacific School of International Studies, George Wilson Hall, 3601 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, 95211. Contact Michael,
Walnut Creek, CA:
April 1, Friday, 15:00-16:30, Creekside Club House, Rossmoor - Walnut Creek, CA (the Creekside Club House is located at the corner of Rossmoor Parkway and Stanley Dollar Rd.) Contact: Eve
San Jose:
April 1, Friday, 19:00-21:00, Community Presentation, Arab American Culture Center of Silicon Valley, San Jose. Contact:
Santa Cruz:
April 2, Saturday, 12 noon, Book-reading, Resource Center for Nonviolence, 515 Broadway, Santa Cruz, 95060 Contact:
April 2, Saturday, 2:30pm, Presentation and discussion, SubRosa: a community space, 703 Pacific Ave. (at Spruce St.), Santa Cruz Contact:
April 2, Saturday, 7pm, The New United Methodist Church of Santa Cruz, 250 California St., Santa Cruz, 95060 Contact Scott:
April 3, Sunday, 9:30am AND 11:15am. Unitarian Universalist Society Of Sacramento, 2425 Sierra Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95825. Contact: Patricia
April 3, Sunday, 2pm, Time Tested Books, 1114 21st St., Sacramento. Contact Patricia
April 4, Monday, 12:30pm Sierra College, Rocklin campus, Room D-12. Contact: Sandra
April 5, Tuesday, 12:00 Sacramento City College, Cultural Awareness Center, 3835 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento. Contact: Patricia
April 3, Sunday, 7pm, First Congregational Church of Oakland (Sponsored by Sabeel) 2501 Harrison Street at 27th (Near 580 across from Whole Foods) Suggested donation $10. Contact: Hassan
April 4, Monday, 4pm, Butte Community College, Chico campus. Contact: Jeffery
April 4, Monday, 7pm, Chico Friends Meeting House, Chico. Contact: Cathy,
Dear friends:
Our thoughts are with our friends in Japan. The Japanese people have stood
with us in Palestine and continue to do so. Our hearts are broken over the
devastation and loss of life that is the worst disaster in Japanese history
since the nuclear and other bombings of Japanese cities in WWII. Our
thoughts are also with the people of the Arab world as they face desperate
ruthless dictators.
Then he quickly segued into a classic anti-Semitic dehumanization of the Fogel family. The family of 5 are "settlers", a term meant to strip any humanity from the devastated young family. The devastation and loss of life in Itamar is dismissed with a rhetorical wave of the hand. "Settlers". Hardly even human.
In Palestine, settlers were killed by unknown person/persons in the illegal
Jewish-only colony (Itamar, one of teh (sic) most extremist of settlements built
on Palestinian lands). In the usual Zionist colonial “response”, the apartheid state decided to build 500 more houses for more racist settlers on Palestinian lands. Israeli interior minister claims more will be done (at least 1000 colonial houses for every colonial settler killed).
To Mazim, the Fogels are NOT "worthy" victims. No Jew could ever be. The murder of a family, including a 3 month old baby, slaughtered while asleep in her crib, is dismissed without a second thought. He continues his rant:
In my talks around the US (see schedule at http: //www.qumsiyeh. org/upcomingevents/), a handful of brainwashed individuals came armed with the glossy brochures from “Stand with Us”, a racist Zionist group that claims Israel is a democracy while trying to deflect attention from war crimes and crimes against humanity. Their costly brochures have so many blatant mistakes and myths .
Mazin, your cheap little emails have so many blatant mistakes and myths. Here's a start: Spell Check is your friend. Learn to use it
They seem to assume people can’t check facts for themselves. In trying to deflect attention from Israel by citing dictatorial Arab regimes, they fail to discuss the democratic situation in some Arab countries and the spreading democracy movement (which we think will come to Apartheid Israel). How can we deal with the propaganda? We intyensify (sic) our efforts at truth telling and BDS (boycotts, divestments, and sanctions) especially on land day March 30th.
Mazin Qumsiyeh's California schedule is posted below. We should all plan on giving him the welcome he deserves.
Stockton, CA:
March 31, Thursday, 7pm, Central United Methodist Church, 3700 Pacific Ave, Stockton, CA 95204. Contact: Gloria,
April 1, Friday, 11:00am, Lecture at the University of the Pacific School of International Studies, George Wilson Hall, 3601 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, 95211. Contact Michael,
Walnut Creek, CA:
April 1, Friday, 15:00-16:30, Creekside Club House, Rossmoor - Walnut Creek, CA (the Creekside Club House is located at the corner of Rossmoor Parkway and Stanley Dollar Rd.) Contact: Eve
San Jose:
April 1, Friday, 19:00-21:00, Community Presentation, Arab American Culture Center of Silicon Valley, San Jose. Contact:
Santa Cruz:
April 2, Saturday, 12 noon, Book-reading, Resource Center for Nonviolence, 515 Broadway, Santa Cruz, 95060 Contact:
April 2, Saturday, 2:30pm, Presentation and discussion, SubRosa: a community space, 703 Pacific Ave. (at Spruce St.), Santa Cruz Contact:
April 2, Saturday, 7pm, The New United Methodist Church of Santa Cruz, 250 California St., Santa Cruz, 95060 Contact Scott:
April 3, Sunday, 9:30am AND 11:15am. Unitarian Universalist Society Of Sacramento, 2425 Sierra Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95825. Contact: Patricia
April 3, Sunday, 2pm, Time Tested Books, 1114 21st St., Sacramento. Contact Patricia
April 4, Monday, 12:30pm Sierra College, Rocklin campus, Room D-12. Contact: Sandra
April 5, Tuesday, 12:00 Sacramento City College, Cultural Awareness Center, 3835 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento. Contact: Patricia
April 3, Sunday, 7pm, First Congregational Church of Oakland (Sponsored by Sabeel) 2501 Harrison Street at 27th (Near 580 across from Whole Foods) Suggested donation $10. Contact: Hassan
April 4, Monday, 4pm, Butte Community College, Chico campus. Contact: Jeffery
April 4, Monday, 7pm, Chico Friends Meeting House, Chico. Contact: Cathy,
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Murder of Israeli family called "heroic operation"
A mother, father and three of their children were stabbed to death late Friday night in Itamar, southeast of Nablus.
The murders occurred shortly after 10 p.m., when one or two attackers jumped the fence that surrounds Itamar and broke into the home of Ruth and Udi Fogel, aged 35 and 36, respectively. The attackers went room to room, stabbing the parents, a three-month-old baby, Hadas, Elad, three, and Yoav, 11.
Fatah’s al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade claimed responsibility. Their statement claimed the “heroic” operation was a “natural response to massacres committed by the occupation against our people in the Gaza Strip and West Bank,” adding that the perpetrator managed to return safely to his base.
Hamas also hailed the attack as a “heroic operation” and “natural response to Israeli crimes and massacres.” In Rafah, Palestinians took to the streets to celebrate the killings, and handed sweets to passersby and drivers
From Daylife

The Day life photo is captioned on their site:
A Palestinian man offers sweets to a woman in the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah on March 12, 2011 to celebrate an attack which killed five Israeli settlers at the Itamar settlement near the West Bank city of Nablus.
5 settlers???????
It was an Israeli FAMILY.
Three children! A three month old infant.
Unspeakable bias
The murders occurred shortly after 10 p.m., when one or two attackers jumped the fence that surrounds Itamar and broke into the home of Ruth and Udi Fogel, aged 35 and 36, respectively. The attackers went room to room, stabbing the parents, a three-month-old baby, Hadas, Elad, three, and Yoav, 11.
Fatah’s al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade claimed responsibility. Their statement claimed the “heroic” operation was a “natural response to massacres committed by the occupation against our people in the Gaza Strip and West Bank,” adding that the perpetrator managed to return safely to his base.
Hamas also hailed the attack as a “heroic operation” and “natural response to Israeli crimes and massacres.” In Rafah, Palestinians took to the streets to celebrate the killings, and handed sweets to passersby and drivers
From Daylife

The Day life photo is captioned on their site:
A Palestinian man offers sweets to a woman in the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah on March 12, 2011 to celebrate an attack which killed five Israeli settlers at the Itamar settlement near the West Bank city of Nablus.
5 settlers???????
It was an Israeli FAMILY.
Three children! A three month old infant.
Unspeakable bias
Friday, March 11, 2011
Shine on you Crazy Diamond. Blood Diamonds, Israel and Cinderella's Glass Slipper
The forgotten victim of the BDS movement is language. In the rush to demonize Israel, language is being misused, manipulated and bastardized. Its the linguistic equivalent of Cinderellas ugly stepsisters attempting to force their feet into a slipper that just will never fit.
Apartheid. Ethnic cleansing. Genocide. No, the definitions and common uses of these terms don't fit into any current or past Israeli policy, but Team Hate will try and find a way to make them fit. The bastardization of language dishonors those throughout history who suffered and who fought against intolerance and racism.
The latest cheap rhetorical trick comes from the Global Palestine Solidarity movement (usual suspects, different name), aimed squarely at Israel's participation in the cut and polished gem market. Diamonds are a major Israeli export.
First, some history;
The Kimberley Process is designed to certify the origin of rough diamonds from sources which are free of conflict funded by diamond production. The Kimberley Process forum was established in 2000 after it was realized that civil wars in Sierra Leone and Angola were linked to the battle for control of the countries’ diamond mines. The goal of the Kimberly process was to prevent diamond sales from financing rebellious movements and to prevent "blood diamonds" from entering the rough diamond market. Israel was the first country to issue a certificate. The Kimberley Process forum meets every year, in a different country, and discusses the issues related to strengthening and updating the controls over conflict diamonds. Countries such as South Africa, Botswana and Namibia have been able to use the Kimberley Process to protect their legitimate trade in diamonds.
The anti-Israel forces are calling for a review of the Kimberley process- attempting to "redefine" it- to somehow squeeze Israel's finished diamond trade into the definition. Never mind that the process is specifically geared to rough diamonds, not the cut and polished stones exported from Israel. Never mind that the process was established with the goal of preventing "blood diamonds" from financing bloody civil wars. Never mind that the diamond industry in Israel is private- and not under government control. Don't bring facts into this- that will just confuse the issue.
As of today, the petition to manipulate law and language by attempting to classify Israeli exports as "blood diamonds" has less then 700 signatures. But if the past is any indication, we can expect Team Hate to just keep squeezing, squeezing, squeezing, even when the rest of us can see that the slipper will never, ever fit.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Celebrating Israel Peace and Diversity Week with Tikvah
UC Berkeley's Tikvah students for Israel celebrated Israel Peace and Diversity Week March 7-11 2011 with a joyous celebration of Israel's democracy, diversity and innovation. Students, staff, faculty and community members joined together for an exciting week of programing, highlighted by Israeli music and folk dancing in Sproul Plaza.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Teach Your Children Well
The infiltration of anti-Israel/anti- American rhetoric has moved beyond the web, beyond the media, beyond the universities. Its now in our public school system. On Saturday, February 26, a half-Day workshop on "Teaching Palestine" was held, organized by MECA, the Middle East Childrens Alliance
Their announcement follows:
Join the Middle East Children's Alliance, Rethinking Schools and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network for a half-day workshop for youth educators who want to teach about Palestine through pedagogy that is student-centered, rigorous, empowering, skill-strengthening, highly informed, and makes connections to local struggles for justice.
* Elementary, middle and high school teachers AND youth workers and organizers
* Educators who support justice for Palestine but are new to the issue AND educators who are involved in the Palestine solidarity movement
* Educators who have never taught about Palestine before AND educators who teach about Palestine and are interested in strengthening their approach, tools and knowledge base
* Educators interested in building their individual practice AND educators interested in developing resources and support for teaching Palestine locally and nationally
* AND everyone in between!
* Ziad Abbas is the associate director and education coordinator of the Middle East Children’s Alliance. He is a Palestinian refugee from the West Bank, where he was the co-founder and co-director of the Ibdaa Cultural Center at Dheisheh Refugee Camp. He is a journalist as well as a teacher and youth worker.
* Perry Bellow-Handelman is an organizer with the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network and a member of the Bay Area Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. She currently works as a history teacher and internship coordinator at an East Oakland public high school. Prior to becoming a teacher she worked with youth in a broad range of anti-racist movement work through her roles as a youth organizer and popular educator.
* Jody Sokolower is the policy and production editor of Rethinking Schools. Until last year she taught social studies and English in Bay Area middle and high schools, most recently at Berkeley High. She has a long history as an anti-imperialist activist.
Perry Bellow- Handelman was arrested several years ago for interrupting a presentation at the San Francisco Jewish Community Center. She currently teaches at the East Oakland School of the Arts. Her classroom blog (yes, she's a history teacher) links to Indybay, Al Jazeera, Radio Zapatista, and other questionable sites.
Whats a parent to do? Listen to your children. Teach them the truth. Get involved in their schools. Check out their textbooks for bias (The Saudis have invested 130 million dollars in the American educational system, including K-12)And don't be afraid to complain to the principal and to the district if you see your child's classroom used to incite hate and spread propaganda.
Their announcement follows:
Join the Middle East Children's Alliance, Rethinking Schools and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network for a half-day workshop for youth educators who want to teach about Palestine through pedagogy that is student-centered, rigorous, empowering, skill-strengthening, highly informed, and makes connections to local struggles for justice.
* Elementary, middle and high school teachers AND youth workers and organizers
* Educators who support justice for Palestine but are new to the issue AND educators who are involved in the Palestine solidarity movement
* Educators who have never taught about Palestine before AND educators who teach about Palestine and are interested in strengthening their approach, tools and knowledge base
* Educators interested in building their individual practice AND educators interested in developing resources and support for teaching Palestine locally and nationally
* AND everyone in between!
* Ziad Abbas is the associate director and education coordinator of the Middle East Children’s Alliance. He is a Palestinian refugee from the West Bank, where he was the co-founder and co-director of the Ibdaa Cultural Center at Dheisheh Refugee Camp. He is a journalist as well as a teacher and youth worker.
* Perry Bellow-Handelman is an organizer with the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network and a member of the Bay Area Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. She currently works as a history teacher and internship coordinator at an East Oakland public high school. Prior to becoming a teacher she worked with youth in a broad range of anti-racist movement work through her roles as a youth organizer and popular educator.
* Jody Sokolower is the policy and production editor of Rethinking Schools. Until last year she taught social studies and English in Bay Area middle and high schools, most recently at Berkeley High. She has a long history as an anti-imperialist activist.
Perry Bellow- Handelman was arrested several years ago for interrupting a presentation at the San Francisco Jewish Community Center. She currently teaches at the East Oakland School of the Arts. Her classroom blog (yes, she's a history teacher) links to Indybay, Al Jazeera, Radio Zapatista, and other questionable sites.
Whats a parent to do? Listen to your children. Teach them the truth. Get involved in their schools. Check out their textbooks for bias (The Saudis have invested 130 million dollars in the American educational system, including K-12)And don't be afraid to complain to the principal and to the district if you see your child's classroom used to incite hate and spread propaganda.
Palestinian farmers Reject BDS.
So, where's this "Palestinian civil society" we keep hearing about? These Palestinian farmers have rejected BDS in favor of economic and technical cooperation with their Israeli counterparts
From the Jerusalem Post:
Palestinian farmers hawk wares at Israel agricultural fair
Hawking olive oil, cherry tomatoes, beer and other traditional products, Palestinian farmers and agri-business people participated for the first time at the Agro Mashov international agriculture exhibition held in Tel Aviv on Wednesday.
Taking their place among the glitzy Israeli stalls pushing everything from high tech fruit sorters, genetically modified fruit flies and sophisticated milking sensors, the Palestinians came seeking not only business deals, but in search of Israeli innovations.
“This year we have our corner as the Palestinian Authority. We have our products and we wanted to give a chance for Israeli farmers to see our productions,” Palestinian Agriculture Minister Ismail Daiq told The Media Line. “And, at the same time, we are looking to benefit from the transfer of the technology from Israel.”
Among the thousands to attend the self-proclaimed “World Cup of Agriculture,” were about 400 Palestinian farmers from the West Bank.
Traditionally practioners of a family-based farming culture, the Palestinians are trying to break into more modern farming methods and for years have used Israeli innovations, such as drip irrigation.
“It’s a tough challenge because the farmers are interested in quantity and not quality, and we need higher quality in order to sell to the lucrative European markets,” said Samir Abu Mansour, a Palestinian consultant for Carana, a company that helps boost economic growth in the developing world.
Palestinian agriculture, which is mainly field crops, vegetables and fruit, makes up about 9% of its gross domestic product. Israel is the Palestinians’ largest market and they export 60% of their products there. They also import about half of their agriculture needs from Israel, including plastics for irrigation and greenhouses, pesticides and fertilizers.
Israeli agriculture technology is known for producing high yields with little water. While Israel is one of the world’s leaders in agriculture technology, the sector only accounts for a tiny fraction of the economy.
“The difference between Israeli and Palestinian agriculture is great, but we see today a change on the Palestinian side, which cannot be dismissed. I’m sure that this is because the cooperation between us,” said Samir Moaddi, chief Israeli agriculture adviser to the Palestinian Authority.
“Even today we have the first display by the Palestinians and close to 400 visitors, which shows the interest on the Palestinian side to become exposed to all the innovations in this exhibit,” Moaddi told The Media Line.
Israel’s Minister of Agriculture Orit Noked, who assumed the post less than a month ago, met with her Palestinian counterpart as he walked her through the stalls of Palestinian farm products.
And in other agricultural news,
10 truckloads were exported from the Gaza Strip this week including 6 truckloads of flowers and 4 truckloads of strawberries.
From the Jerusalem Post:
Palestinian farmers hawk wares at Israel agricultural fair
Hawking olive oil, cherry tomatoes, beer and other traditional products, Palestinian farmers and agri-business people participated for the first time at the Agro Mashov international agriculture exhibition held in Tel Aviv on Wednesday.
Taking their place among the glitzy Israeli stalls pushing everything from high tech fruit sorters, genetically modified fruit flies and sophisticated milking sensors, the Palestinians came seeking not only business deals, but in search of Israeli innovations.
“This year we have our corner as the Palestinian Authority. We have our products and we wanted to give a chance for Israeli farmers to see our productions,” Palestinian Agriculture Minister Ismail Daiq told The Media Line. “And, at the same time, we are looking to benefit from the transfer of the technology from Israel.”
Among the thousands to attend the self-proclaimed “World Cup of Agriculture,” were about 400 Palestinian farmers from the West Bank.
Traditionally practioners of a family-based farming culture, the Palestinians are trying to break into more modern farming methods and for years have used Israeli innovations, such as drip irrigation.
“It’s a tough challenge because the farmers are interested in quantity and not quality, and we need higher quality in order to sell to the lucrative European markets,” said Samir Abu Mansour, a Palestinian consultant for Carana, a company that helps boost economic growth in the developing world.
Palestinian agriculture, which is mainly field crops, vegetables and fruit, makes up about 9% of its gross domestic product. Israel is the Palestinians’ largest market and they export 60% of their products there. They also import about half of their agriculture needs from Israel, including plastics for irrigation and greenhouses, pesticides and fertilizers.
Israeli agriculture technology is known for producing high yields with little water. While Israel is one of the world’s leaders in agriculture technology, the sector only accounts for a tiny fraction of the economy.
“The difference between Israeli and Palestinian agriculture is great, but we see today a change on the Palestinian side, which cannot be dismissed. I’m sure that this is because the cooperation between us,” said Samir Moaddi, chief Israeli agriculture adviser to the Palestinian Authority.
“Even today we have the first display by the Palestinians and close to 400 visitors, which shows the interest on the Palestinian side to become exposed to all the innovations in this exhibit,” Moaddi told The Media Line.
Israel’s Minister of Agriculture Orit Noked, who assumed the post less than a month ago, met with her Palestinian counterpart as he walked her through the stalls of Palestinian farm products.
And in other agricultural news,
10 truckloads were exported from the Gaza Strip this week including 6 truckloads of flowers and 4 truckloads of strawberries.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
My Letter to Gershon Baskin
By Becky Johnson
March 5, 2011
Encountering Peace: Mirror, mirror on the wall
No matter how much concealer we apply, we cannot change reality or
mask the fact that our Knesset has become a bastion of xenophobia.
While riding in a Jerusalem taxi recently I noticed that the name of
the company was decorated with stars of David. I asked the driver
about it. He replied: “Yes, our company only hires Jewish drivers, so
our passengers can feel safe.”
I remember moving trucks in Jerusalem with large signs reading “Jewish
workers only.”
There were ads in the Yellow Pages for companies that only employed
Jewish workers. I guess it’s become politically incorrect to be so
blunt. I saw a pizza place in Baka that was searching for delivery
boys “after army service,” which definitely made me think – do
delivery boys in southwest Jerusalem need combat training? It must be
a tough job.
Now there is “SOS Israel,” founded in 2003, which even has a Facebook
page organized to oppose any agreement with the Arab world which
includes “giving up territory.”
Today this kind of organization has also adopted an agenda to save
Jewish girls who have developed relations with Arab boys. This new
expression of Jewish enlightenment is also issuing kashrut
certificates to companies that don’t hire Arab workers. Can you
imagine an organization in France giving out certificates to companies
that don’t hire people of Middle Eastern background? I remember as a
boy of nine visiting Virginia several months before the Civil Rights
Act was passed, and seeing signs on restaurants that read “whites
Now, under our own eyes, our government is being led by politicians
and parties which are pushing bills that would move us toward the
Nuremburg laws, such as the anti-incitement bill, the admission
committees bill and the bill to protect Israel’s values, to name a
For the reader’s amusement (or chagrin), here is what a future
proposed bill could look like, with the way things are going:
Understanding that the purity of Jewish blood is essential to the
further existence of the Jewish people, and inspired by uncompromising
determination to safeguard the future of the nation, the Knesset has
resolved the following, which is promulgated herewith: Marriages
between Arabs and Jews are forbidden. Marriages concluded in defiance
of this law are void, even if performed abroad. Extramarital
intercourse between Arabs and Jews is forbidden. Arabs will not be
permitted to employ Jewish females under the age of 45 as domestic
SOME MKs would anxiously support such a proposal. They would even add
all kinds of amendments regarding Jews who in any way support Arab
They would certainly remove my right to write in The Jerusalem Post. I
am already a proud member of the right-wing’s list of self-hating
Israeli traitors, also known as the S.H.I.T list.
In 1984, when Meir Kahane was elected to the Knesset, I brought to the
Education Committee a copy of the Nuremberg laws and superimposed
Kahane’s political platform. This made the front pages, and most
Israelis were shocked by Kahane’s extreme racism. Today, no one is
particularly upset that our Knesset has become a bastion of
The rise of racism is a direct outgrowth of our refusal to make peace
with our Palestinian neighbors. Yes, it is our refusal. There is a
Palestinian partner for peace, and anyone who doubts that is ignorant
of the facts. Our publicists and politicians can rewrite the
“narrative” as they please, but it will not change the fact that if
Israel was serious about making peace on the basis of what has already
been negotiated, it would be possible to end this conflict.
We might feel secure because the US used its veto in the UN, but we
shouldn’t live with the illusion that US support is a form of
security. Israel is being delegitimized by its own actions. The
legislative agenda of Avigdor Lieberman, Shas, the National Union and
a significant part of the Likud, together with the continuation of the
occupation, settlement building, the destruction of Palestinian homes
in east Jerusalem, the removal of Jerusalem residency rights from
hundreds of Palestinians each year who were born in the city, the
taking over of Palestinian properties owned by Jews prior to 1948
while denying Arabs the same rights, no longer fools the world. Our
policies and democracy do not go hand-in-hand. The charade is over.
Instead of a “light unto the nations” Israel’s policies are leading us
into the darkest era we have known as a state.
I write this with rage in my heart, and a deep sense of pain. I am
filled with rage at the public’s silence in the face of our ugliness.
I’m furious that voices of people such as Bennie Begin and Dan Meridor
are not heard.
Those who propose racist and xenophobic legislation in the name of
“saving Jews and Judaism” are acting in my name. My Judaism does not
include hatred of non-Jews. My Israel is one that seeks peace with its
neighbors and sees our future linked to our ability to reach
agreements that sustain life, build prosperity and care about the
welfare of people less fortunate than us.
I want to believe that the reality we see today is symptomatic of a
society in the final days of a conflict. I want to believe that Israel
has already recognized there will be a Palestinian state, and that the
occupation must end. There are anti-Semites who work to delegitimize
Israel, but they can cease their activities because our government is
doing it so much better. The mirror eventually shows us reality,
regardless of how much makeup we use.
The writer is co-CEO of the Israel/Palestine Center for Research and
Information ( and is in the process of founding the
Center for Israeli Progress (
March 5, 2011
I am a resident of the Santa Cruz area and read recently that you will be speaking at Temple Beth El in Aptos this coming Tuesday. I read your Feb. 21st article "Encountering Peace: Mirror, mirror on the wall"
I found your article to be a masterpiece of subterfuge, innuendo, and filled with hatred. You said you are on the S.H.I.T. list? You BELONG there!! I won't go into every error, glaring omission, or fantastical "vision" as time is of the essence. But here are a few.
Gershon Baskin photo courtesy of Tikkun
YOU WROTE: "While riding in a Jerusalem taxi recently I noticed that the name of the company was decorated with stars of David. I asked the driver about it. He replied: “Yes, our company only hires Jewish drivers, so our passengers can feel safe.”
What you FAILED to write is that Palestinians, both those who live in
What you FAILED to write is that Palestinians, both those who live in
the Palestinian territories and those Arab-Israelis who live within
Israel proper, are taught that they must wage "jihad" against
"the Zionist entity" and that if they kill "an infidel---extra points if they're Jewish!"
then you as a Muslim will be transported to heaven into the hands of Allah
and if you are a male, you will be rewarded with 72 blushing virgins in heaven
waiting for you.
NO. YOU let your readers BELIEVE that Jews in Israel or only motivated by racism.
That is a horrible lie that apparently awards you a sinecure. You repeat it here when you write:
" I remember as a boy of nine visiting Virginia several months before the Civil Rights
Act was passed, and seeing signs on restaurants that read “whites only.”
AS IF. AS if Jews are only a "bunch of racists" who are maintaining their privilege!! What a lie! Jewish citizens in Israel are well aware of the murderous policies and practices fomented against Jews and Israel every day. Before (what I'm sure YOU call the "apartheid wall") Israel's security barrier went in on the W. Bank, Israel suffered 128 suicide bombing attacks from W. Bank Palestinians. Oh, and when an attack was "successful" (lots of people DIED), those same Palestinians danced in the street and held parties. The suicide bombers?
Act was passed, and seeing signs on restaurants that read “whites only.”
AS IF. AS if Jews are only a "bunch of racists" who are maintaining their privilege!! What a lie! Jewish citizens in Israel are well aware of the murderous policies and practices fomented against Jews and Israel every day. Before (what I'm sure YOU call the "apartheid wall") Israel's security barrier went in on the W. Bank, Israel suffered 128 suicide bombing attacks from W. Bank Palestinians. Oh, and when an attack was "successful" (lots of people DIED), those same Palestinians danced in the street and held parties. The suicide bombers?
Oh, they are all MARTYRS who get elementary schools and streets named after them. Facts completely missing from your article (or your MIND apparently!).
Also missing from your article:
Israel is the ONLY democracy in the mideast
Israel is 20% Arab-Muslim
Israel has people from all the countries of the world: blacks, Indians, Hispanics, Russians, Swedes, Asians etc.
Israel pays for and treats Palestinians (even wounded terrorists) in their state of the art hospitals
Israel has no death penalty. Nor do they lynch "collaborators" in their streets like the Palestinians do
Israel gave up Gaza to make peace displacing 10,000 Jews. All they got was MORE rocket attacks!
Israel allows ALL religions to practice in Israel--only stopping Mormons from proselytizing door to door
Israel HAS returned land to Arabs who owned it prior to 1948-they set up a govt. agency to do so!
Israel gave up 94% of the land it conquered in 1967---just to make peace with Egypt!
Israel has a responsibility to protect its citizens from attacks
Palestinians are the most highly educated of all Arab peoples---directly due to Israel's influence and school-building between 1967 and 1993
"Occupied territories" is an obsolete concept. Currently the Palestinians are self-governed with Israel responsible for border control, airspace control, immigration, and sea control--per the negotiated agreement with Arafat in 1993
Arabs in E. Jerusalem were double-counted in census reports. Once by the PA and once by Israel. MOST want to BE Israeli citizens because the standard of living and free healthcare are so much better. MOST voted in the Israeli elections and boycotted the PA elections.
Your biggest lie is that if only Israel was serious about making peace, it would happen. I'm sorry. You are wrong. The Arab countries need to :
--recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state
--stop the incitement in their schools and mosques against Jews and Israel
--eliminate their OWN laws which make it a capital offense to sell property to a Jew,
don’t allow Synagogues or Jewish holy books in their countries, and don't allow
Jewish citizenship
Becky Johnson
Encountering Peace: Mirror, mirror on the wall
No matter how much concealer we apply, we cannot change reality or
mask the fact that our Knesset has become a bastion of xenophobia.
While riding in a Jerusalem taxi recently I noticed that the name of
the company was decorated with stars of David. I asked the driver
about it. He replied: “Yes, our company only hires Jewish drivers, so
our passengers can feel safe.”
I remember moving trucks in Jerusalem with large signs reading “Jewish
workers only.”
There were ads in the Yellow Pages for companies that only employed
Jewish workers. I guess it’s become politically incorrect to be so
blunt. I saw a pizza place in Baka that was searching for delivery
boys “after army service,” which definitely made me think – do
delivery boys in southwest Jerusalem need combat training? It must be
a tough job.
Now there is “SOS Israel,” founded in 2003, which even has a Facebook
page organized to oppose any agreement with the Arab world which
includes “giving up territory.”
Today this kind of organization has also adopted an agenda to save
Jewish girls who have developed relations with Arab boys. This new
expression of Jewish enlightenment is also issuing kashrut
certificates to companies that don’t hire Arab workers. Can you
imagine an organization in France giving out certificates to companies
that don’t hire people of Middle Eastern background? I remember as a
boy of nine visiting Virginia several months before the Civil Rights
Act was passed, and seeing signs on restaurants that read “whites
Now, under our own eyes, our government is being led by politicians
and parties which are pushing bills that would move us toward the
Nuremburg laws, such as the anti-incitement bill, the admission
committees bill and the bill to protect Israel’s values, to name a
For the reader’s amusement (or chagrin), here is what a future
proposed bill could look like, with the way things are going:
Understanding that the purity of Jewish blood is essential to the
further existence of the Jewish people, and inspired by uncompromising
determination to safeguard the future of the nation, the Knesset has
resolved the following, which is promulgated herewith: Marriages
between Arabs and Jews are forbidden. Marriages concluded in defiance
of this law are void, even if performed abroad. Extramarital
intercourse between Arabs and Jews is forbidden. Arabs will not be
permitted to employ Jewish females under the age of 45 as domestic
SOME MKs would anxiously support such a proposal. They would even add
all kinds of amendments regarding Jews who in any way support Arab
They would certainly remove my right to write in The Jerusalem Post. I
am already a proud member of the right-wing’s list of self-hating
Israeli traitors, also known as the S.H.I.T list.
In 1984, when Meir Kahane was elected to the Knesset, I brought to the
Education Committee a copy of the Nuremberg laws and superimposed
Kahane’s political platform. This made the front pages, and most
Israelis were shocked by Kahane’s extreme racism. Today, no one is
particularly upset that our Knesset has become a bastion of
The rise of racism is a direct outgrowth of our refusal to make peace
with our Palestinian neighbors. Yes, it is our refusal. There is a
Palestinian partner for peace, and anyone who doubts that is ignorant
of the facts. Our publicists and politicians can rewrite the
“narrative” as they please, but it will not change the fact that if
Israel was serious about making peace on the basis of what has already
been negotiated, it would be possible to end this conflict.
We might feel secure because the US used its veto in the UN, but we
shouldn’t live with the illusion that US support is a form of
security. Israel is being delegitimized by its own actions. The
legislative agenda of Avigdor Lieberman, Shas, the National Union and
a significant part of the Likud, together with the continuation of the
occupation, settlement building, the destruction of Palestinian homes
in east Jerusalem, the removal of Jerusalem residency rights from
hundreds of Palestinians each year who were born in the city, the
taking over of Palestinian properties owned by Jews prior to 1948
while denying Arabs the same rights, no longer fools the world. Our
policies and democracy do not go hand-in-hand. The charade is over.
Instead of a “light unto the nations” Israel’s policies are leading us
into the darkest era we have known as a state.
I write this with rage in my heart, and a deep sense of pain. I am
filled with rage at the public’s silence in the face of our ugliness.
I’m furious that voices of people such as Bennie Begin and Dan Meridor
are not heard.
Those who propose racist and xenophobic legislation in the name of
“saving Jews and Judaism” are acting in my name. My Judaism does not
include hatred of non-Jews. My Israel is one that seeks peace with its
neighbors and sees our future linked to our ability to reach
agreements that sustain life, build prosperity and care about the
welfare of people less fortunate than us.
I want to believe that the reality we see today is symptomatic of a
society in the final days of a conflict. I want to believe that Israel
has already recognized there will be a Palestinian state, and that the
occupation must end. There are anti-Semites who work to delegitimize
Israel, but they can cease their activities because our government is
doing it so much better. The mirror eventually shows us reality,
regardless of how much makeup we use.
The writer is co-CEO of the Israel/Palestine Center for Research and
Information ( and is in the process of founding the
Center for Israeli Progress (
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