Thursday, December 27, 2018

Equipto's attack on a progressive establishment in San Francisco

Manny's is a welcoming and inclusive community gathering spot in San Francisco's Mission district.
Its advisory board is reflective of the diversity and values of our local community.

A local musician (member of Bored Stiff ) and a self described "thug", Equipto (given name Illych Yasuchi Sato) has been spearheading an active campaign against Manny's on social media.

Equipto is of Columbian and Japanese heritage and knows little about this conflict, beyond a few  buzzwords, repeated often and with gusto.   Equipto thinks he's  "progressive", yet Equipto's exclusionary racist banter is biased, ignorant and racist.


  Empire? What empire?


"When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking anti-Semitism,” Dr. Martin Luther King.

Yo- Equipto: Zionism is the civil rights movement of the Jewish people.  If you dont believe Jews are entitled to civil rights, well, we have a word for that.



In the world according to Equipto,  Jews, er "Zionists" should be relegated to special parts of the city.  We've seen that before.  Can you say "ghetto"?  I think you can.

The shallow analysis, reductionist, zero sum game of Equipto's tweets have made him today's Anti-Zionist not Anti-Semite of the Day over at Israellycool.

Classy, Equipto.  Classy.    Manny is of Afghani heritage, btw.

1 comment:

Shlomo Ben Hungstien said...

Never heard of this El Assowipo equipto loser but somebody outta tell him that the tourist numbers in 2018 were equal to have of Israel’s population. That’s 4 million people who visited Israel and don’t give a shit about what Jew hating leftist internet trolls have to say.