Saturday, May 11, 2024

Meet Elana Auerbach, Candidate for Berkeley City Council

Elana Auerbach is running for Berkeley City council in District 4, in a special election scheduled for May 28.   District 4 covers the downtown business district and central Berkeley. The sudden resignation of Kate Harrison has left the 4th district seat vacant.

Elana Auerbach is a quintessential "How Berkeley can you be?" candidate. 

Elana's commitment to "public service" began with her involvement in the "genital-focused" One Taste sex cult, which has been accused of human trafficking.  Elana and her husband eventually left the cult, but Elana has found an equally dubious way to give her life meaning.

Elana Auerbach is proudly identified anti-Zionist.   One day after  October 7, the single largest loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust, Elana joined local extremist groups to rally in front of  San Francisco's Israeli Consulate, in the time-honored local tradition of gloating over the deaths of innocents

Look at Elana's smile!

Elana Auerbach celebrating the October 7th massacre

Elana's been making appearances at UC Berkeley's "How dare the Jews fight back" encampment, proudly posing with fellow outside agitator, Russell "Rusty" Bates.

Elana Auerbach and Rusty Bates at anti-Israel encampment, UC Berkeley

Lest anyone think they are participating in a peace rally, the encampment at Cal Berkeley features a banner promoting "Victory to the resistance".

October 7 gave the world a glimpse of what Palestinian "resistance" looks like.

Who's Elana's good buddy, Rusty Bates?  Rusty's a Berkeley fixture, an unhinged antisemite known for interrupting Berkeley City Council meetings and Jewish community events on and off campus.

Rusty Bates interrupting Berkeley  City Council meeting

Rusty Bates arrested in front of the Israeli consulate, 2014

Apparently Elana Auerbach's mother never told her that you are known by the company you keep.

So Berkeley voters, its time to mobilize.  That means registering and voting.   Lets work together to keep partisan extremists off the Berkeley City Council, and lets keep the focus on building a better Berkeley.


  1. Pssst. Soli Albert, also running for the vacant District 4 seat in Berkeley is an equally atrocious choice.

    Personally, I like Igor- a progressive candidate endorsed by the Sierra Club.

  2. Alana Auerbach will be a disaster for the Berkeley City council where she will create more and more divisiveness in our Berkeley Community, has little experience in running a city, and appears to be psychologically unstable. Vote for the progressive Igor Tregub to keep our city running well. He has a lot of experience in getting things done like working to create 1000 apartments for the un-housed with services. He worked with the Berkeley community and City Council to improve public safety and pass the Re imagining Public Safety package that includes a new Police Accountability Board with strong oversight powers. This improves trust between law enforcement and our community. District 4 needs Igor and the City council needs to focus on local issues, not foreign policy.

  3. In her paperwork filed with the city of Berkeley,Elana Auerbach describes her profession as "priestess".

    You missed that salient fact.

  4. She came in third place. Berkeley is evolving
