Monday, June 27, 2011

Gaza Flotilla 2011 Update: The Wheels on the Boat Go round and round

The Wheels on the Boat Go round and round.

No, actually they don’t, Huwaida.

From a Twitter sent out by Huwaida Arraf

RT @huwaidaarraf: #Flotilla Alert!! Greek/Swedish/Norwegian passenger boat found sabotaged - propeller axle cut!

Note to Huwaida.
Axle : central shaft for a rotating wheel
Boats generally don’t have wheels. (Though we know your boat is special)
Could you possibly mean the propeller shaft?


  1. Gaza Flotilla Update:

    At 5.30 pm Monday it was discovered that the “Juliano”, jointly by the Ship to Gaza organizations in Sweden, Norway and Greece was the victim of sabotage in the port of Piraeus [Greece].The propeller house and the propeller shaft were both damaged .

  2. isnt this what all the leftists screamed for? that israel should not have boarded the ships...but disabled them?

    so if this was indeed an act by an israeli commando...kudos

    now scuttle the ships before they can leave port and lets get onto more important biz

  3. Another Twitterer refers to Huwaida as 'ISM's fish-eyed angel of death'.

