Thursday, June 27, 2024

First do no harm, Fadi Al-Wadiya


Dr. Fadi Al Wadiyah, associated with Doctors Without Borders was killed in Gaza City yesterday. Depending on the unreliable source of your choice, he was either 1. Bicycling to work 2. Already at the clinic, tending to the blameless wounded


Liars need good memories.

According to an IDF statement Al-Wadiya was involved in developing and advancing Islamic Jihad's missile program.  Nice to see Doctors Without Borders takes the Hippocratic oath seriously in their hiring practices.

Interestingly enough, these were not the photographs chosen by Doctors without Borders to honor their deceased colleague.

According to the IDF spokesperson:

"Fadi Al-Wadiya had worked in the Islamic Jihad’s manufacturing system for more than 15 years and was considered the organization’s subject matter expert in the fields of electronics and chemistry."

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