Saturday, May 12, 2018

Sara Kershnar: Berkeley City Councilperson Cheryl Davila's reprehensible assistant

Controversial Berkeley City Council woman Cheryl Davila has hired Sara Kershnar as her legislative assistant.  If Cheryl had done any vetting or research, she might have learned that Sara had been previously arrested for disrupting a program at the San Francisco Jewish Community Center.

Sara Kershnar at her arrest for disrupting a program at the SF JCC

Sara Kershnar disrupting a program at the SF JCC

Sara Kershnar disrupting a program at the SF JCC

Arrest record of those who disrupted the program at the SF JCC

Berkeley taxpayers, you are now paying this vile woman's salary.


  1. Sara Kershnar, as head of the International Anti-Zionist Network once put on a program at Rutgars University where Jews were charged admisssion, and non-Jews were let in for free. Nasty, nasty hateful human being

  2. Amy Fornari is still a died in the wool Israel hater, and currently goes by the name Ari Lev Fornari. No surprises, Ari Lev is part of the Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinic Council.

  3. If you read the Berkeleyside website, you'll find that Davila main reason for being is ANTI-ISRAEL.
