Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Oakland Says No to Hate: Another Vigil at Reem's

Reem Assil's Bakery café in Oakland has been subject to regular vigils by social justice advocates upset at her glorification of terror.  In true fascist manner, she has stopped at nothing to silence the vigils.  Participants have been physically attacked.  Police have been called.   When all else failed, Reem attempted to subvert the court system to suppress  oppositional voices. Still they persisted. Sunday January 28 was the latest vigil.

Reem Assil has been trying to position her establishment as the "go to" spot for all things anti-Israel. On the 28th, she hosted a book signing by Sunaina Maira and why not ?   Spread a little hate, make a little money.  It’s a win/win for her.  At Reem’s, you can plot both to destroy democratic Israel and crush capitalism. Then you can buy a 16 dollar Reem’s flatbread and drive your Prius home,  basking in the golden glow of your own self-righteousness. It’s a perfectly acceptable life style choice for the Bay area’s soy latte crowd.

Sunday was unusual.  Over 3 dozen community members showed up to express their unhappiness with Reem’s choice of decor.   A  small counterprotest of Reem's supporters were stunned silent.  Reem’s exaltation of convicted terrorist Rasmea Odeh has proven itself the unifying position of the left and the right.   Online publications as diverse as the leftist Forward and far right Breitbart have written about it. Rasmea Odeh’s role in the PFLP terror group  was so significant that during the 1972 Munich Olympics Black September terrorists included her name on the list of prisoners they wanted released in exchange for the lives of Israel’s Olympic athletes. 

Its hard to rationalize bombing a grocery store, but Reem Assil manages to.  Dead Jews?   Its resistance.  Dead Jewish men killed by a Palestinian woman?  That’s peak intersectionality. It doesn't get any better than that.


  1. Did Reem Assil spawn yet? Last time I saw her she was enourmously preggers.

  2. The advantage to having Assil out of the picture is that the level of harrassment has gone way down. Her minimum wage grunts are much less likley to call the police
