Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Are we bored of Ahed Tamimi yet?

On Saturday,  our neighbors in the Southland called for a rally in front of the Israeli consulate in solidarity with that young promoter of suicide attacks and stabbing, Ahed Tamimi.

The rally was sponsored and promoted  by LA4Palestine, Al-Awda Palestine Right to Return Coalition, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, Palestinian American Women's Association, Me Too March International, AF3IRM LA, AIM So-Cal, Idle No More So-Cal, ANSWER Coalition, Black Lives Matter - Pasadena, March and Rally LA, California for Progress, Palestinian Youth Movement. CODEPINK: Women for Peace, SWANA-LA, Martin Luther King Coalition of Greater Los Angeles, Labor for Palestine, International Action Center, BDS LA for Justice in Palestine, International League of Peoples' Struggle So-Cal, Dignity and Power Now and the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

You'd think with all those groups endorsing and promoting this event on a beautiful weekend afternoon, they could have gathered more than a few dozen people.

You'd think.....

In San Francisco,  once heralded as a "hub" of the delegitimization of Israel,  there has not been a single gathering in support of the ill-tempered Tamimi teen.  Not one.  

Is everyone bored of Ahed Tamimi yet?  Or have people realized that a young woman who exhorts her followers to terror and murder is not an appropriate role model.?  Ahed's own words “Whether it is stabbings or martyrdom operations or throwing stones, everyone must do his part" have proven unequivocally that she is no peace activist.