Thursday, September 21, 2017

New BDS fail at Trader Joes

Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay wines from the Givon Winery in Israel are now available at everyone's favorite grocery store, Trader Joes's.

Can you say  "BDS fail."?  I know you can.

Not only has Trader Joe's added 2 new Israel products to their line, check out how they are promoted.

Yes, thats a tiny Israeli flag!


  1. That's so cool! Especially since Trader Joe's stores have been the target of BDS harassment in the past and basically told the Brain Dead Simpletons (BDS) to piss off. Just like Cliff's Variety in SF which I was very happy to buy my Sodastream machine from last year even though I live in The East Bay.

  2. Trader Joes is now carrying Israeli teas. I'll send you a photo, privately
