Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Boycotters get boycotted: BDS holes blocked from visiting Israel

Five anti-Israel activists  who decided to violate the Palestinian civil societies call to boycott Israel  have met with a big surprise.  Upon arrival at Dulles International Airport, a Lufthansa airline employee informed the group that they were not permitted to board.

The five people prohibited from flying to Israel are Alissa Wise, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) , Philadelphia, PA; Alana Krivo-Kaufman, Brooklyn, NY and Noah Habeeb, Virginia, from JVP; Rick Ufford Chase, of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, Rockland County, NY; and Shakeel Syed, a  from American Muslims for Palestine. They've been calling themselves "interfaith  leaders" and "peace advocates", but they are associated with groups that do not accept the existence of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people, within any borders.

Eighteen additional members of the  "Interfaith delegation" were allowed entry.

Being prevented from visiting a nation they despise has resulted in a characteristically shrill level of whining from the BDS advocates.  For all their hyperbole, the  fact remains-every nation has the right to police their borders.


  1. Well done, Israel!

  2. by the way i could have sworn that The Pixies were among the bands that supported BDS but perhaps i was wrong, they just played in Israel last night http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Culture/Pixies-bring-it-on-in-Caesarea-500770
