Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Happy 68th birthday, Israel. May you go from Strength to Strength

From the Wall Street Journal - a profile of Israel at 68. Resilient. Strong. Happy.

The World Happiness Report 2016 Update ranks Israel (Jews and Arabs) 11th of 158 countries evaluated for the United Nations. Israel also shines as No. 5 of the 36 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries on the OECD’s Life Satisfaction Index—ahead of the U.S., the U.K. and France.
How can this be so? Israelis live in a hostile and volatile neighborhood, engaged in an endless conflict with the Palestinians and under the threat of nuclear annihilation by Iran
Whats the secret?
Israelis take comfort in looking back and savoring how much has been achieved, how sovereignty over the land of their forefathers was reclaimed. At least 60% of the Israeli population, now eight million, are Jewish immigrants or their children. Jews from more than 90 countries, of all colors and walks of life, are united in one society. They cherish the sense of self-determination.
And it isn’t just Jews. Go to any beach or shopping mall and—despite the frictions—you will see Jews and Arabs peacefully coexisting. They all can take pride in their country’s accomplishments, as when Israel faced a water crisis a decade ago and launched a desalination project that is now the envy of the world.

Happy 68th birthday, Israel. May you continue to go from strength to strength
Read the whole article here: The Improbable Happiness of Israelis


  1. and keep Israel strong but making sure bernie sanders does not become the next U.S. president. not that we have any great options anywhere but i'll settle for anyone over sanders i'm definitely not feeling the bern!

  2. Looking forward to Trump as US President Trump - and Obama as ex-President who will live in Chicago and NOT New York.
