Sunday, February 14, 2016

Grape Expectations. BDS Wine club

This will have the BDS holes ...whining....

In fighting boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel,  truth and history are the most important weapons in our arsenal. The Buycott is also a hugely effective technique- the collective economic power of the pro-Israel community  made short work of the campaign against Trader Joes, and the specialty grocer was never bothered again.

Buycotts empower consumers, and enable us to support our families and friends in Israel, without resorting to the ugliness of our opponents tactics.

In that spirit, check out the BDS Wine Club, featuring fine wines from the biblical heartland of Israel- Judea and Samaria. In spite of the BDS battle cry of "Occupation", Jews have been making wine in this area for thousands of years.  Regardless of your feelings regarding "settlements", the issue is a red herring. The organizers of the BDS movement have repeated admitted that they will not accept a Jewish state within any borders.

Order now and have your wines delivered before Pesach. Like 'em on Facebook