Tuesday, October 13, 2015

U.C. Berkeley's International Day of Action for Palestine

Via Emunah:

Tomorrow  UC Berkeley will be participating in the "International Day of Action on University Campuses for Palestine", sponsored by the MSA and  SJP.  Or was it the Day of Rage?  Or is that Thursday?  Its so confusing

Whats a busy Palestinian activist to do? How can anyone possibly keep track of all these carefully orchestrated spontaneous protest events?

Our friend Mike from the Mike Report has a handy suggestion: The Palestinian Desk Calendar 

Thanks for clarifying that, Mike.  It must be the International Day of Hurt feelings

Tomorrow  UC Berkeley will be participating in the "International Day of Hurt Feelings on University Campuses for Palestine", sponsored by the MSA and  SJP.  Speakers Include Hatem Bazian - UC Berkeley Lecturer, Liz Jackson, a Lawyer with Palestine Legal, and Ronnie Barkan, BDS Activist.

The International Day of Hurt Feelings been widely advertised throughout the Berkeley campus. 

As Palestinian extremists slaughter Jews in Israel, simply for the "crime" of being Jewish, as elderly Rabbis are hacked to death with cleavers, as little boys riding their bikes are stabbed, I expect no words of peace at this event . I expect no words of moderation. 

I expect to hear the justification of endless war and violence that Palestinian activists call "resistance"

I hope I am wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I am gratified that the Israelis shoot paleswinian terrorists DEAD.

    Same happened in Garland Texas. Two jihadis experienced Jihadus Interruptus.
