Saturday, October 25, 2014

Congressman Mike Honda did what? J Street did what?

Attention California Voters:

East Coast Blogger Elder of Ziyon reveals some startling information about J street-endorsed Congressional candidate Mike Honda, who represents the 17th Congressional district .

In 2010 , the San Jose Peace and Justice Center presented its Gertrude Welch Peace and Justice award to Hamas shills Paul Larudee, Kathy Sheetz , Greta Berlin for their work in the anti-Israel Free Gaza Movement

Paul Larudee with Hamas head Ismail Haniyeh
From the Elder:

Concurrent with this presentation, Congressman Mike Honda sent Certificates of Special Congressional Recognition to each of these terror supporters as well as a letter of commendation recognizing the award recipients for their "peace" work in campaigning tirelessly against Israel.

Guess who wants you to give money to Mike Honda's campaign?

Yes, that "pro-Israel, pro-peace" group J-Street

1 comment:

  1. those so called awards might as well come from a cereal box. and as usual this news about that useful idiot Honda is just more proof that you should always pass the exit to J street.
