Monday, September 29, 2014

Threatening Dockworkers. This is not your grandfather's "Solidarity"

Physically threatening clerks and longshoremen. This is the true face of the BDS movement

ILWU statement on blockage of Zim vessel by protestors at Port of Oakland

SAN FRANCISCO, CA: At 6:00 PM Saturday, ILWU Local 10 and 34 represented longshoremen and clerks dispatched to work the vessel ZIM Shanghai at SSA’s Oakland California Terminal were met with hostile demonstrators, effectively blocking all access to the terminal. Longshoremen and Clerks trying to report to work were threatened physically at some points of ingress and their personal vehicles were physically blocked. As such, all personnel stood-by outside of the demonstration perimeters for health and safety purposes. At approximately 8 PM SSA released all personnel from work.

As far as the union can ascertain, the protests are organized by a coalition of individuals and organizations that plan events and create action alerts under the name of “Block the Boat for Gaza” online.

The ILWU is not among the groups organizing the protests, and the leadership and membership of the ILWU have taken no position on the Israel/Gaza conflict.
ILWU Coast Longshore Division news release: Saturday, September 27, 2014


Jennifer Sargent, 503-703-2933
Craig Merrilees, 510-774-5325


  1. What surprises me is that those longies didn't teach those protesters a lesson. They are supposed to be a pretty tough bunch.

  2. BDS must be operating from Port Authority property . Why no injunction or better still legal action on grounds of aggravated trespass . Time to play hardball with the scum .

  3. what happened to the good old days when dock workers would stomp anyone's guts out who tried to keep them from earning a living?

  4. Matt Ross, the attorney for the ILWU is a card carrying Israel haters. The union has been infiltrated by people like Jack Heyman, Clarence Thomas and Matt Ross who are willing to sacrifice the workers to achieve their own political ends. It is only when the rank and file realize this that reforms can happen
