Sunday, June 8, 2014

Medea Benjamin ignores inquiries on her Caterpillar Investments

Medea Benjamin, BDS doyenne of Code Pink and Global Exchange is in deep denial.

After the BDS -defying  investments of her 12 million dollar "Benjamin Foundation" in Caterpillar, General Electric and Intel were daylighted , Medea's been laying low, hoping that people would forget.

Its not just the "Zionist" inquiries regarding her investments she is ignoring.

Her own supporters are questioning her, and are asking for explanations. Yesterday,  Burkely Hermann, a self described "occupy activist'" asked her directly.

And was met with nothing but silence.

Burkely Hermann is correct. Not only is the BDS hypocritical, its claim that it speaks for the Palestinian people has been  disproven

From the award winning Arab journalist, Khaled Abu Toameh

For some PA officials, BDS is a movement that acts against the true interests of the Palestinians. They say that the actions of those promoting BDS make the Palestinians appear as if they are not interested in peace and coexistence with Israel. BDS activists in Ramallah have succeeded in preventing several planned meetings between Israelis and Palestinians in Ramallah and east Jerusalem.

The Palestinian Authority is also worried that BDS is harming the Palestinians' relations with other countries. The most recent example of BDS efforts to damage Palestinians' relations with friendly countries occurred a few weeks ago, when the "anti-normalization" activists tried to disrupt a performance by an Indian dance troupe in Ramallah.

A PA official in Ramallah explained that BDS and its followers make the Palestinians appear as if they are all radicals who are only interested in boycotting and delegitimizing Israel. "This goes against the PLO's official policy, which is to seek a peace agreement with Israel based on the two-state solution," he said.
 BDS: Hypocritical and anti-peace. Is there anything else you need to know?

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