Saturday, June 21, 2014

Jewish Voice for Peace Goes to Washington

Jewish Voice for Peace, the organization whose stated purpose is to drive a wedge through the Jewish community  is planning a congressional day of action on June 24. Although JVP is a fringe group that is unrepresentative of mainstream Judaism and Jewish thought, they are claiming to speak in our names.

Please contact your representatives In Washington. Let them know that Jewish Voice for Peace doesn't not speak for you. Ask them not to grant legitimacy to this group of extremists


JVP has asked their minions to encourage Congress to show up at their briefing, in order to gain "a foothold in the beltway" , and to be better able than ever to amplify their voices to key decisionmakers

But JVP doesn't speak for me, or for you.  JVP represents an extremist group that is "agnostic" on Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people. They routinely stand hand in hand with those seeking our destructive. They do not deserve attention or legitimacy.
They've  provided this script, as full of lies as they are.

Sample Script
JVP 6/24 Capitol Hill Briefing
Phone Banking Script
Hello, may I speak to [NAME OF STAFFER]?
Hi, my name is [NAME]; I'm a constituent, and I belong to Jewish Voice for Peace. Our organization recently e-mailed you, to let you know we are sponsoring a briefing for congressional staff on Tuesday the 24th to discuss the failure of the peace process and positive steps that can and should be taken moving forward. The briefing will take place on Tuesday the 24th in the Cannon Office Building, Room 121, at 3pm. It should last about an hour and a half. Do you know yet if you or someone in your office is able to attend?
Hi, my name is [NAME]; I'm a constituent, and I belong to Jewish Voice for Peace. I'd like to invite you to attend a briefing our organization is sponsoring for congressional staff on Tuesday the 24th to discuss the failure of the peace process and positive steps that can and should be taken moving forward. The briefing will take place on Tuesday the 24th in the Cannon Office Building, Room 121, at 3pm. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at
Who is JVP? Are you the same as J-Street?
JVP is a grassroots community of activists inspired by Jewish values to work for peace and justice in the Middle East. While we use civic engagement as a tool for reaching our goals, we are not Washington lobbyists. We mobilize our 40 chapters nationwide and 140,000 supporters to steer policy in the right direction. We also support Israelis and Palestinians using peaceful methods to end the cycle of violence and bring about a better future.
How do you feel about BDS?
May I send you our backgrounder, which explains our position on BDS? Our organization is committed to supporting non-violent tactics to end the conflict and supports campaigns on a case-by-case basis.
Do you believe Israel has the right to exist/Do you support two states?
Our organization supports self-determination for Palestinians and Israelis and a solution that is based on equality between them. We do not endorse one particular solution because, as the events of the past few months have shown, the future is uncertain and working for peace requires us to be flexible and creative in our thinking, and supportive of a just outcome which is of the will of the people in Israel/Palestine. Come to the briefing to find out more.
Thank you for your time. Hang Up.
Again, the briefing will take place on Tuesday 6/24 at 3pm in Cannon R121. I hope that you or one of your colleagues will attend. Have a great day.

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