Thursday, April 24, 2014

Divestapalooza = Divestapa loser!

 The final score sheet is in from last nights race baiting hate fest that had been dubbed  "Divestapalooza"

Divestment at UC Santa Barbara failed 16-8 
Divestment at San Diego State failed 16-3. 
Divestment at UC Riverside narrowly passed 8-7. 

The evening was characterized by the usual race-baiting, disrespectful interactions that have come to characterize divestment hearings on campus.

Pro-Israel voices were mocked, marginalized  and ridiculed

 There were insulting slurs

There was gratuitous race baiting

The final tally of the evening- 40 votes were opposed to divestment, with only 18 voting affirmatively.

Its not over. Next in the cross-hairs: UC Davis

From Aggies against Divestment (like them on facebook):

On Monday April 28 the Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission (ECAC) will be hearing this resolution and listening to input from the public. Please mark this date on your calendars and come to make your voice heard and explain to the commission why you are against divestment at UC Davis.

If you would like to get involved but do not know how please fill out this spreadsheet and one of us will contact you shortly!

As Aggies Against Divestment, we strongly condemn this resolution and firmly believe it will be bad for Davis and bad for peace.

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