Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hamas endorses BDS

What company they keep. Hamas endorses BDS

Do you want to stand with Scarlett Johansson, for universal rights, and strong economic and cultural ties, or do you want to stand with the genocidal terror group Hamas?

From the Middle East monitor

Arab and Muslim states should take a firm stand towards any entity that deals with the Israeli occupation as Europe has, Hamas said.

In a statement issued by the movement's press office, Hamas commented on the acts of major European companies that boycotted Israeli settlements and withdrew their investments from the illegal entities. 

"We, in Hamas, appreciate and welcome these economic boycotts against the Zionist occupation and we consider it a step in the right direction towards pressuring the occupation to stop its settlement activities and its Judaisation of the Palestinian land."

Hamas also expressed hope "that the European position expands to become a public policy against the ongoing Zionist war which targets the Palestinian people's land, heritage and identity." It called on the Arab and Muslim countries to "take a firm stand toward any party that deals with the Zionist occupation", while expressing disapproval of any interview, meeting or interaction with Israel and Israeli leaders.

It also called on organisations, businesses and cultural, educational and economic institutions in the world to declare their boycott of Israel in order to pressure the occupation to stop its war on and violation of Palestinian land. 

A number of companies and official and non-governmental organisations in Europe are now partaking in an economic boycott of the Israeli occupation. They include Norway's Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG), the Dutch pension fund (PGGM), the Danish Danske Bank, the Dutch water company Fitness and the Irish Workers Organisation amongst others.

1 comment:

  1. I recall the recent appearances of White and Barghouti to UC Irvine and UC Riverside in which they proudly incorporate into their dopey slide shows a list of people who support the boycott movement, you know, folks like Roger Waters of Pink Floyd, Desmond Tutu, and others. Now they can add Hamas to that list.
