Sunday, December 15, 2013

Israeli firms generate $12 billion in business in Massachusetts

While the anti-Israel cru at  George Mason continue their crusade against made in America Sabra hummus (petition has 688 signatures after 8 months! Wow, that BDS movement is on a roll), American tech is quietly and without fanfare snapping up Israeli companies, investing in Israel, and building coalitions and partnerships in the Holy land. And while the anti-Israel cru pats themselves on the back and congratulates themselves on symbolic or imaginary victories, Israel's economy continues to thrive.

According to a study released last week by the New England-Israel Business Council,

Companies with ties to Israel have become a significant force in Massachusetts employing roughly 6,700. There are currently over 200 Israeli companies, in fields such as high tech, biomedical, nanotech and robotics doing business in Massachusetts.   These companies  generated $6.2 billion in revenues in the state in 2012, up from  $2.4 billion in 2009.

From the Boston Globe:

Attracting innovators from places such as Israel has become an important part of the state’s economic development strategy. Governor Deval Patrick led a trade mission to the country in 2011 to promote the state’s life science and biotechnology industries.

“There’s a lot compatible between Massachusetts and Israel,” Patrick said Wednesday. “Arguably brainpower, in both cases, is our biggest natural resource.”
From Haaretz

Israelis living in the Boston area describe a lively Israeli community of business entrepreneurs in addition to about 300 Israelis studying at area universities including Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. There is even a scout troop for Hebrew speakers. Boston has a 200,000-member Jewish community which provides assistance to Israel entrepreneurs who come to the area.

The Foreign Ministry provides advice to Israeli businesses that are seeking investors or other contacts in the New England region. Over the past two years, dozens of Israeli enterprises have set up shop in Massachusetts or have expanded operations that were started in Israel, says Eyal Geffen, who is the director of innovation and economic affairs at the Israeli consulate in Boston. Over the past three years, Israeli companies in Massachusetts have on average experienced 12.6% growth in annual revenues and have increased their workforces over the period from 2009 through 2012 by 5.3%, which is five times the overall employment growth rate in the state.
Twelve billion dollars. Closer economic, social and cultural ties. Yep. This counts as a BDS fail


  1. oh they'll love this posting on the BDS pages on farcebook :)

  2. also, I like how that kapo tom pissah is so desperate to grasp at any sort of contrived victory in that screen shot. that kind of desperation only comes from those who are fighting a losing battle. but then again that's what losers do.

  3. Nice to know that there is one country in the Middle East where Christians are not being persecuted.
