Saturday, March 9, 2013

At Berkeley Israel Apartheid Week has been Transformed into Israel Peace and Diversity Week

At UC Berkeley, Tikvah, Students For Israel has done an admirable job of  transforming Israel Apartheid Week into Israel Peace and Diversity Week, highlighting the diversity and democracy of  Israel. Today, the Zionist student group capped off a week of excellent programming with an afternoon of music and Israeli folk dancing.  Sproul plaza at UC Berkeley was filled with a multi-generational assortment of Zionists,  joined in unity to celebrate the homeland of the Jewish people

Faced with joyous Jewish celebration, whats a hater to do?  Anti-Israel activists attempted to crash the party and provoke the students, marching through their celebration, screaming vile epithets. The pro-Israel students showed tremendous grace under pressure, and ignored the disruption by the Students for Just us in Palestine.  the repeated harassment, provocation and intimidation by Berkeley's SJP was largely ignored by the  Tikvah students, who called for peaceful co-existence and cooperation between all people in the region


  1. Do you think the cardboard bus was an allusion to the years of suicide bombings on Israeli buses? Was it a thinly veiled threat?

  2. those "a" holes were calling Israel an "apartheid" state even when arabs were boarding buses in Israel and blowing them up. that aside i guess the stupid asses . . er i mean students for justice in "palestine" didn't get the memo about the recent cancellation of a marathon in gaza because hamas wouldn't let women participate. typical leftist hypocrisy of today.
