Saturday, March 9, 2013

Anti-Israel activists still attempting to pick up Loose Change at Occupy Oakland

The Reut Institute considers the Bay Area one of the hubs of the delegitimization of Israel, but increasingly it appears that those attempting to marginalize Israel have become, well....marginalized.  A widely promoted anti-Israel rally in front of the Israel Consulate in San Francisco last week attracted only a handful of people. Attempts to bolster attendance at Bay Area anti-Israel events are beginning to reek of desperation.

This email is making the rounds.

 On WED MARCH 13 at 5:30 PM we will be marching to PARATRANSIT headquarters in Downtown Oakland from Oscar Grant Plaza.
  The contract for Paratransit in Oakland is held by a company called Veolia, who also holds the contract for segregated, settler only bus lines that run inside the Occupied Palestinian Territories. We will march to Paratransit not with the intention of shutting them down or disrupting services for the day, but more to air their dirty laundry and pressure them to pull out of the West Bank.
    This march is part of a larger day of happenings beginning at 4pm and going till about 9 that we are calling "A Feast to the Global Resistance" where we will gather at Oscar Grant Plaza for food, films, community, etc. The day marks the 4th anniversary of the shooting of Oakland activist TRISTAN ANDERSON by Israeli Border Police. Tristan survived (he was shot in the head with a tear gas grenade during a protest in Palestine in 2009) and will be leading the march from his wheelchair.

    **We hope that others from the disability community will support the day's events and join Tristan in the march on the anniversary of his shooting.**

    This march is being called by Justice 4 Tristan, a small loose group of friends of Tristan, who are also folks from Occupy Oakland. We do not expect any kind of confrontation or problems. Our intentions are towards a positive, community gathering type of vibe for the day. Also, we are definitely activists who don't take out permits and don't march on the sidewalk.

    Wed March 13
    4:00- Feast and Gather [at Oscar Grant Plaza]
    5:30- March
    6:30- 9:00- Film Clips and Skype Calls
    from Resistance Movements around the World [back at Oscar Grant Plaza]

The anti-Israel movement has been attempting and failing to gather the loose change from the tattered remains of the Occupy movement for sometime.    Attempting to lure participants with the offer of  a free "feast" is a new touch, however.


Emerging clips from tonights rally and march in Oakland once again point to the increasingly irrelevancy of the local anti-Israel movement.    About an hour into the event, the plaza was still quite empty:

Several young pro-Israel peace activists showed up, and were viciously assaulted by the rally organizers.  Their crime- writing "Am Yisroel Chai"- the Jewish people live- on the sidewalk

 This  clip has been updated to include a brief interview with Hannah, the young woman repeatedly assaulted by the purported "peace activist"


An anonymous contributer has tentatively  identified the assailant as Gabby (Gabrille) Silverman.  Where have we seen her before?  Perhaps from her mug shot which appeared in the online edition of the San Francisco Chronicle

Gabrille Silverman was among 20 people arrested Saturday. San Francisco police officers arrested 11 men and nine women Saturday, Oct. 6, 2012 when the group marched through the city's Financial District in black clothing and tossed projectiles at police officers.   Photo: San Francisco Police Dept.

Final Update

We'll let Gabby have the last word, because, well, Zionists are like that. From the Facebook page she created for the event ,  feast to the global resistance:

Gabby Silverman.  Stay classy, girl.


  1. I believe the blonde with the shaggy hair attempting to strangle the other girl is Gabby Silverman- she is Tristan Anderson's girlfriend. This is your brain on drugs, children.

  2. OH MY GAWD. I feel so sorry for her mother. Imagine giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, imagining a life of limitless potential for her, and having this be the result.

  3. Figures it had to be a Jew that would be most incensed about a pro-Israel message.

  4. Hi from the British Israel Coalition . We are a group of Israel activists each with different areas of interest and expertise relating to Israel advocacy and anti BDS actions . We too have our ' As a Jew ' Israel haters ( as a Jew as that is how they tend to begin their self righteous letters to the press disclaiming and condemning Israel ). They are among the most fanatical and proactive within the BDS movement and always at the core organisation .

    I trust you are taking the video evidence to the police . I'm sure there must be grounds for a common assault . It's essential to use every means at our disposal in order to counter BDS and which I cannot discuss on open forum .

    Please promise to make this video evidence count . Don't play nice guys . Hit them with everything you have and which remains within the law . The following is an example of the vicious antisemitism which so often lies at the heart of the movement .

    This ' pleasant ' individual also proclaims herself a Jew .

    Keep up the good work !


  5. Re: this criminal vermin, Silverman:

    1. Was she properly prosecuted, she engaged in criminal assault.

    2. She should be incarcarated, she is a danger to any community.

    3. But I wonder, isn't "silverman" a Jewish name? Which would make her assault on that peaceful Jewish girl even more grotesk.

    4. Please, do not let this go without seeking criminal charges being laid - these vermin have to be stopped somehow and it's not with simply accepting such disgusting Jew Hatred that we will stop it. Sue them!


    This is now trending . Hope to hear of her imminent arrest and prosecution .


  7. Now on CIF Watch

    Comment is Free Watch is an independent monitor of the UK Guardian newspaper which takes a strongly anti Israel bias . We will continue to circulate this video as widely as possible . Please tweet high to Adam and Gary on CIF watch and visit the main website .

    British Israel Coalition

  8. Israelly Cool has more

  9. I too when like to know whether this loathsome creature was charged with assault and battery, which she so clearly committed. It would be a real shame if she were not.

  10. You guys are pathetic,they have a right to their demonstrations so stop causing problems and let them be.
