Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Meet the new Miss Israel

Yityish Aynaw, 21, from Netanya, was named Miss Israel 2013 Wednesday night.  Gorgeous.  She  is the first Ethiopian woman to win Israel’s national beauty pageant.  A former IDF officer, Aynaw came to Israel with her family when she was 12

During the competition  she said that she " hoped to go into modeling to change attitudes to dark-skinned models. I’d love to become the first Israeli (TV) host, the Tyra Banks of Israel.”

I'm sure we are all  looking forward to seeing more of  Yityish Aynaw. As you can see from the ten semi-finalists from the Miss Israel pageant, the competition was fierce.


  1. I'm not any more likely to be attracted to "dark skinned women" now than I would be if they gave it to a fat chick or a tyranny.

  2. Well, anonymouse. You are clear proof that while beauty is skin deep, ugly goes straight to the bone.

  3. @Anonymous, nobody wants to know about your bigoted opinion. You see this young lady’s triumph will go a little way in dispelling views such as yours by re-educating you and showing some positive in people of color.

    What makes this laughable is you been a keyboard bully remaining as your name states @Anonymous.
