Thursday, February 7, 2013

Paul Larudee Blames Israel for Attacks on Minorities in India

Co-founder of the Free Gaza Movement  piano tuner Paul Larudee makes a brief appearance in the current Radianceviews weekly, blaming Israel for attacks on minorities in India.

Free Gaza Movement co-founder and globally known advocate of the Palestinian cause Paul Larudee said that the ‘Arab Spring’ has brought about many changes in the world and caused setbacks to forces such as America and Israel. Addressing a large gathering of students at the District Conference of the Students Islamic Organisation of India at Malappuram in Kerala, Dr. Larudee, chief guest at the function, said Palestine’s recent winning of UN non-member observer status with the support of 133 nations indicated a setback for America and Israel. Dr. Larudee said the increasing incidence of attacks on minorities was proof of the increasing influence of Israel in India.

Later, the state police arrested Dr. Larudee soon after his speech for violating visa norms in India only to invite demonstration from students and youths.
  Consider the source.

"Radiance is the only successful experiment in purposeful Muslim Journalism in English. It has been progressing year after year, with its free and frank analysis of events, lucid criticism and candid comments and informative and instructive features and articles on Islamic ideology. "

This of course begs the question of what the failed experiments in "purposeful Muslim Journalism" might look like

"The Board of Islamic Publications" in India established ‘Radiance Veiwsweekly' in 1963, with 8 stated objectives.

* Remove the prevailing misunderstanding about Islam and present its message in its true light and propagate its teachings

* Religious and social reform of Muslims.

* Proper guidance of Muslims in the light of the principles of Islam in relation to those special problems which they face as a cultural unit.

* Counteract irresponsible and false propaganda against the Muslim community, and awaken the country’s social conscience in regard to its difficulties and problems by presenting the real perspective.

* Fair and impartial presentation of the Islamic stand-point with regard to the country’s political, economic and cultural problems and educate public opinion to discard regional, linguistic and communal prejudices in favour of a humanitarian and national outlook

* Help eradicate moral laxity, corruption and other social evils and check the tendency towards violence and intolerance.

* Champion the just cause of the various religious, cultural and linguistic minorities and other weak and down-trodden sections of the society

* Strengthen the democratic forces in the country as against the totalitarian and fascist, protest against any violation of the Fundamental Rights granted by the Constitution, and specially to safeguard the principle that the State shall not discriminate against any citizen on religious ground.

How well is Radiance Viewsweekly' achieving these objectives?  Just for some perspective, in the same issue as Paul's revelation is an article recommending that Indian women wear burquas  in order to avoid rape, claiming the "demand to implement Islamic laws in order to reduce sexual assault on women has been growing constantly."

Whats next from Paul ?  Will it be a declaration that Israel is responsible for global warming,  colony collapse disorder and the high cost of dairy?

Its getting scary out there.

1 comment:

  1. Greta Berlin was at Florida Atlantic University last week. Here is what happened.
