Friday, September 21, 2012

Estimated Prophet

Today was "Love for the prophet" Day in Pakistan.  Here's some selected photos.  I'm feeling the love- how 'bout you?

Just a hunk hunka burning love in Pakistan

             Hmmm.  "No Religion is Better Than Islam"  I'm not touching that one with a ten foot pole....


  1. i'm feeling the love of the islamic fury no doubt.

  2. Hmmm. "No Religion is Better Than Islam" I'm not touching that one with a ten foot pole....

    If those are the only two choices, no religion is indeed far, far better than Islam.

    Whether fleas and syphilis are better than Islam is probably debatable.

  3. At the close of the day of love in Pakistan:
    Seventeen people were killed and dozens were injured as tens of thousands protested against the film around the country after the government encouraged peaceful protests and declared a national holiday — "Love for the Prophet Day." Demonstrations turned violent in several Pakistani cities.

  4. A few misguided wankers at Little Green Footballs squarely place the blame for all the violence and killing on the shoulders of the ones who created and produced the film.
