Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Methodists Reject Anti-Israel Divestment Proposal at 2012 general conference

"Despite an intense lobbying effort by seemingly omnipresent pro-divestment activists, United Methodists have opted to retain the church's existing policy of positive engagement with Israelis and Palestinians.”

Mark Tooley, Institute on Religion and Democracy President

From the IRD website:

"Delegates to the governing body of the global 12-million-member United Methodist Church strongly voted today to reject divestment from three companies doing business with Israel. The move follows a high profile lobbying effort by pro-divestment activists.

Backed by international anti-Israel groups, United Methodist Kairos Response (UMKR) argued that the United Methodist General Conference should instruct the denomination's pension board to sell investments in Caterpillar, Hewlett Packard and Motorola Solutions. UMKR argued that the three companies profit from Israel's military presence in the West Bank.

IRD President Mark Tooley commented:

"The decision of United Methodists against divestment rejects simplistic one-sided blame that characterizes so much anti-Israel advocacy.
Despite an intense lobbying effort by seemingly omnipresent pro-divestment activists, United Methodists have opted to retain the church's existing policy of positive engagement with Israelis and Palestinians.

Hopefully other churches, like the Presbyterian Church (USA), will follow United Methodists in resisting calls to pressure Israel alone into making concessions."

The official statement from the Divestment team, which spent tens of thousands of dollars on their efforts to push divestment on the conference delegates went something like "Even when we lose we win. So there." (I'm paraphrasing)

The BDS cru are planning on taking their anti-Israel dog and pony show on the road to Pittsburgh where the Presbyterian Church USA will also vote on a divestment measure at its General assembly on June 30.

Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church recently came out against divestment and boycotts, and instead urged Episcopalians to invest in development projects in the West Bank and Gaza.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the nation’s largest Lutheran denomination rejected divestment in 2007 and 2011.


  1. Even when we lose we win. (Foot stamping. Indignation. Righteous indignation. RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION!!!)

    Official statement of victory follows:

    We did achieve some significant victories. First, by 60% the resolution opposing Israeli settlements passed with the following language added:

    We further call on all nations to prohibit:
    1. any financial support by individuals or organizations for the construction and maintenance of settlements; and
    2. the import of products made by companies in Israeli settlements on Palestinian land.
    We ask all companies that profit from and/or support settlements through their business activities to examine these and stop any business that contributes to serious violations of international law, promotes systemic discrimination or otherwise supports ongoing military occupation.
    The United Methodist Church does not support a boycott of products made in Israel. Our opposition is to products made by Israeli companies operating in occupied Palestinian territories.

    This is the most direct statement the church has ever made opposing corporate involvement in the settlements.

  2. Final score Divestment amendment loses 628 - 303
