Saturday, March 24, 2012

Gilad Atzmon: Toulouse Murders a Zionist plot?

Gilad Atzmon is quickly becoming persona non grata in many circles, even amongst the extremists that once supported him. Writing on an anti-Israel website, a group of activists and academics including Ali Abunimah, Naseer Aruri, Omar Barghouti, Hatem Bazian, Andrew Dalack, Haidar Eid, Monadel Herzallah and Joseph Massad have signed onto a statement "Granting No Quarter: A Call for the Disavowal of the Racism and Antisemitism of Gilad Atzmon".

Why did it take them so long to notice that association with a man who calls the burning of synagogues a "rational act" might be construed as aiding and abetting anti-semitism and hate speech? Even so, many of the signatories of this statement have not disavowed their association with the Global March to Jerusalem, which has heavily relied on Atzmon for fundraising. Atzmon appeared at a fundraiser for the Global march last month, and his music also appears on a CD released by March organizers.

From our friends at CIFWatch

"Signatory Hatem Bazian has endorsed the GMJ and his name appears on the same website as advertisements for Atzmon-related fundraising.

Signatory Hanna Kawas is chair of the Canada Palestine Organisation and co-host at ‘Voice of Palestine’. Both these organisations appear on the GMJ-NA website as endorsers.

Jamal Juma – a colleague of signatories Omar Barghouti and Rafeef Ziadeh at the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) – is a member of the GMJ International Central Committee. In late January, Omar Barghouti gave the keynote speech at the AGM of the UK’s Palestine Solidarity Campaign – also a GMJ endorser with its director Sarah Colborne sitting on both the GMJ International Executive Committee and International Central Committee.

Signatory Haidar Eid is both an endorser of (along with co-signatories Ali Abunimah, Nadia Hijab and Omar Barghouti) and activist with the ‘Gaza Freedom March’ organization which is promoting the Global March to Jerusalem on its website.

Signatory Nada Elia is a member of the organizing committee of the US Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel, alongside Joe Catron of the ISM (a GMJ organizer) and Al Awda (a GMJ endorser).

Signatory Adam Haniyeh is also a member of two GMJ endorsing organisations: Al Awda and the ‘Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid’.

Signatory Mostafa Henway’s ‘Tadamon!’ promoted singer Shadia Mansour as recently as February 29th 2012. Mansour has collaborated widely with Atzmon in the past and appears with him on the fundraising album for the Global March to Jerusalem.

Signatory Abir Kobty (also Kopty) from Nazareth is a member of the board of the Coalition of Women for Peace which is an endorser of the ‘Free Gaza’ campaign – represented among the GMJ organisers by European Preparatory Committee member Mikalis Lukianos from ‘Ship to Gaza-Greece‘, Huweida Arraf and Feroze Mithiborwala (FGM International Co-ordinator in India).

Kobty also takes part in demonstrations organized by the ‘Popular Resistance Committees’ in places such as Nebi Saleh, Bil’in and Qalandiya. It can therefore be assumed that she is familiar with both many of the Palestinian organisations supporting the GMJ as well as individual members of the GMJ International Central Committee such as Saeed Yaqeen of ‘Stop the Wall’ or Salah al Khawaja of the Nil’in Popular Resistance Committee."

Just how bad is Atzmon?

In his latest essay "Is it an Israeli False Flag Again?" (No, I won't link to whack-doddles and anti-Semites), he writes

"I won’t rule out the possibility that Merah was actually trained by Israeli forces. Marah may have conducted a false flag operation. By way of deception is, after all, the Mossad’s motto."

(No, Gilad, actually the Mossad motto is from Proverbs 11:14 "Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety." )

Yes, this deeply disturbed man is using the murders of 4 innocents to advance his hateful political agenda. Its time for all people of conscience to distance themselves completely and thoroughly , not just in word, but in deed, from this despicable human being.


  1. Good grief. I knew he was vile... but this...

  2. i have an idea about what should be done with "Jews" like atzmon but it would make most every body who reads this blog have a hissy fit. but i believe i've made my point.
