Friday, November 18, 2011

Global March to Jerusalem, meet Mordechai Kedar

To the Organizers of the Global march to Jerusalem, who claim in Al Manar news:

"Since the Zionist occupation of 78% of Palestine in 1948, and the subsequent occupation of Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine in 1967, we have witnessed growing efforts to Judaize Jerusalem and colonize Palestine. These crimes against humanity are done under the political protection and full support of successive American administrations and enforced by its veto at the United Nations.

The goal of the Zionists is to force Palestinian residents out of Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine through acts of state terrorism, economic pressures, legal restrictions, and outright expulsions. The Holy city of Jerusalem is falsely called “the eternal capital of Israel” by Netanyahu and other Zionist leaders who clearly state that Jerusalem is non-negotiable. Such statements and related actions by the Zionists are absolutely inconsistent with all of the relevant United Nations resolutions on Jerusalem and contrary to the principles of international law."

May I present to you, Dr. Morcdechai Kedar?

"We were here when your forefathers were drinking wine, burying their daughters alive and worshipping idols"

Kedar "... in the Islamic view, Islam came into the world to replace Judaism and Christianity, not to live side by side with them. And here, all of a sudden, the Jews are coming from exile and building their state again and G-d forbid they also regained Jerusalem." Judaism is thus regaining its meaning, and Islam is challenged by this, the Bar-Ilan professor explained. "The mere existence of the State of Israel and the fact that we are in Jerusalem is some kind of challenge to the legitimacy of Islam in their eyes."

And this, my friends is the very reason the Global assault on Jerusalem is being staged.

There will be a trial run later this month, which hopes to arrive in Jerusalem on Nov 29. The major assault is scheduled for March of 2012


  1. Love him!!! :))

    (I think he missed out shagging goats but that is still ongoing...)


  3. What is the appropriate response to armies invading your borders? You know the woman and children will be in the front, shielding the armed men.

  4. Did you hear? One of the local organizers of the "Global march" just died. Scott Kennedy is dead at 62. Natural causes. Dont get any ideas. Along with Paul Larudee and Deppen Webber of the ISM, Scott was involved with coordinating the North American contingent participating in the next assault on Israel's borders

  5. Six of the twelve individuals listed as sponsoring/endorsing the initiative are either leaders in or closely tied to the Global Muslim Brotherhood:

    ■Zaher Birawi, leading Palestine activist, Britain (director of the Palestine Return Center in the U.K)
    ■Gretta Duisenberg, Chair Foundation “Stop the Occupation”, Board member Free Gaza Movement, Netherlands (widow of former European Bank president; works closely with Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the Netherlands)
    ■Dr. Hafiz al Karmi, Chairman Palestinian Forum in Britain (The PFB works closely with Muslim Brotherhood groups in the U.K.)
    ■Mohammad Kozber, British Muslim Initiative (The BMI is part of the U.K Muslim Brotherhood)
    ■Mikalis Lukianos, Ship to Gaza, Greece (The Gaza Flotilla movement is closely tied to the Global Muslim Brotherhood)
    ■Ismael Patel, Chairman Friends of Al Aqsa, Britain (FOA and Patel work closely with the U.K. Muslim Brotherhood)
