Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Palestinian Prisoners Demand change and cable TV

The BNC, the largest Palestinian civil society coalition representing the overwhelming majority of unions, coalitions and political forces, fully supports the hunger strike called for by Palestinian prisoners and endorses their legitimate demands for:

1. Ending the policy of solitary confinement

2. Ending the ban on college education for prisoners

3. Ending the policy of collective punishment, including the denial of visits, and imposing financial penalties on prisoners

4. Ending the policy of provocative incursions and invasions of prisoners’ cells

5. Stopping the policy of shackling the hands and legs of prisoners during visits by family members and lawyers

6. Improving the health conditions of hundreds of sick and injured prisoners and providing them with the needed treatments

7. Allowing books, newspapers and clothes to enter prisons

8. Allowing the broadcast of satellite TV channels that have been banned by Israeli Prison Service (IPS)

9. Ending the policy of restricting visits to 30 minutes every month, and the arbitrary denial of visits

Apparently the Palestinian demand for whole chickens has already been met.

Activists at the International Solidarity Movement are encouraging the use of the #TWEEPSTRIKE to express solidarity with the prisoners humanitarian demands for free cable and college classes.

I have an idea. Perhaps we can, using what Code Pink calls "Culture jamming" , use this hashtag to tell the world that whole chickens and free cable TV are not inalienable human rights. Come on. I know you want to.

The ISM's email follows:
Join the ISM in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners held under harsh conditions in Israel’s jails, a new twitter trend emerged today from Gaza. The trend is #TweepStrike and is an open invitation to everyone across the globe to go on a hunger strike


  1. They are also using the Hashtag

  2. I missed the chicken situation, somehow.

  3. I sympathize with those who are the friends and family of the terror victims of those who will be released in the Shalit swap. But at the end of the day keeping those terrorist degenerates in jail want bring those people back and Gilad Shalit is still very much alive. And ultimately this is Israel’s fault for not having executed those murderers long ago. So although I begrudgingly agree with Israel to go ahead with the swap and I think some things need to happen immediately there after especially in light of hamas already having stated that they will carry out more kidnappings even though Israel on the other hand said there would be no post swap reprisals.
    Today’s news now says that Israel will target those prisoners who return to terror but that doesn’t go far enough. Israel needs to amend it’s legal system to allow for capital punishment of terrorists who have blood on their hands. All of the terrorists that hamas wanted that it didn’t get back in the deal should have thier past sentences annulled and be executed immediately. Next Israel needs to renew it’s campaign of targeted killings hamas operatives for at least a while along with a staunch warniong that any more kidnapping attempts will result in further executions and targeted killing operations of various hamas operatives. That’s what I would like to see. it's long past time Israel puts Israeli lives ahead of world public opinion their priority list.

  4. forget reinstituting capital punishment

    i believe in summary executions

    suspected terrorist? shoot him/her

    no more prisoner swaps
