Monday, June 6, 2011

Celebrating Israel Across America June 5, 2011

In New York City, a beautiful, multigenerational group of over 30,000 marched in a sea of blue and white, to celebrate Israel. Hundreds of thousands lined the parade route, to show their support for the only democracy in the Middle East, and America's only real ally in the region

3,000 miles away, a very different scene unfolded in San Francisco, at the annual "Israel in the Gardens" festival. Rare June rain and threatening skies keep the number of participants down. Those that attended were met at the entrance to the park by Jihadis calling for intifada ,appropriately enough kept in the gutter, by the local police.

As part of the so called "progressive" movement, the anti-Israel forces are surprisingly atavistic, resorting to misogynist and sexist taunts directed towards those who stand against them. The showdown at yesterday's Jewish Community celebration highlighted this perfectly.

To those who characterize the Israel supporters as "Old and ugly" may I remind you that while beauty is only skin deep, ugly goes down to the bone. We present to you, our local activists:

Their activists:

Our activists:

Their activists:

Our activists:

Their activists:

Our activists:

Their activists:

Our activists:

Enough said!

Thanks to "Younger Of Zion", We have a videotape of the protest at Israel in the Gardens. Watch it until the end, please, when the last little jihadi is carried away by Mom

We had a special request from anti-Israel activist "Tom Vee" for more footage from Israel in the gardens. This one's for you, Tom. Did you happen to catch the flash mob at Israel in the Gardens?


  1. Deppen and Brian and Donna and Darlene and Tom and Paul and Rusty and Angeline and all the usual haters were out in force, protesting the day-schools and religious institutions at the festival.

    Can you imagine what would happen if da Joos tried to protest an Islamic fair? There would be world-wide fatwas.

  2. I also saw the notorious Lilly Ada Elizabeth Haskell from the AROC lurking in the shadows...

  3. Alexei Folger of Jewish Voice for Peace was also protesting the Festival- if you don't remember, she is the one who attacked and attempted to steal the camera from a disabled activist at a Berkeley JVP meeting.

  4. Why don't you have any pictures or video from the event? All the pictures you posted are months if not years old. I don't see one picture from June 5th 2011.

  5. Photos and Videos will be posted as they become available. Email them to us, or provide links. I'm particularly looking forward to an video of the "Intifada. Intifada. We support the intifada" chant. Anyone have one to send?

  6. here's a great video of another Israel celebration in S.F. from last Sunday:

  7. The pictures of pro-Israel activists and anti-Israel activists show which is the not-so-pleasant side. Why shouldn't they respect Israel's Day as pro-Israelis are doing for them? But this only goes to reveal who they really are.

  8. "Tom Vee" is the nom de guerre of Thomas Gresham Vasvary. You knew that, right? Why do you respect him by using his alias? Name and shame them all.
