Saturday, March 26, 2011

Palestinians reject BDS in favor of Co-existence

From The IDF Blog

Palestinian Children Diagnosed With Cancer Visit Mt. Hermon With Alpine Unit Reservists

Last week, Palestinian children diagnosed with cancer visited Israel’s only ski resort located in Mt. Hermon, northern Israel. The children, accompanied by their families, enjoyed the snow and slopes along with IDF reservists from the Alpine Unit.

The day was part of a decade-long project in which soldiers bring up groups of mentally or physically disabled children, as well as children with terminal illnesses, to Mt. Hermon for a day of fun and relaxation. The number of visits varies according to the snowfall each year, but on average amounts to 40-45 annual visits. The project is funded by the Erez Organization, a non-profit organization which consists of reserve soldiers of the Alpine Unit.

The trip was also made possible by the Civil Administration, the Israeli body responsible for administering and coordinating civilian and humanitarian needs in the West Bank. Dalia Bassa, Health and Welfare Coordinator in the CA, coordinated last week’s trip for twenty children from the Augusta Victoria Hospital’s Oncology Ward who, along with their families and six of the hospital’s medical staff, joined the soldiers in the snow.

“It’s a day of fun which helps these children deal with their illness,” she said, adding that groups of Palestinian kids go to Mt. Hermon every year and that “the families call annually to remind me of the coming snowfall”.

1 comment:

  1. There is also 1 New Heart run out of Jerusalem by Hank and Michelle Dannecker, two American Christian missionaries. They combine with an Israeli hospital and Israeli doctors working pro-bono to provide free heart surgery to Palestinian and Arab children born with heart defects. Unfortunately due to family intermarriage, this defect is prevelent in these children. The childrens' families accompnay them to the Israeli hospitals. This program changes Palestinian attitudes toward Jews and Christians -one family at a time.
