Monday, December 13, 2010

Drats! Foiled Again. Another Failed Code Pink Ahava Action

The Buycott campaign continues to succeed beyond our wildest expectations. This weeks Buycott victory comes from Boston, where the silly silly activists of Code Pink turned their attention to Lord and Taylor, and were dismayed and disturbed to find all Ahava products completely sold out.

From the Boston AJC:

"In Boston, there has been an incredible response to our call to action with many people purchasing Ahava products and thanking Lord & Taylor for selling Israeli brands," said AJC Boston Director Rob Leikind.
“This is a dynamic demonstration of solidarity with Israel,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. “But this is not a one-day event. Our commitment to buy from Israel is ongoing, as part of our global effort to mobilize support and understanding for the Jewish state"

The Boycott tactic has been so successful that our own home-grown local haters will not announce the focus of their ire publicly, out of fear of creating yet another embarrassing sell out.

Einstein once defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. With yet another failed action under their feathered pink boas, you'd think Code Pink might be willing to try something new. And you'd be wrong. From a two hour hunger strike at the Egyptian Consulate to boycotts that lead to empty shelves, to peace rallies that led to dead policemen, Code Pink manage to accomplish absolutely nothing while looking completely ridiculous. And they do it over and over and over again.

Because the last one went so swimmingly, CODEPINK is organizing another trip to Gaza via Egypt Jan. 30, of next year. The Plan: "We will enter Gaza via the Egyptian crossing at Rafah, departing from Cairo the morning of January 30 and returning to Cairo the evening of February 6. Payment of $1,000 includes transportation from Cairo to Gaza and within Gaza, program, translation, 2 meals/day, Gaza accommodations, donations to local organizations. Payment does not include flight to and from Cairo, Cairo hotel or visa fees". Knowing Code pink, they won't meet any of their goals, but they'll still happily take your money. Email of SJP Berkeley fame for more information.
Ask her if you'll be staying at the Gaza Commodore. And check out Roots, in Gaza City. Its where all the hip activists go for their lattes.

1 comment:

  1. and while there, you can pick up a burqa at the new Gaza mall.

    (Women forced to become suicide bombers wouldn't be caught dead without one, right?)
