Wednesday, June 23, 2010

In which Carol Sanders gets what she deserves and whines anyway

In a June 17 letter to the editor of the J weekly Berkeley's Carol Sanders of Bay Area Women in Black and Jewish Voice for Peace complains about her treatment when she showed up to protest the day schools, summer camps, artists and falafel vendors of "Israel in the Gardens".

Was poor Carol expecting sympathy from the parents who had to push strollers through her protest to their watch children perform on stage? She didn't get any.
Read what the commenters to her letter to the J have to say:

From Dan
But when it comes to creating anti-Israel fiction, I must admit that Carol takes a back seat only to her husband, Colonel Sanders, who is forever accusing Israel supporters of “fowl play.”

From Sol:
So why so much contempt for BAWIB & JVP? Well maybe it’s because they can always be found marching side by side with those who portray Israel with Nazi Germany and proudly wave the flags of Hamas and Hezbollah. Maybe it’s because when Hamas fires rockets into Sderot BWIB & JVP calls it self defense and when Israel attempts to enforce a blockade to keep weapons away from Hamas they call that war crimes.

From Rfaelmoshe
Organizations such as Women In Black and “Jewish” Voice for Peace, are fake peace groups that often stand next to groups that openly support terror against Israel. These groups have held mock public Jewish religious ceremonies (“taschlich”) condemning Israel, which is as offensive as an antebellum minstrel show to many of us.

From ssholin:
What was offensive was that Jews who came together with their families and friends to celebrate Israel’s existence had to be confronted with the constant drivel and hostility towards Israel by BAWIB and JVP who were harassing people entering the festival.

From CadanceM
Not that long ago, Carol and her friends in Women in Black sponsored Gilad Atzmon, a notorious anti-Semite, as a fundraiser for the International Solidarity Movement. And yet she still wonders why she gets no respect from the local Jewish community. Maybe respect needs to be earned, Carol, and you’ve just realized how far outside the tent of the community you’ve placed yourself.


  1. Excellent post.
    Lets the rabid anti-Israel pro-Hamas crowd really know what decent people think of them and their despicable ideologies.

  2. Rebecca Vilkomerson, Executive Director of Jewish Voice for Peace recently presided over a meeting in NYC, where it was stated that "fierce crazed opposition" helps JVP and makes their activity "newsworthy". So look for more incidents like this, where groups like JVP and Women in Black act as provacateurs for the sheer purpose of demonizing supporters of Israel.

  3. There have been occasions where I have seen people on the Pro-Israel side of a rally engaging in what I perceived to be open provacteur incitement to violence. Of course, in response, the Pro-Israel folks said something peace oriented, open minded and inclusive. The instigator then vanished, NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN. The big clue?
    Only dedicated leftists have teeth THAT bad in the US!


  4. There have been occasions where I have seen people on the Pro-Israel side of a rally engaging in what I perceived to be open provacteur incitement to violence. Of course, in response, the Pro-Israel folks said something peace oriented, open minded and inclusive. The instigator then vanished, NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN. The big clue?
    Only dedicated leftists have teeth THAT bad in the US!


  5. Carol is using this incident for fundraising now! How charming!

    "Stepping out into the street to take a stand for justice can be frightening. I know, because I've been doing it for years.

    Following the attack on the boats seeking to break the siege of Gaza, I was at a silent vigil with members of Jewish Voice for Peace, Women in Black and others when we were verbally attacked by a small but virulent group with chants of Kapo!, Nazi!, and worse. What you'll see in the video linked at right is just a small taste of nearly two hours of taunts and threats.

    I won't lie to you-- it was painful and unsettling. "

    You know something, Carol, it was meant to be. Haven't you figured that out by now?

  6. Dear Carol;

    So,Carol, you felt "frightened"? As an apostate Jew that is SO far alientated from the Jewish community, when real Jews call you a "bad Jew", you should expect that! After all you and your mis-guided friends WERE protesting a cultural fair, with a truly off base political agenda. Perhaps Carol, if you have NO connection to the Jewish people, religion, languages, culture, history, etc, and you are saying stupid and offensive things to Jewish people at a cultural fair, then you ARE a bad Jew. Having Jewish ancestry doesn't give you any special right to speak to or on behalf of the Jewish people.

    An Offended Jew
