Monday, May 3, 2010

Decent people must condemn the attack on Rabbi Lerner's home

The petty vandalism done to Rabbi Lerner's home can only be the act of fools, who do not understand that they are damaging the cause of Zionism and of Israel.

Only fools resort to violence to settle an otherwise peaceful political difference of opinion. Everyone else understands that as soon as you have used violence, you lost the argument, no matter how just your claims might be.

The perpetrators do not not represent anyone other than themselves. Rabbi Lerner's opinions and actions are despicable, but committing this act of petty vandalism against him will only give his cause an aura of undeserved glory and martyrdom.

Ami Isseroff


  1. I don't support vandalism, but I don't see how you can equate vandalism to violence.

  2. He is not a Rabbi. He has never received simcha from any Yeshiva.

    - dovid

  3. Michael Lerner promotes violent terrorist attacks on Jews by Islamofascists. Non-violent Berkeley protesters hang signs near his home.

    Who here is the real thug? The real vandal? The real barbarian?

    And Lerner is no Rabbi.

  4. Interestingly enough, this story was picked up by "American Muslim" magazine. Paul Larudee of the notorious International Solidarity Movement is a regular contributor

  5. We want to know who paid for Lerner's expensive home in the ritzy capitalist bourgeois Berkeley Hills!!

  6. Vandalism is not violence? Sorry, that's the same type of moral relativism that the other side uses to justify Qassams and stone throwing.
    Definitions of Rabbi vary. And, whether or not you adhere to the standards of any particular branch of Judaism as far as your definition of 'rabbi' is concerned is immaterial. The point is that vandalism was committed, and it was a personal attack. Such acts, irrespective of whether Lerner is a 'rabbi' or not, are a bankrupt form of dicourse that one would expect from mental midgets, NOT from people we wish on our side.
    And to the third person: I care not one whit about what Michael Lerner does. That is NO justification for so targeted an action. And that action, morally, is absolutely not a legitimate counter argument. He's a thug? Prove it. In court. He's a vandal? Prove it. In court. Do you dig?

  7. Non-violent Berkeley protesters hang signs near his home.

    You mean glued signs AND material containing implied threats ON his home.

    If the moron who did that came to a violent end, I would not sit shiva for him (yes, I'm assuming it's a 'him' - probably a young man with more testicle than brain), and I would not attend the levaya.

    Jeez, what is it with you people? Are you all out of your frikkin minds?

  8. We want to know who paid for Lerner's expensive home in the ritzy capitalist bourgeois Berkeley Hills!!

    In precisely what way is that relevant?

  9. I worked with Lerner's Tikkun magazine a long time ago (or rather, tried. Even then you could tell that egos in that organization kept good ideas from gaining any kind of traction). The man is a bit of a dope but his people certainly mean well. If my experience with Tikkun's disorganization is any indicator, I wouldn't consider him much of a threat to anything.

    For those who missed the memo, yes, attacking a person's home is cowardly and unacceptable. If people have a problem with Rabbi Lerner they should have the decency to tell him face to face and to use their words, not harass him like vigilante thugs.

    ... The same, incidentally, could be said for Judge Goldstone.

  10. And the real winners are?!?

    The loyal opposition. It must tickle them to no end to see infighting among the anti-Zionist and pro-Zionist Jews. Kicking back while the 2 camps duke it out in a war of words and super duper Zionist glue.

  11. In recent weeks we've seen Jewish businesses damaged during Israel's 62 b-day celebrations and a Jewish student physically assaulted at Cal. Berk. both those stories combined didn't get even a mere fraction of the attention that some fucken stickers glued onto that asshole lerner's front fence. it's because of pseudo intellectual douche bags like Mr. Back of the Hill is why anna nichole smith's post mortem drama was on the news 24/7 where as an ex-president who died around the same time hardly got a mention. we'll get you a fresh new bottle to stick in your pie hole and change your diaper soon enough so quit your belly aching.

  12. Anonymous at 12:51 AM,

    You are a thug. And you are an ethical cripple.

    Cite: that some fucken stickers glued onto that asshole lerner's front fence.

    You don't get it, do you? If our side has to win, it has to take the moral high ground. The pro-Israel side is so outnumbered, especially in the Bay Area, that fighting dirty, besides staining our cause, will get us wiped from the field.

    Harassment, stalking, and threatening behavior do not win friends, only enemies. If you do not understand that, it is because you are dumb as an ox - and thus, patently, of no use to either side, and a liability to your friends, a danger to the cause you espouse.

    More to the point: you are a chickenshit and a coward.

  13. Oh, and for your information: you can't spell, you are a grammatical failure, and your brain is mush.

    Are you a politician?

  14. Attendu, cochons!

    Bay Area Jewish
    Agencies Jointly Condemn Criminal Acts Against Rabbi Lerner’s

    San Francisco, CA, May 4, 2010… The Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Community Relations Council, the Northern California Board of Rabbis, and the Jewish Federation of the East Bay join
    together to condemn the vandalism of Rabbi Michael Lerner’s home in Berkeley, California, this week.

    The four agencies
    issued the following joint statement:

    We unequivocally
    condemn criminal acts perpetrated against Rabbi Lerner’s home. Political disagreements must be resolved in a civil manner, and not by resorting to violence. Our communities are especially disturbed that this crime targeted Rabbi Lerner at his home, thereby conveying to him the message that he may not be safe there. We are encouraged by the responsiveness of the Berkeley Police Department to this incident, and we urge its officers to investigate this crime as thoroughly as possible. The entire community must send a message to the perpetrators that we reject violence and criminality
    as a means to express our political opinions.

    The Anti-Defamation
    League, founded in 1913, is the world’s leading organization fighting
    anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice
    and bigotry.

    The Jewish Community
    Relations Council is a consensus-based organization representing dozens of
    synagogues and Jewish institutions in pursuit of a just society and a secure
    Jewish future.

    The Northern California Board of Rabbis serves the needs of
    colleagues, acts as a religious resource in communal and individual affairs, and
    builds connections and commitment to the Jewish

    Jewish Federation of the East
    Bay is dedicated to
    building a vibrant and inclusive local Jewish community, and to enhancing the
    well being of Jews in the East
    Bay, Israel and
    throughout the world.

  15. A pity these same Jewish agencies weren't as upset with the broken glass of Jewish businesses, swastikas showing up at universities as well as Jewish students having been assaulted. all recent events. but then again that stuff has been going on since the 1930s so no big deal right? Can't you see you moron that the story and those who want to get their 15 min. in the limelight is now more important then the crime itself? and idiots like you with your self "moral high ground" are buying into it hook line and sinker. it's because of retards like you that scum like lerner and BDS movements toward Israel get any traction at all. you wanna give a me a song and dance about the "poor palestinians" along with the rest of your PC crap while your at it?

  16. it's because of pseudo intellectual douche bags like Mr. Back of the Hill is why anna nichole smith's post mortem drama was on the news 24/7 where as an ex-president who died around the same time hardly got a mention

    You're blaming me for the Anna Nicole Smith shtuss?
    What HAVE you been snorting, pussycat?

  17. Can't you see you moron that the story and those who want to get their 15 min. in the limelight is now more important then the crime itself?

    Who made it so? The ones for whom it was a public relations godsend ("see, those nasty Zionist will stop at nothing") or the people who, quite rightly, feel that it was a senseless and unethical thing to do?

    I would venture that if you hand the anti-Israel side such a public relations and propaganda gift, they would be fools not to exploit it to the fullest measure.

    If that had been realized at the time it would not now be such a disaster for our side, or such a golden opportunity for their side.
    Engaging one's brain before acting prevents a whole bunch of stupid mistakes.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. A pity these same Jewish agencies weren't as upset with the broken glass of Jewish businesses, swastikas showing up at universities as well as Jewish students having been assaulted.

    Maybe you should write them a letter.

  20. See, they're clearly not doing their job if they're pissing you off so much. And they need to know that. Tell them.

  21. Steffy

    You. Are. An. Idiot.

    The infighting is bad.

    Maybe you should tell your master, ATBOTH that your food rations are low and you need replenishment before posting.

  22. Anonymous,

    This from a schmuck who justifies stalking?
    Jesus, you diphead, have you not taken your medication AGAIN?

    You know, people like you are a liability, and a danger to their own. You are a descredit to your kind, and your kin. And you are too stupid to even realize what a piece of crap you really are.

    Please, get therapy.

    And stay off the booze - clearly it's frying whatever remaining puny limp braincells you already have, and you're thinking with your dick.

    How like a man.

  23. And also, Anonymous, you are the type who sits in front of the television watching porno late at night, beer in hand and a bag of cheesits on the couch, wondering why part of your anatomy is turning yellow-orange and greasy.

    You should get some exercise, go find a man to have a bang with, and learn to talk to people. Instead of being a sour, ineffective, frustrated, antisocial, incompetent loner.

    Just because people don't like you and no decent man would sleep with you deosn't HAVE TO mean that there's no hope.

    Hell, go find a Catholic priest - I'm sure there are some out there who like infantile minds instead of infantile bodies. The two of you could be very happy together.
    I shall pray for you.

  24. Hey, does it look here like a supporter of violence is getting a whupping from a girl?

  25. That probably explains why he goes for violence and vandalism instead of reason and superior reasoning.

  26. Maybe he lost arguments with the StudentsforJusticeinPalestine idiots too often. Remains only the glue pot, the night time ramble, and the stocking over the face.

  27. Then frantically running away, pouring sweat, and having a hard time controlling his bowels.

  28. I'll bet a hundred dollars that the girl can beat his ass.

  29. Maryanne KaravedicMay 6, 2010 at 2:31 PM

    So, apparently, this was the cartoon:

    Scroll down in the article to see the "art".

    No wonder Rabbi Lerner was scared and offended - the art is crappy, and betrays an infantile mind.
    This was no Leonardo. More like a jailbird scribbling naked boobies on his wall or doing biro tattooes for snickers bars.

  30. That's a pretty crappy cartoon.
    And it appears to be signed, too.
    Whoever did it wishes to take credit.
    I wonder how many people have seen his (or her) stuff before.


  31. The utter stupidity of the vandal almost equals the crime. No, wait, on split-second thought, perhaps the idiotic nature of the act takes first place. My brain hurts.

  32. Maryanne KaravedicMay 6, 2010 at 4:04 PM

    Stupidity? No doubt! But the artist is desperate for some attention!

    It would have been better if he had cut off his ear, instead of shooting himself in the foot.

    But his aim, at least (at such close range) was flawless.

  33. Every body is a critic i see. did it ever occur to any of you that all this arguing and drama might be exactly what the "right wing zionist thug" was hoping for? rather if the artist was involved or not in the act it probably is a safe bet they they are never the less enjoying all the attention rather it be pos. or neg. lerner is milking this for all it's worth and is pissed he can't make this into a hate crime with the cops. this whole thing has more amusing drama then an episode of jerry springer and cheaters combined! reading all this shit is a great way to unwind after long day at work.

  34. I have an alternate scenario. Could this be black ops? Could Lerner (or a collegue) have done this to themselves, simply as a publicity stunt? They certainly have been milking it for all its worth.
    Its hard to imagine someone being stupid enough to vandalism a home with hand drawn, signed homemade posters. No one is that stupid.

  35. did it ever occur to any of you that all this arguing and drama might be exactly what the "right wing zionist thug" was hoping for?

    Oh yes, that is extremely likely. Even more likely is that the moron barely reads and writes, and doesn't even know that this forum exists. In any case, don't you think it UNLIKELY that Lerner et cie are actually reading this too? The anti-Israel side are not known for reading material that does not agree with their worldview, nor exploring alternative points ov view.

    I see YOU are still reading here, though. Have you any insights into any of the other posts, or just this one? And if only this one, why?

  36. Could this be black ops? Could Lerner (or a collegue) have done this to themselves, simply as a publicity stunt?

    Increasingly unlikely. Did you see the cartoon in the J weekly? I've seen those cartoons before. Chap what drew it is a known quantity. Even Lerner would not deliberately try to get a mostly harmless bozo in trouble, no matter that both Lerner and the Bozo are not, strictly speaking, grounded in reality.

  37. From Alan Dershowitz:
    "Although Lerner regards this as a hate crime, the local authorities have apparently explained to him that he cannot achieve the martyrdom status of the victim of a hate crime because his Jewish attackers were not attacking him for his religion, but rather for his politics. "

    Yeah, well, we all agree that his politics suck. Useful to re-emphasize it.

    And there's only two haters involved - the doofus who glued the papers (no, not Martin Luther!), and Mickey Lerner himself.

  38. Only two haters involved...

    Thats a very good point, Steffy.
    The organized jewish community denounced this strongly and publically. And it was also denounced at the grass roots level.
    Apaprently the local grass roots Israel advocacy group sent a mass email condemning the vandalism, and also sent a personal email to Michael Lerner.

    They are no doubt sympathetic to the threat of violence since the mysterious death of Dr. Dan Kliman, one of the founders of the group, found dead in the building where he studied Arabic

  39. All of this is pansy ass bullshit. You know that Lerner had it coming, why the hell are you defending that creep?

    It's because of you that people attack Israel.

  40. And another unmedicated creep is heard from.
    Welcome, creep.

  41. We are not defending Lerner's words or writings. We are defending his right to live in his home without fear.
    If you want to challenges Lerners writings or actions, do it openly. Notoriously. Publicly. Don't sneak around under cover of darkness.

    Skip the passive aggressive juvenile crap. This is not how Jews fight their battles.

  42. wow, there hasn't been so much drama within the S.F. Bay Area Jewish community since . . . . i was about to say since Dan Kliman was found dead. but actually no, not really. imagine that, dead Jews at the bottom of elevator shafts and it's little more then a blip on the radar. political mockery glued to lerner's front yard fence and all hell breaks loose with the out pouring of support and sympathy. well it seems the Jews around here sure have their priorities straight.

  43. political mockery glued to lerner's front yard fence and all hell breaks loose with the out pouring of support and sympathy

    It's not support and sympathy, you infantile moron, it's condemnation for the act itself, which was a targeted attack. It does not matter who or what the victim is, the action itself was reprehensible. There's a fine distinction - not the person, but the vandalism - which you fail to grasp. Can you not think?
    Any criticism of Lerner is justified - but absolutely NOT justifiable if anonymously glued to his property by someone who doesn't have the balls to speak or write to the man, or the intellect to counter-argue him and his points of view. That action was so juvenile and immature as to discredit the person, and completely obscure his incomprehensible "message".

    imagine that, dead Jews at the bottom of elevator shafts and it's little more then a blip on the radar.

    What a horrid and tasteless remark!
    And you obviously don't know what you are talking about. It was mentioned several times in Arutz Sheva, Ha'aretz, The J Post, various Bay Area papers as well as in international publications, and on numerous blogs and internet sites. That attention lasted for over a year. And more, the same sectors of the organized Jewish community as criticised the recent Lerner-harassment were extremely vocal about Dr. Kliman's death, pressed the authorities for answers, and expressed their sadness. A broader spectrum, even, and for many more months than this Lerner issue can possibly last.

    Like Lerner, in his press release, you slander the entire Jewish community for an entirely imagined failure - and, like Lerner, you prove yourself the same as the worst anti-Semites by doing so.

    Your sarcastic and resentful jibe, using Dr. Kliman's name, is not only utterly incorrect, but also incredibly mean-spirited, besides being a horrendous slander.
    If you had any decency, any decency at all, you would not have said such a thing. For shame.

  44. oh Steffy darling? i see you road back onto this blog on your high horse again. do you ever do anything else with your time?


  46. Look, lerner got PUNKED for real by alice walker on Yom Kippur last year!!!
    lerner's stupidity back fires on him by his own admission on beyt tikkun's website:

  47. Uh, anonymouse commentor:

    Looks like Alice Walker got punked. Lerner to his credit calls her to task (justifiably) for lying about rapes in the disputed territories.
    Did you even read the article?????

  48. oh Steffy darling? i see you road back onto this blog on your high horse again. do you ever do anything else with your time?

    Oh Anonymous dearie, that counts double for you. Especially since you disagree with the content of this blog, the message of this post, and, seemingly, any and all standards of civilized behavior.

    As well as, and you may be too poorly educated to know the rules, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and logic. Such lapses of style reflect poorly on your thought processes. Do you normally express yourself with doodling and graffiti? Tsk, tsk. Shabby.

    Reading also isn’t your strong suit (perhaps vandalism is?), as you still do not understand that this isn’t about Lerner; this is about targeted vandalism, threatening behavior, and personal attacks at someone’s home.
    Perhaps such things are common in your world – you must live in a warzone in the Oakland flatlands or something – but you please realize that by setting a precedent, the vandal and his sympathizers (apparently ONLY yourself) will have no cause for complaint when it happens to them. As it assuredly will, now that the gate has been opened.
    What do you think your mother will say when she finds a Molotov in the hallway and the front door busted?

  49. To the Anonymous commenter at 10:42 PM on May 7:

    My dear little fellow, your reward for not being able to read very attentively (are you the same as the other idiot anonymi?) is here:

    With my sincerest compliments.


  50. "This is not how Jews fight their battles."

    Well, if the Jews don't do more than they're doing already, they're going to lose.

    Bay Area Arab groups are already better networked, better funded and more active. They have infiltrated numerous organizations and have successfully identified the plight of Blacks, Asians, Migrant workers and unionists with that of the Palestinians.

    It's a crying fucking shame that the only thing that will unite the Jewish community are petty drawings and pro-Israel literature supposedly tossed on someone's property.

    The Jews need to do better because no one is going to stand up for them in the end.

  51. The idiot who vandalized the home of a dying rabbi discredited the entire pro-Israel community in the bay area. It was the work of a morally, ethically bankrupt person.

  52. Groups like Code Pink began this campaign of taking their political disagreements to people's homes. John Yoo has had his Grizzly Peak home stalked by the idiots of Code Pink for months now. Perhaps they'll think twice about this tactic, now. (That is, if they are capable of independent thought. Code Pink make the activists of Women in Black seem like Rhodes Scholars)

  53. John Yoo is a creep, moreso than Lerner. I feel no sympathy for Mr. Yoo and on this point alone, Code Pink is spot on.


    "On December 1, 2005, Yoo appeared in a debate in Chicago with University of Notre Dame law professor Doug Cassel. During the debate Cassel asked Yoo, "If the President deems that he's got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person's child, there is no law that can stop him?", to which Yoo replied "No treaty." Cassel followed up with "Also no law by Congress — that is what you wrote in the August 2002 memo...", to which Yoo replied "I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that."

    Now I can understand why liberal Jews rally behind Lerner but criticizing Code Pink for standing up to this monster, well, even that's a low blow to decent people everywhere.

  54. So its ok to stalk someone at their home if you feel they are a "creep"?
    Then its acceptable?
    I disagree.
    Leave the neighbors, the partners the childrens out of this.

  55. John Yoo isn't a mere creep, he justifies torture. Hanging out on his driveway is not stalking, and even if it was for a delicate flower like yourself, it's justified.

    Let's see the quote again,

    "On December 1, 2005, Yoo appeared in a debate in Chicago with University of Notre Dame law professor Doug Cassel. During the debate Cassel asked Yoo, "If the President deems that he's got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person's child, there is no law that can stop him?", to which Yoo replied "No treaty." Cassel followed up with "Also no law by Congress — that is what you wrote in the August 2002 memo...", to which Yoo replied "I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that."

    Crushing the testicles of a person's child. That's not leaving the children out of it.

    You're a sick puppy for defending John Yoo.

  56. I don't believe that person was defending Yoo- I believe they were defending his children, partner and neighbors.

    Keeping these arguments out of peoples homes, driveways and fences is just good manners

    Its an awkward quote- he doesn't justify the action - he says no treaty prevents it. Is he stating a fact? Perhaps. I don't know enough about this topic. What was his next sentence in the debate? Was he asked to clarify that statement? What if his next sentence was "but it is abhorrent to American values?"

    What kind of credibility should we expect in an out of context quote by an anonymouse commenter?

  57. Laughable. Simply laughable. And sad.

  58. And Lerner is no rabbi. ATBOTH is outright lying.

  59. Point one: Hanging out in someone's driveway is harassment. There are laws against doing that at someone's home.

    Point two: Driveways are private property.

    Point three: There are laws against targeting individuals at their residences.

    Point three: If John Yoo committed a crime, he can be arrested. Rendering a legal opinion, no matter how repulsive, is NOT a prosecutable act. Hence the private initiative towards vigilantism is not only despicable, but quite anti-American. If you jusitfy that, then you must also approve of it when it happens to the Israeli consul, and every pro-Israel chabad rabbi. Either there is equal justice for all, with equal protection, or civil society turns into a self-righteous lynch mob. It would seem that you have already made the transition.

    Point four: Smicha is a term with a broad range of definition. Consequently you have no way of deciding whether Lerner's smicha is valid or not. Ergo, you are full of horse manure.

  60. Quote:
    "Michael Lerner returned to Berkeley after his conviction had been overturned, and he completed a Ph.D. at Berkeley in 1972. His son Akiba was born to him and his partner Theirrie Cook in October, 1971. He then accepted a position as assistant professor of philosophy at Trinity College in Hartford, where he taught ethics, political and social philosophy, philosophy of literature, philosophy of social science, Marx and Critical Theory (primarily the Frankfurt School), and a course in Jewish ethics.

    Although he was voted the most popular professor at Trinity, he began to doubt that teaching philosophy was the most effective way he could be involved in healing society, so he left Trinity and returned to graduate school at the Wright Institute of Psychology (founded by Neville Sanford, a collaborator with Adorno and Horkheimer’s study of The Authoritarian Personality).

    While doing work as a graduate student, he was simultaneously hired by the University of California to teach in an experimental undergraduate program. After two years doing that, he took a one-year visiting position on the Sociology faculty at Sonoma State College. Meanwhile, in 1976 he created an East Bay chavurah (small Jewish prayer group) and restarted his studies for the rabbinate, this time under the direction of a Hasidic rebbe, Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, who had been introduced to him by Heschel. For the next nineteen years he pursued a course of study that intensified his knowledge of Jewish texts and Jewish mysticism, until he received rabbinic ordination in 1995 from a Beyt Din (a religious court) of 3 rabbis (each of whom had received orthodox rabbinic ordination, called smicha).

    Or click here: LERNER

  61. Regarding smicha, this from wikipedia:
    "Although presently most functioning synagogue rabbis hold semikhah by some rabbinical institution or academy, this was until quite recently not always required, and in fact many Haredi rabbis may not be required to hold a "formal" semikhah even though they may occupy important rabbinical and leadership positions.

    Classical semikhah refers to a specific type of ordination that according to traditional Jewish teaching, traces a line of authority back to Moses and the seventy elders. This line of succession seems to have died out in the fourth or fifth century CE (See "The Unbroken Chain of Torah" below).

    The ancient formula for Semikhah was ‘Yoreh Yoreh. Yaddin Yaddin’ (‘May he decide? He may decide! May he judge? He may judge!’); and in the early days of rabbinical Judaism any ordained teacher could ordain his students.

    Classical semikhah was granted by a court of three judges (Mishnah Sanhedrin 2a), and it later required the participation of at least one who had attained this status, himself. According to Rambam (hil. Sanherin 4:3) the other two did need not be semukhim.

  62. And further:
    "Many Hasidic rebbes and Rosh yeshivas of major Orthodox yeshivas are not required to "prove" to their flocks that they do or do not hold formal semikhah because their reputations as Torah-scholars and sages is unquestioned and esteemed based on the recommendations of trusted sages, and the experiences and interactions that many knowledgeable Torah-observant Jews have with them, which thus gives practical testimony based on experience that these great rabbis are indeed worthy to be called as such. For example, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan, (Chafetz Chayim), ... etc.

    Just as a debate exists about who is a Jew, there is little consensus as to who is a rabbi. The Reform movement in a Responsa states that for their Temples, pulpit rabbis need to attend and complete their academic program at the Reform movement's Rabbinic schools. But they further state that this does not negate other sects of Judaism from accepting the time-honored semikhah of one-on-one.

    Can you read? Then please do so. Before you open your mouth and say something stupid.

  63. John Yoo isn't a mere creep, he justifies torture. Hanging out on his driveway is not stalking, and even if it was for a delicate flower like yourself, it's justified.

    Personal justice and retribution? From someone acting outside the law? The very epitome of lynchmobism. This is NOT how American society functions, nor does American law allow this kind of behaviour.

    It is illegal, and by the standards of the civilized world, immoral.

    Attempting to justify such acts puts you on the side of Hamas, Al Aqsa, Hezbollah, and every racist redneck from the South. Every Arab mob that ripped a Jew to pieces finds their actions justified by your argument in favor of stalking John Yoo.
    You, sir, are scum. Utter scum.

  64. And you made me late for class!
    You unmitigated piece of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  65. Point three: There are laws against targeting individuals at their residences.

    Point three: If John Yoo committed a crime, he can be arrested. Rendering a legal opinion, no matter how repulsive ...

    Errrrm, Steffy? That's TWO point threes.

    But, to elaborate on your second point three, rendering legal opinions does not make one guilty of the crime - if it did, every defense attorney in the world would be thrown in jail along with the criminal whose case they argued. And even the president of the United States is allowed to seek legal opinions - heck, it is essential that the president do so.

  66. And you made me late for class!
    You unmitigated piece of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That, almost certainly, is even worse than defending 'lynchmobism'.

    Definitely evidence of a moral failing by 'Anonymous'.
