Sunday, October 25, 2009

More photos from Gaza-the world's Largest Open Air Concentration Camp

Twenty Palestinian men competed in a bodybuilding contest in Gaza City Oct. 23, 2009 with over 500 people attending the event. The Arabic on the poster reads 'Under the supervision of the Palestine University - The Gaza Strip Bodybuilding Hero Contest'

Once again, I can only look at this in horror. The sunken eyes, the swollen bellies, the look of despair. It reminds me of nothing less than the Warsaw Ghetto


  1. I thought Gaza was going all frum under Hamas. Those guys need to put some clothes on.

  2. Very immodest! I can almost see their dangly bits! Bet there were no chicks in the audience.

  3. Aaaack!!! Nekkid men! The untzenuadikkeit is burning meine eyeballs!


    Mmmm, taught and lithe.....

    I mean, aaaack!

  4. If there were chicks in the audience, they were modestly veiled.
