Monday, September 21, 2009


I am in receipt of a nasty e-mail from the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network regarding a recently planned action near the MacArthur BART station.

[The dubiously-Jewish members of IJAN among other things want Israel wiped off the map; hence their standing in proud solidarity with Bay Area Arab jugend screaming "Falastin baladna wa'l Yahud kalabna" ('Palestine is OUR land and the JEWS are our dogs!'), "bah ruh ba dam, nafdeek ya Falastin" ('with our souls with our blood we will redeem you oh Palestine'), "khaibar khaibar ya Yahud, jaish-e Muhammad saya'ud" ('Khaybar Khaybar oh Jews, the army of Muhammad will return'), and other slogans of a peaceloving tolerant nature.]

I have taken the liberty of 'improving' their e-mail, and have (temporarily) removed contact names and phone-numbers.


Hello IJAN participants and friends (howdy dumb suckers),

Join us in (
dis)honoring the spirit of the Jewish high holidays by taking action in support of the Palestinian call for BDS (bondage, domination, and sadism? What?).

For those of you who do not honor the high holidays, join us to honor the 9th anniversary of the second intifada (
campaign of depraved violent insanity) and to mark the anniversary of the massacres at Sabra and Shatilla (committed by Lebanese Christians taking revenge for the assassination of their leader, killed by Yasser Arafat's murderous thugs hiding in the camps of Beirut, plus several other atrocities over the years by the same perps - but that is neither here nor there).

WHEN: Sunday, September 27th at 10:30am
WHERE: Mac Arthur BART
WHAT: We will be taking direct action without any intention of arrest (
we'll scream about police brutality and the 'violence inherent in the system' if any of the pigs even look at us!) in support of BDS a la French video (Jerry Lewis, or somebody who looks like him).

If you have questions, please call [xxxxxxxxxxxx at xxx-xxx-xxxxxor xxxxxxxxxxxxx at xxx-xxx-xxxx] .

Hope you can join us. We are hoping to have a minimum of 20 but our goal is to get 50 of us participating in this action.

Love and blessings,

Booface, Miss Squidgy Bit, and Infected Hickey

[Plus Rob, who goes by several names (usually Ralphy), depending on whether he's justifying calls to murder Jews, screaming passionately at a Richard Becker love-fest, or palling around with supporters of Hamas - he's a very complex man-thing.]

EDITORIAL COMMENT: Apparently friend and co-conspirator Dusty may have seen the same e-mail - while I was happily mangling the turgid prose, he was mentioning the planned action in the post immediately below. Great minds do think alike.


Additionally, I need to remind you that the Bay Area Women in Black (BAWIB) will have their annual exorcism of Jewishness AND Druidic Circle-Chant (which for some inexplicable reason they have dubbed 'tashlich') this coming Saturday, Sept. 26, at 11 am at the Lake Merritt pergola/colonnade.
Please plan to dress uniformly in black and 'be thinking' about any barriers to your commitment to mental-vacuity, senseless hate, and general dementia, that you would symbolically cast away as part of the ceremony.

Following the ceremony, proceed with them to the area in front of the Grand Lake Theater, where they will dourly hold their usual 12-1 pm inexpressive trance-dance.
Ridiculous signs will be provided - don't even THINK of expressing yourself or emoting outside the box! Respect the loving-hate within the box. Boxes are comforting, drab black shmattot are comforting, the familiar mediaeval tropes are comforting, intellectual paralysis is comforting - that is an order!
Please dress in identical black shirts, as if a member of a discredited political organization - die Falandjen, Fashiesten, Natziyunal Sutzialisten, oder Rote Garde, es is mir gonz scheiss-egal.

Rob, who goes by a multitude of names (but usually Ralphy), especially when others question him about his deliquescent fondness for Jew-hating high-schoolers in front of the consulate, or his almost orgiastic enthusiasm at street-entertainments organized by Richard 'free-love' Becker, or his passionate embrace of the ideals of the Bay Area Hamas Fan Club, will also be there.
Please say 'hi' - he's a very lonely man-thing.


ADDENDUM: Bay Area IJAN will be holding their ritual casting off of all connections to the Jewish People (also called 'tashlich' - what IS it with these people?) AND a potluck dinner this coming Friday, September 25th.
If you want to break pork or tofu with these people, who's to stop you? Go ahead, it's your life. I'll just sit here quietly, fondly thinking of you. But don't mind me. Why don't you ever call?

Ron ('Ralphy') will probably also be there. He's quite the social butterfly.



  1. Oh- you must mean "Odd Job Rob" Kanter of Emeryville! The guy with the beady little eyes!

    Yeah, he seems like a Ralphie, doesn't he?

  2. EDITORIAL COMMENT: Apparently friend and co-conspirator Dusty may have seen the same e-mail - while I was happily mangling the turgid prose, he was mentioning the planned action in the post immediately below. Great minds do think alike.

    Which leads me to wonder: How many people on the IJAN list are actually anti- Zionist and how many just use their emails as a source of puerile entertainment?

  3. How many people on the IJAN list are actually anti- Zionist and how many just use their emails as a source of puerile entertainment?

    My guess would be that most recipients have a fit of the giggles everytime they see one of those things.

    I know I do. But then I also like watching kiddie temper tantrums.
    I'm a bit sick that way.

    How about you?

  4. Oh- you must mean "Odd Job Rob" Kanter of Emeryville! The guy with the beady little eyes!

    Little beady eyes, yes, but oh that gewaldige beard! Ooooooh, divine! I just want to run my small feminine fingers through it, tousling and de-shrotzing it until he squeams! Just skveeeeeems!!!

    But I don't think he plays for the right team, alas.
    I shall go weep into my vodka now.

  5. "But I don't think he plays for the right team, alas."

    I think he'll play on whatever team will have him. But I'd guess he'll always be the last one chosen.

  6. Wednesday, September 23, 2009
    Shocking video: the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival - Exposed
    This two-part short film about the 2009 SF Jewish Film Festival speaks more eloquently than a 100 blog posts about what is wrong with the Film Festival and how important it is that organized Jewish community act to ensure that something like this never happens again under Federation auspices.

    ...perhaps the most obscene is the treatment of the sole pro-Israel questioner, who was jeered, manhandled and bullied as he tried to, as some are fond of saying, speak truth to power.
